On Light Language

During an older video from 2020, Annax talked about various things (1). One of those was the concept of what we call ‘Light Language‘. This article explains a bit about light language and besides information from Annax it also features an example of light language from Rebecca Rose (2).

I think Vickylynn Chan gives a definition of light language that fits quite well with what Annax and Rebecca Rose are talking about. She writes: “Light language is an intuitive language of the soul. Some people refer to it as the language of spirit, star language or speaking in tongues. It’s how the soul communicates information carried in energy that is coming from higher spiritual realms. It does this by expressing it through the human body in different forms of light language.

An example of written Light Language by Rebecca Rose (4)

Traditional human languages, like English, are linear languages. These are left brain languages that the conscious mind can easily analyze to understand. On the other hand, light language is multidimensional. It’s creative, artistic, emotional and dynamic. This makes it a right brain language and is not something the conscious mind can analyze. Basically, it’s just a different way of communicating and connecting.

Light language contains encoded information. Think of it like an encrypted zip file that carries dense amounts of information. Your soul knows how to unzip it, decode it and use the information.” (3)

In the following excerpt below you can hear Annax talk about the way the Egaroth use light language. He says that the Egaroth have a particular cavity in the back of their throat that allows them to make certain sounds that cannot be reproduced with a human body, since we don’t have that particular cavity. This explains why we can’t actually hear Annax speak in light language. Rebecca Rose in the next excerpt does present us with a nice example of what light language can sound like.

Annax speaks about Light Language

Annax (using Elena’s implant) said that he considered the question on light language a beautiful one. He says that light language could be considered as the language of the heart, “and whatever sound you put on it, it will be your being expressing itself….to put sound to a frequency. Light language is the language of the higher beings on higher densities of this universe.…The way we speak it as Egaroth is by sound modulation. We do this with the back of our throat. We have a little cavity at the back of our throat, at the base of our skull. We can produce these sounds which would be like whistling to you. This is the way we speak light language.

Different species, speaking different languages will express light language in a diverse range of sounds and languages….light language is the expression of the connection and the communication with source, with light…..and whatever the words or the sounds you put on it, it is what is carries that is the light language, not the sounds that you hear.

Annax adds that when you are not in your body (your avatar) there still is light language even though you don’t have a body to produce the sounds.

In a Q&A on a Russian youtube channel in February 2023 (2,5), Rebecca Rose was asked to explain what light language was. I enjoyed watching her response to that question:

Rebecca Rose on Light Language (2)

Rebecca says that light language really is communication from the Quantum Field, it’s from the stars, and in the above excerpt she brings some through. She only started to let these sounds come through some 7 or 8 years ago. “It’s a frequency that bypasses the human conceptual mind. It relates directly with the heart, the higher self, your energetics as a human. It comes through in all of her one-on-one sessions with clients.

She says that it helps her to elevate her field or frequency. She stresses that is really resonates with the heart-region. It is so about the higher field of love, a kind of unity consciousness. It is not a linear language. The host in the video says that the reason that it comes out with sound is that it can impact our body and person and everything, and Rebecca confirms that. Towards the end they reflect upon a possible connection with the phenomenon of speaking in tongues.

Written light language (9)

It is striking to hear the similarities in the way both Annax and Rebecca Rose describe light language. Elena Danaan warns about light-codes that are used to heal others (6). I don’t think she is referring to light language when she uses the word ‘light-codes’. This doesn’t seem to be about ‘light language activation’ either.

So, tell me, what do you think about this concept of light language? Let me hear your thoughts in the comment section below or share your thoughts in the Galactic Anthropology Library (7). You can also follow my work through my telegram channel (8).

(1) One of the subjects he broached was dealt with in this article: Annax: “The Anunnaki were called P’taal”
(2) REBECCA ROSE – ANSWERING THE RUSSIAN SPEAKING AUDIENCE’S QUESTIONS (02.26.2023). For more on Rebecca Rose see (10)
(3) What is Light Language? A Beginner’s Guide
(4) I asked Rebecca if she could track down the source of this. I downloaded it back in february 2023 and I forgot to note down where I got it from.
(5) Astralionica – 4
(6) On her debunk page Elena writes about light-codes and being ‘healed’ by them. I don’t think she is talking about light language here. Here’s the relevant part from her website (accessed July 16, 2023) :

ACTIVATION, LIGHT-CODES & DOWNLOADS: You do not need anyone or any “event” to “activate” you, as it is not how things work. In order to complete the great awakening to who you truly are, you need to undergo the journey by yourself, do the work yourself. Relying on someone else to do it for you is BS. It is the PROCESS that is important. If you don’t undergo the process of your dark night of the soul, grow by healing your wounds, perform the alchaemical transmutation, you will not reach out to a higher level of consciousness. People who offer to do it for you, in exchange for money or/and popularity, to feed their purse or their ego, are bullshitters.

Do NOT let ANYONE manipulate your energy field, chakras etc… They ask for your consent and whatever the level of love & light narrative, do not be fooled. YOU NEED TO DO THE WORK BY YOURSELF ONLY! It is not because it is labelled “Light” that it is wonderful. These are just labels. You can sell poison labeling it “medicine”. A more concerning aspect is that some of these bullshitters want to access your DNA frequency… and are often either Gray Hybrids or either MK Ultra programmings. They want your soul, honey, do not sign your consent! The only way up is within.

Light-Codes are either a New Age fantasy or either programs downloaded for you to install in yourself… just wow, wow nope! All these non-sense are elaborated to stop you to find your own power, to hijack your Awakening and take your sovereignty away. So take it back now! Go within by meditation, introspection, and meet the beautiful being who inhabits this body. By attuning to its frequency, you attune to the whole universe. They just don’t want you to find this out.”
(7) The Galactic Anthropology Library
(8) Main Galactic Anthropology Telegram Channel
(9) http://ratnadewithin.org/what-is-light-language/
(10) You can find more links to articles with info from Rebecca Rose from this page: Could there be Various Perspectives within the Galactic Federation of Worlds?

7 thoughts on “On Light Language

  1. Speaking in tongues is very real. I cannot disagree with what was written here. It is an unpouring from the spirit/heart/unconscious mind whatever and it manifests audibly by way of the only vehicle that we have available in these dense bodies. I have no doubt that the same core language will find a way to manifest itself just fine when no longer confined to these earth suits.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow!!! In this post for the first time ever I have “seen light language written”. I have heard it spoken before but because I didn’t understand it I just ignored it. I have had, for most of my adult life, a visual anomaly in my left eye. Frequently, for no discernable reason, it just shows up and as a psychotherapist if often shows up during sessions with clients. I will get an overlay in my left eye where a visual field will appear as an irregular circle edged in silvery light and inside this circle appears written light language symbols exactly like those presented by Rebecca Rose above. How amazing to know this is a multidimensional right brain language containing encoded information from higher dimensional realms of the Quantum field. And here I was repeatedly going to the eye doc and complaining about it. The eye docs always said it was ” just an atypical migraine” !!!! Amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. David Lotherington who created an online mysteryschool called House or School of El-something like this,channels various beings including Kal El.He posted a video or two wherein he channels a different being-possibly Yahyel who speaks light language and codes.He explains the difference between the 2.He does not try to get money or permission to access your chakras,dna,soul or anything unless one chooses to pay for a session.He offers various services.Seems legit.


  4. I agree with Elena and Annax….Light language is an intuitive, high frequency expression of The Heart…however it may express itself through our anatomy…theopneustic glossolalia, automatic writing, trance chant, toning, dance movement, erotic expression …all of these may actively express our attunement with Prime Creator-Source and Higher self, along with quiet, introspective meditation….these are tantric, shamanic ways of spirituality…very ancient on Terra, and throughout the multiverse…also, artistic expression in music, poetry,painting and all of the fine arts….
    the intention of attunement will open ourselves to multiple expressions….

    Liked by 1 person

  5. And the sooner it all ends, the better. There is considerable power out there in our galaxy, unlimited possibilities, a plethora of strategies that humanity can use against the darkness. Their not that big anymore (TPTB) we need to get rid of them. There has been much external relief. Will the inner earth civilization intervene soon? I do not wish to live as a hermit anymore, weathering out this great storm.

    Who is we? Civilians with limitations. Nothing much beyond peaceful protesting, speaking the truths to others, and helping out in communities (enrichment) raising spiritual vibrancy, but when you really think about it: Who is really going to save our bottoms, and how soon?

    United against the darkness, but citizenry/The Great Awakening doesn’t seem very potent. So, come on white hats? Bring some more fun, do something exciting, bring revelations, give us some medicine? Financial assistance? Have you seen the cost of living?

    What is civilization? Could it be individuality? Can you support the individuals?
    The attack on humanity is largely an attack on individuality. When you lose individuality you lose civilization. Simple?

    Ok, goodbye and good luck. Try the unorthodox, do something weird, bring my good friend GODZILLA out of the sea. I want this world buzzing with energy. The talk of the town. Diversion? Does darkness attack the distracted mind? I often wonder, if humanity wasn’t so focused on what is thrown in our faces, but instead was looking at the big 800ft Godzilla because it just generates that amount of buzz?

    What could be under the pyramid of Giza?

    Did you know that Titanaboa still lives in the Amazon?



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