Would Every ET-species have its own Take on Our History?

Telling Stories by the bonfire (6)

Once there was a time when I thought that the advanced beings, either physical or non-physical, from higher densities had access to the ultimate knowledge. As if they held the keys to what really happened in our past. During the last couple of years I have begun to doubt this concept. It now seems more likely that even those from the stars don’t always tell us the truth. It is unclear whether they do it out of bad faith, or because they really think they are speaking in all sincerity.

I guess we all should be very careful in embracing historical accounts by ET-species as the final say on our history. Just like on our planet, it might seem that history is written by the victors. I would suggest to appreciate and study the various historical accounts of our past, but use caution and not become gullible believers, just because the source of those accounts is galactic and inspires awe. Just like our history books are filled with descriptions of wars, it seems that the history books of the galaxies also contain a lot of wars and drama, which can be viewed from different perspectives.

Penny Bradley, who says to have served on Mars missions, expressed this phenomenon in the following excerpt (1):

Penny Bradley talks about hearing various different accounts
of our history from different extraterrestrial species (1)

She says: “There were competing stories from the ET’s about what happened. Every ET-race out there has its own story to tell and they are the heroes of it. It’s like listening to Vikings. Each tell their story and it’s different from everybody….I have heard the history of our Milky Way Galaxy from four different races. The only point they have in common is that Earth humans as we are now, were created from Homo Erectus, by the addition of ET-DNA. That’s it. That’s the only point that they have in common.” (1)

When reading an account of our history we should always be asking ourselves: who is telling this story and what would they have to gain by telling it the way they do? I do still have the hope that there are certain representatives of certain species, especially those from higher densities, that can be considered telling accounts that are closer to the truth than others. I also hope that we, ourselves, will eventually be able to find ways to access our history through our own connection to those files.

Express your thoughts on this below in the comments, or in one of the study groups (3,4) or subscribe to my Telegram channel (5)

(1) edited PENNY BRADLEY interview 5 THE ARES PRIMA MARS COLONY – I introduced Penny Bradley a few articles ago in (2)
(2) Galactic Ultra-Sonic Showers
(3) The Elena Danaan Study Group
(4) The Alex Collier and Andromedans Study Group – In June 2023 Alex himself joined the group and expressed his willingness to contribute
(5) Galactic Anthropology on Telegram
(6) Young People Dance and Sing on the Beach

9 thoughts on “Would Every ET-species have its own Take on Our History?

  1. Acho bastante pertinente o tema colocado, na maioria das vezes damos créditos altos pelas diferentes informação que chega através de diferentes maneiras sejam canalizações ou mensagens recebidas através de paranormal. Filtra essas informações e saber colocar através da Luz do Pai seria uma maneira mais segura de não se expor a caminhos errados.

    I think the topic raised is quite relevant, most of the time we give high credit for the different information that arrives through different ways, whether channeling or messages received through the paranormal. It filters this information and knowing how to put it through the Light of the Father would be a safer way of not exposing yourself to the wrong paths.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The first thing a much higher intelligence would do, is try and find the centralization of truthful/factual information removed from opinionated/perpectives/point of views pertaining to any subject. When you are faced with a variety of opinions/perspectives where are the undeniable facts? Theories are also not yet facts. Therefore if ET races are theorizing, than they are not factual.

    I highly incredibly doubt that a superior intelligence would actaully adhere to a theoretical mentality, given the vast amount of resources and potential to seek out truthful information. Many ET races have looked into our future. They understand earthlings, better than we understand ourselves. The vast array of perpectives/opinions/outlooks/point of views is not helpful for spiritual growth. Only truthfulness can advance the spirit. Penny Bradley is incorrect with her understanding, and I hereby declare this article very false!

    Absolute deception.


  3. Oui c’est évident que si l’on n’arrive pas a savoir en vérité ce qu’il s’est passé pour nous terrien, il est impensable de se dire que l’on peut vraiment savoir ce qu’il en est pour la galaxie. Il y a même peut être une donnée qui complique tout, c’est les différentes lignes temporels avec lequel joue les galactiques. Avec cette perspective tout est faux et vrai . Peut être une fois ce sont telle races qui sont venu en premier ici, une autre ligne ce sont des autres… Cela donne envie de prendre du recul et se concentrer juste sur le présent, et le vivre au plus proche de son coeur.

    —– (in English)

    Yes, it’s obvious that if we can’t really know what happened to us earthlings, it’s unthinkable to think that we can really know what’s going on for us. the Galaxy. There may even be a data that complicates everything, it is the different time lines with which the galactics play. From this perspective everything is false and true. Maybe once it’s such races that came first here, another line is others… It makes you want to step back and just focus on the present, and live it closer to your heart.


  4. If we begin on the lowest, most obvious level, the absolute fraud and insanity that is happening in our faces, we can begin to see that we are being called to Awakening from a lot of the lies that we have lived under for decades if not centuries and most likely millenia. The first step to the Awakening process is what is happening in our earthly faces. I propose that this is only the first of many deceptions that we are being called to Awaken from.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Cosmic Awareness channelled sessions is Very helpful as it purports to be from Universal Creator Mind-Source.Lots of tidbits very relevant in many ways which will not be found elsewhere.Been around for decades!!Even info on Diago Garcia plane crash-disappearance discussed on Exopoliticstoday.L/lResearch is also a decades-long channelled communication site featuring RA Collective and Quo.Also visit Bibliocapades for a treasuretrove of truth and enlightenment.Who has heard of the beings called the Verdants???Who has heard of Rockbooks????Research these sites and rockbooks-which are Assuredly Very Real!! Truth is a many layered onion or prism.Multiverse with endless timelines plus viewpoints equal differences in history as relayed by various entities.


  6. Pingback: Christina von Dreien spricht über Außerirdische, geheime Weltraumprogramme und menschliche Kolonien auf anderen Welten | Galaktische Anthropologie

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