The Farming of Humans in Underground Tunnels

A Dark Tunnel (4)

This is the second article that explores the dark reality of what humanity has gone through in their contacts with malevolent extraterrestrial species. We have spoken about another awful aspect a few days ago (1).

You can head for that article to find more related links. Although it seems that all these malevolent ET’s have been removed from our solar system by the combined efforts of the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Earth Alliance (2), we mustn’t forget all the horrors that they have committed, often with the assistance of humans who participated for the power and their own share of the ‘fluids’.

In that interview with Dani Henderson in the beginning of August (3), Alex Collier described how, in the depth of the underground caverns, people were farmed as cattle for their bodily fluids and their organs. It’s a sickening account and you might want to think twice if you would actually want to hear the details of these awful practices.

Alex Collier describes the practice of underground ‘farms’ where humans were ‘grown’ (3)

Alex says that you might expect that seeing the carnage of war would have prepared the people on the surface for what has been going on in these underground tunnels. But it didn’t. He goes on to describe the practice of children being grown, some without eyes, some didn’t know how to speak. He even details how they were plugged into devices that harvested their fluids and tortured them at the same time.

These articles are not my favorite kind, but I think it is necessary to shed light on this darkness, too.

(1) On the Consumption of Humans
(2) The Earth Alliance
(3) Alex Collier shares the horror of Reptilians and Grays
(4) Dark tunnel/hallway (Deity Z)

7 thoughts on “The Farming of Humans in Underground Tunnels

    • Yes, it has some similarities. With the big difference being that those Kids underground are not given any Matrix to live or play a matrix life.

      Lucikily all these horrific practices would be over, at least in our solar system.


  1. Alex Collier was only on Rumble (Rumble doesn’t have a video subtitle translator) and I don’t speak English so I don’t know what he was talking about. It’s a pity that Mrs. Dana didn’t translate it, or Elena on her WEB


  2. I always wondered why the Ciakarrh and the other creeps, with their advanced science and technology, never turned to engineering a synthetic adrenochrome hormone. Just like us humans, creeps in our own right, are now trying to grow proteines in tubes so we do not longer have to mistreat cattle to eat our juicy steaks


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