Two or three Lion-like Species from the Stars: The Laan, The Paschats and yet Another?

During a fascinating interview that Dr. Michael Salla had with Elena Danaan and Jean-Charles Moyen on April 29, 2022, Elena described what she had experienced in 1991, 2020 and 2022 below the Sphinx (1). You can read more about the Sphinx and their discoveries at (2). Elena said that both in 2020 and 2022 she met a feline being with a lion-head that was functioning as a kind of guard below the Sphinx. During both visits she was able to telepathically talk to him. This article describes two or three categories of feline-like creatures.

(illustration by Elena Danaan, 3, p.184)

In Elena Danaan’s book ‘A Gift of the Stars‘ (3) only one feline-like species is mentioned, namely the Laan (4,5). They were originally from the first planet orbiting the star ‘Man’ that is part of the K62-star system in the constellation of Lyra. After the Lyran wars they had to flee and they are said to have spread widely throughout the galaxy. They have been active in early experiments on Earth: “Laan discovered Terra about a million years ago and settled a colony there, starting genetic experiments on the indigenous hominids. Shortly after, the Ciakahrr empire arrived at their turn and the two factions fought in a series of historical conflicts, called the Terran Wars” (3, p.185)

Although they look feline they are not feline. Elena Danaan describes them as “Tall humanoids with beautiful feline face features for the upper part of their head, from their flat nose with noticeable nostrils, to their very long heavy red or golden hair, although their mouth is humanoid-like as are the rest of their bodies. Their ears are small and rounded, and they have a tail.” (3, p.185)

To learn more about the Laan(i) in another video, see (11)

So, when Elena Danaan met this feline guard below the Sphinx back in 2020 it was logical for her to ask if he was part of the Laan. The guard said that he was not a Laan, but from a different species.

The Lion Peope (6)

If if weren’t the Laan that were guarding the area below the Sphinx, then perhaps it were the Paschats as they are described in a book from 1988 by Murry Hope (6) and recently by Lauri Fransen in 2016 (7). They seem to be very likely candidates, since they appear to be the famous Egyptian gods like Sekhmet and perhaps even the cat-like Bastet.

Let’s hear how they describe themselves for Hope’s book. They say that they are beings from the future, but they also describe how they came to be: “Our race evolved from a specific cosmic impulse which produces a particular evolutionary strain or genotype….appearing as a cross between your domestic cat and the lion family, but our features are more refined.

Our jaws are less elongated and our ears less rounded than your lions. We stand erect on two legs as tall or taller than yourselves….The males of our species are maned, but not our females. Our paws have also evolved to a more useful shape over long periods of time….[and] yes, we we do have tails.

Het Huis van Isis (7)

But where do they come from? From this other galaxy that Elena Danaan was told by that feline guard? Both Murry Hope and Lauri Fransen say something else: they come from a star that is quite close to ours. Join me in a vision that Lauri Fransen had, all the way back in 1992: “I see myself in an Egyptian temple…through these doors two grand beings move towards me. They are clothed in magnificent robes…to my surprise they have lion heads and lion manes

During her meditation she describes how she was transported to what looked like a spaceship. She was invited by the Paschats to look through a kind of window through which she could see planet Earth. And they say telepathically: “We are from Sirius, we are your ancestors” (7, p.50)

A month later Lauri Fransen has another contact with these two feline beings. She writes: “They say that they are from the future and that time doesn’t exist in their spheres like it does with us. They can oversee the past, the present and the future in one glance. They also say that now they are from Sirius, but in their history they have played parts in other star systems. They say that they once lived on a planet that they ruined themselves through their behavior which led them to move to the star system of Sirius” (7, pp 55-56)

Statue of Sekhmet at the Louvre in Paris (8)

This leads us to the final question: who did Elena Danaan encounter below the Sphinx? It weren’t the Laan, and since they said that they were from another galaxy it doesn’t seem likely that they are the Paschats (a name coined by Murry by the way as a mix from the French Chats (=cats) and Pasht is Egyptian derived from the cat-like goddess Bastet) since they are from Sirius. But…the deeply rooted presence of lionlike goddesses and gods in Egypt (and in other countries in Africa) would make it likely that these really are the ones that Elena Danaan saw, and Lauri Fransen was told that they originally came from another star before they moved to Sirius.

But perhaps there is yet another third feline-like species that we haven’t heard of, stemming from another galaxy all together? Elena, who has worked as an archeologist in Egypt, must have recognized the Sekhmet like features of this feline guardian? Would she know the book by Hope? Would she have heard of Lauri Fransen’s work with these beings and Isis?

From the Voyagers-material we can read about the Anunnaki group that would have once been part of the Sirian Council who would have revered the Leonines, who would have been instrumental in their culture. Read more about in End Note 40.

In an interview with Patricia Cori that was posted on June 9, 2022, we can hear Patricia say that she thinks that the feline beings that were connected to Egypt were from a planet that used to orbit Sirius A (but not any longer)(9)

In Elena Danaan’s book ‘The Seeders‘ she mentions another feline-humanoid group that is part of the Intergalactic Confederation. A species called Elyan Sukhami are from a completely different galaxy, which hasn’t even been discovered, which is behind the Southern Cross constellation. These beings would be the root race for the Laan, and they would be present on Earth in regions in North-Africa, Asia, East-Russia and Inner Earth (10).

(1) Space Arks & Halls of Records in Antarctica, Giza, Tibet & Bahamas – Starts off at the point that Elena Danaan describes her visit to the Sphinx in 2020.
(2) The Sphinx: Eggs, Nazi-Excavations, Spaceships, a Feline Guardian and a Tunnel to Romania
(3) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars. Amazon Press.
(4) LAAN-From Lyra to the Galaxy (August 10, 2021)
(5) Aliens Who Visited Earth: LAAN
(6) Hope, M. (1988) The Lion People: Intercosmic Messages from the Future. Thoth Publications
(7) Fransen, L. (2016) Het Huis van Isis: een Liefdesgeschiedenis. Trophonios Publishing. (Dutch, translations by me)
(9) The Sirian Revelations: An Interview with Patricia Cori – See at the 8′-point
(10) Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders. See page 110-111.
(11) Lyrans / Laan Cat Like Extraterrestrials. Who Are They? Galactic History About Cat Humanoids