2030 as a Sort of Deadline – Alex Collier

In an interview with Sarge and Karen from July 18, 2023, Alex talked about a deadline of a sort that would be situated in the spring of 2030. He wasn’t really told any specifics, but it would obviously be something that could not be missed, and apparently this would have freaked out the global cabal, and it stimulated the other party to try and ‘wake up’ as many people as possible. Listen to his words himself (about one minute):

Alex on some Galactic Event that would happen in 2030 (1)

He talks about some ‘galactic event’. I prefer not to speculate on what this ‘event’ could be, and if it will happen at all. These kind of ‘predictions’ tend to create all kinds of often unwanted dynamics. I just wanted to share Alex’ perspective on this. He later on compares it to a ‘divine reset‘.

It did remind me of that plasma bubble that would still encapsulate our complete solar system. This would have been placed by the Galactic Federation of Worlds to protect us from the fifth density frequencies. Just to buy us some more time (2).

Looking through looking glasses (4)

Join the Alex Collier Study Group (3) if you want to reflect a bit more on all this.

(1) AN ALL WORLD CONVERSATION WITH “ALEX COLLIER” AND DR. K (VERY SPECIAL) – Sarge has got his own telegram group which you can join at https://t.me/icons2022
(2) Our Solar System in a Protective Plasma Bubble
(3) Alex Collier Study Group
(4) Through the Looking Glass (Youtube)

2 thoughts on “2030 as a Sort of Deadline – Alex Collier

  1. Even AOC said that the world was going to end in 2030. Not that anybody gives a crap what she says or thinks, but I thought it was rather bizarre that she put an actual year on it. These douchbags know something is coming….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cause: Micro Nova? See Ben Davidson’s work at Suspicious 0bservers.
    Effect: No More Secrets? See Dr. Michael Persinger’s talk at Laurentian University.
    Outcome: Purification? See the last prophecy of Peter Deunov.


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