On Enki and Crop Circles

On June 30, 2023 Elena did a spontaneous video (1) on rumors about Enki moving around making crop circles. At this stage I am not absolutely sure what the source is behind these rumors, but I would like to share Elena’s message with you, and add a few thoughts. I can tell you in advance that Elena had to laugh whole-heartedly when she thought of that idea that Enki would be making crop circles 🙂

Before we get to Elena, let’s first take a look at the most likely candidate for the confusion, a video that appeared online on June 28, 2023 (3). Here’s a relevant excerpt from that video:

Excerpt from a video which suggests that a crop circle
that depicted Ea/Enki was made by Enki himself (3)

I actually used a relatively (not very) funny meme on this particular crop circle in that article on Crop Circles and Binary Messages (4). That article also goes deeper into other crop circle messages that were also mentioned in Elena’s third disclosure book (5). I used a link to one of the icons of Crop Circle Research, Michael Lee Hill, who also discussed the Ea Enki crop circle and concluded that it must have been made by Enki himself (6).

Ea Enki (3)

Why would anyone think that this crop circle would be made by Ea/Enki? As you can see in the above photograph (scroll a bit in the video) the seven pointed star was accompanied by seven times a combination of 8 dots. Some of these dots were light, and others were dark.

As we have seen in the other messages (3), these combinations could be regarded as binary codes, together forming a (computer) byte. It just so happens that we we created, in the 1960s (7) a system called ASCII that links characters (amongst them letters and numbers) to these binary combinations of 8 bits.

Some bright mind must have recognized these seven bytes and translated them into ASCII. This led to the forming of two words, separated by a space, forming the names Ea and Enki (even with the capitals right, since capitals have other numbers than their corresponding lower case letters).

People also recognized the seven pointed star from one of the Sumerian artefacts that also depicted Enki (see upper left corner). It was clear that there was a link with Enki/Ea, and it is quite understandable that some people thought it must have been Enki himself who would have been behind this creation.

Some ten years after the Poirino crop circle Enki arrived to the shores of our solar system, and contact was established between him and our own Emissary of the Galactic Federation of World, Elena Danaan, and they have remained in regular contact ever since.

Quite a few articles have appeared on this site about Enki and his slightly awkward family members (8). If there is anyone on our planet today who can say whether Enki was responsible for that crop circle, it must be Elena Danaan. And she was very clear about it: Enki was not behind any crop circle at all. In her video she mentions more likely candidates behind most of the non-human made crop circles (1). She even went so far as to call this a psy-op (10).

So if Enki is not behind that crop circle, who is? Would it be the creatures or humanoids from Inner Earth that Elena talks about from another density? Would it have been made by surface humans who were having some fun? And what could be the reason or giving us a crop circle on EA/Enki? Why would anyone would want us to think about Enki back in 2011? Please share your thoughts in the comments below or in the Study Group (9). See the Contact page to see ways to subscribe to this website.

(2) Pinterest
(3) Crop Circle Appeared With a Complex Message from Enki
(4) Crop Circles and Binary Messages
(5) Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders
(6) Crop Circle Decoded, Energy & 432 Hz Proven Through Cymatics – Messages from EA-Enki of the Anunnaki
(8) I did a recent article on Enki lately. See Analysis of Enki’s Account on Our History – Some Oddities
(9) The Elena Danaan Study Group
(10) I personally doubt if there is a psy-op going on here. Like I said above it is quite logical to presume that a crop circle that has got Enki written all over it, could have been made by the one that features in that crop circle, if you are open to the possibility that crop circles can be made by extra-terrestrials. How could they known differently? There aren’t a lot of people who are in contact with Enki, and he wasn’t even around in 2011.

5 thoughts on “On Enki and Crop Circles

  1. I would not be concerned even if my father EA did make the crop circles. Go ahead and make one. But it has been revealed he never has. She mentioned that the crop circles emanate from the inner earth people. The misconception of Enki crop circles is not a dangerous psyop. We have to be very careful how we deliver corrections towards other people regarding any misconceptions. Those people were safely within a belief structure that was causing zero harm, and was most likely bringing them a certain level of comfort even if it was not entirely factual. For the many people who thought EA made the crop circles, and rejoiced with this understanding, and credited father Ea as the maker, do you feel that your trivial misunderstanding was treated to the extreme given the realization/caution that the true definition of psyop appears rather harsh or deals with a serious matter, that would not seem entirely applicable towards any of you? The truth is, that yes governmental powers can extend towards the deep state/cabal granting them the opportunity for such an attack. But does the attack truly emanate from other people of our ufo community? Does a dangerous psyop emanate from other people within the ufo/disclosure/rediscovery effort? No it does not! My advice for people is to make sure you deal only with the facts in life and that is not to discredit most of Elena Danaan’s information, considering she did speak with EA who would know about many of our misconceptions. So perhaps she is correct about the misleading disinformation? But I do know that pysop is not the correct word/understanding to use.


    It is interesting to me that so many of us can focus on trivial things, while we have a civilization to save from tyranny. I wish people would help towards solutions, and save rediscovery for a later time. Perhaps you believe that rediscovery will save this world? What rediscovery? Only the rediscovery of your own individuality/character/interests/souls/fractals/ will save this civilization.

    Only the rediscovery of our own individual selves.

    Because civilization is the same as individuality. Buildings are just buildings, it is the people who make the civilization. By understanding yourselves, civilization is built, and we all follow our interests.

    Be yourself, and trust only in yourselves.

    Not every misconception comes from those who would intentionally cause harm through coordinated efforts involving governmental powers and from the powers that be (TPTB) . I also cannot find the source of these rumours at all. We have to make sure there is evidence behind every claim, and of course certainty that something is a psyop considering you now know where a psyop originates.

    Not from a group of benevolent Star Trek fans, that thought maybe Enki made crop circles.


  2. That picture you shared does not show Enki on the left below the star. It shows him in the center holding his newborn baby son Adapa. He is surrounded by flowing water and fish. Whenever you see the bearded giants/Annunaki on drawings, that was their avatar bodies used during the stay here on earth. Enki was the king of Atlantis and he very much looked like king Neptune with the beard and all.

    Not possible for a dangerous psyop to originate from a group of people who harmlessly thought that Enki was making crop circles. What if you were in that group? Diligently trying to do your research, comforted by the possibly that maybe Ea did make the circles.

    What if he didn’t make the crop circles, but the inner earth is still referencing him? They are merely pointing out his existence as father of humanity. Bingo! 10 percent of crop circles are made from the inner earth that knows about Enki (the binary codes do match) while the majority of humanity still does not anything about Enki. Makes sense? We would not have knowledge to make Enki inspired crop circles. Guaranteed if you walk up to a group of random strangers/normies they will not know who your talking about. Infact the more that I think about it! Humanity at large still does not know who their father EA is! When he said that our people would probably throw stones at him, or disrespect his reappearance here on this earth, such his understanding is largely false, considering the potential for his anonymous visits,

    He would alway’s bring abundance to a civilization/empowering of individuality just by merely been here.

    The presence of my benevolent Annunaki family would be beneficial? They are alot more powerful than the remaining Sol Terran betrayers/Cabal are. Why can’t we find some extremely clever method of globalist/elite removal?

    Bothers me that people just can’t get information correct. Stay away from the opiniated. Find the centralization of truth. People devolope intuitive understanding and discernment when growing the spirit. Most of you are not learning correctly.

    No this world is not yet safe. Truthfully we are living in a very deceptive dangerous world still. There is no cage open for anyone to suddenly think your living in a peaceful paradise with no worries about the shadow government anymore.

    Do not be decieved. Externally the regressives have been removed. Not internally! No not at all. Almost everyone needs to sort out their own inner demons still.

    No it will never be safe for 7 sleeping giants to awaken unless we Sol Terrans learn how to defeat the tyranny. Understandably we as citizens have certain limitations. So come on Earth Alliance? What are you waiting for?

    They need for Atlantis to return.

    Truthful information falls on deaf ears, than this civilization is in bigger trouble.

    I have just completely had it with the tyranny on this planet.

    When you fight against tyranny with misconceptions/opinions/half arsed attempts to deliver factual information to people, we are facing our adversary with plastic spoons!

    Fighting with only the truth, exposing the evil, can beat them with a mighty broadsword!

    Our word is Anu!

    I am also the baby boy that Ea is holding in that picture.



    Agree or disagree? I do not care. My children have a job to do. Find way’s to enrich this civilization, trust in your individuality, expose the tyranny, help with the earth alliance? Come together now and avoid division. I am not happy about the poisonated/depop shot/filled with thousands of hydra creatures people. How dare they give allegiance/loyalty towards the adversary.

    Stop beating around the bushes with your opinions. Relax in the hot springs of truthful centralization.



  3. She removed the video! great job big daddy AAA. Do not let anybody get away with that sort of stuff. The UFO/rediscovery effort at large is not correct at all times, but we didnt’t deserve to be called a psyop. Those crop circles were found around italy here is great video where it all started. Looks like inner earth people made them but why would he (Enki) be opposed to that level of positivity anyway?

    Love your website 🙂


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