Video Analysis

This page was created to provide a place where I could add comments to certain interesting videos/interviews without the need to make new articles on every item. It is intended to provide clarification on certain issues. Often Elena Danaan doesn’t have the time to go into all the details in every interview, which might lead to some confusion. I also provide links to all kinds of articles on this website for those who are interested to get to know more about all this fascinating area of Disclosure. Sometimes there is some some additional information on certain themes.

It can also be useful if you don’t have time to watch a certain video completely. The comments are not as detailed as in normal articles. It also functions as a kind of notebook.

EP 244 – Megan Rose: The Galactic Federation – Spiritual Evolution and Ascension
It used to be like swearing in a church, but due to all kinds of developments (1) I decided to see what Megan Rose has been up to the last 15 months. I have obediently followed Elena Danaan’s advice to ignore Megan Rose due to very reasonable arguments, but I would like to see for myself what all this alleged misinformation by Megan Rose is all about. I picked a Q&A from March 23, 2023.

The main bone of contention between Elena Danaan and Megan Rose is their position on a member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, called Val Nek. According to Elena he was released from duty in this sector of the Galaxy after Megan got compromised and is no longer in contact with Megan. According to Megan she still is in contact with the real Val Nek. Since I have been ‘trained’ to distrust the Val Nek of Megan Rose, the last 15 months, I want to introduce the name ‘Val Nec’ (with a ‘C’ at the end) to neutrally refer to Megan Rose’s contact. I will leave aside whether this is the real Val Nek or not, but I want to use Val Nec to designate this contact of Megan.

Val Nec = the person that Megan Rose calls Val Nek. It might be the real Val Nek, it might not be him. By using Val Nec I leave this issue open, and I avoid choosing sides. My aim is to study Megan Rose’s messages with an open mind, without prejudice.

On April 2023 Megan Rose did an interview with Tyler Kiwala and Aaron Kuhn in their ‘Journey to Truth’-show (12). Below are a number of topics that were discussed which I thought to me interesting.

When asked what a pilot’s seat looks like in a spaceship, Megan Rose answered that through a certain technology the seat somehow ‘molds’ around your body. This makes driver’s belts redundant. It would feel as if you’re not even sitting.

Megan Rose talks about the pilot’s seat in Val Nec’s spaceship (12)

Megan elaborates on what she calls timeline technology. She jokingly says that we sometimes tend to use the word ‘quantum’ for anything that is advanced and we don’t understand. The extraterrestrials would use certain mathematical equations (13) to determine what the future will be like

Megan Rose talks about timeline technology, quantum and ET-math Equations (12)


Megan Rose talks about the ‘Letter 17’-movement in connection with Elon Musk and Donald Trump

Typical Skeptic Podcast by Robert Kalil – Interview with Elena Danaan – February 21, 2023 – New Intel, Bluebeam, UFO “Shootdowns”, White Hats, GF Disclosure – Elena Danaan & TSP (2)

Related articles: 3-5

A. The Different (genetic) Kinds of Anunnaki
The Anunnaki really are a complicated bunch. Not only are there disputes amongst themselves, with the most relevant for us being that between the Enlil and the Enki branch, but obviously there also are all kinds of Anunnaki as far as their genetics go. Elena Danaan is quite clear on this in this video. Also read (5). Here’s a piece where she elaborates on this. One might wonder which kind of Anunnaki held (or holds) which part of our Milky Way? When was their rule? How did they interact with beings from other worlds, like the Zenae (8) of the Ohorai (9)?

Elena Danaan talks about the different kinds of Anunnaki (2)

B. Chris O’Connor Representing the United Nations
In the video Elena also talks about the United Nations, but in a way that could use some clarification. When you watch the final part of this excerpt below she says: “his [Chris O’Connor’s] job is diplomat is enrolled/recruited in the space program of the United Nations so working for Earth is a United Nation diplomat, so he is involved into representing the United Nations in front of extraterrestrials. That’s his task so and he was part and of the mimas agreements.” 

This issue was one of the reasons why I doubted Chris O’Connor’s testimony at first, because there is no mention anywhere about any secret space program run by the United Nations. In his latest interview with Elena Danaan (6) this was cleared luckily. There is NO connection whatsoever with the United Nations organization based in New York on our planet. The use of the term ‘United Nations’ is ambiguous. (7)

Elena Danaan talks about Chris O’Connor and his role in representing the ‘United Nations’ (2)

In the interview with Robert Elena explains that what we called ‘sleeping’ giants are not really sleeping giants in the sense that they are sleeping like we are during the night. It’s not a kind of hibernation either. It’s more like a ‘suit’ or an ‘avatar’ that is being kept safely somewhere, and sometimes for tens of thousands of years, in order for it to be used by the soul that left it behind. These giants would ‘awake’ in this sense when the soul returns to its avatar. You could compare it with the way Chris O’Connor would have an avatar body on Mimas (one of Saturn’s moons) that he only uses when there is something useful to be done, like participating in the Meeting related to the Mimas Agreements (6). Also see (10).

Some people seem to still be experiencing abductions by Grays, even though they were expelled from this solar system and even the Hive Queen is nearly dead (11). Elena offers and interesting perspective, namely that since these Grays are masters in time manipulation, they could as easily have abducted people when they were in the 1940s by time jumping into the 2020s. Listen her explain this below:

Elena Danaan talks about possible abductions from the past in the present (2)

Here was something else that was new for me. Elena said that the Deep State would no longer be able to withhold all those patents of advanced technology that will benefit humanity. You can hear her say it below:

On Patents that will be released (2)

(1) Megan Rose’s first Abduction by the Maytra at Age 5
(2) New Intel, Bluebeam, UFO “Shootdowns”, White Hats, GF Disclosure – Elena Danaan & TSP
(3) More Corroboration on the Meeting between Thor Han and the Earth Alliance on January 7, 2023 (Robert Kalil talks about his interview with Mary Joyce in the above video)
(4) John Petersen on the Removal of Malevolent Extraterrestrials on Earth
(5) The Aker and the Anunnaki
(6) 8th Density United Nations Space Station Mimas
(7) Questions
(8) The Zenae from the Andromeda Constellation
(9) Ohorai, Glaideal, Noo-Linn from Arcturus
(10) The Sleeping Bearded Giant – Ningishzida?
(11) And the Lights went out for the Nebu
(12) EP 244 – Megan Rose: The Galactic Federation – Spiritual Evolution and Ascension
(13) When I hear the term ‘Mathematical Equations’ I can’t help but think about Dave Rossi: An Extraordinary Experience by Dave Rossi