Delays and Opportunities for Growth in Consciousness

Towards the end of the third interview with Thor Han, Dr. Salla asked him what he could say about the war going on in Israel and if he could add something about an apparent (short) delay in the ET-Disclosure (1). Thor Han referred to a comment that was brought forward by a High Commander of the Galactic Federation of World, Jor-El (unrelated to the fictional character of Superman’s father, just happens to be a popular name in our galaxy) that you can find at (2). This article focuses on what I consider the beautiful and wise words by Thor Han in respect to delays created by the Deep State and its links with growth in consciousness. Let’s listen along:

Thor Han speaks about Delays and the associated growth it can offer (1)

Thor Han says: “Whatever delay is happening, just observe Michael, the delay allows you more opportunity to evolve in consciousness. Take all the deception and take all the harm that is done to this world and take it is a tool to uncover the reality of your own consciousness. How do you react to this and how can you process this and see the higher picture above this. What is behind generating this, at the scale of the universe, at the comprehension of source and the will and the plans of the greater creator. What is this?

Try to understand, all the harm and the delays work in truth for the evolution of humanity. This is an opportunity that is given to humanity for understanding and be more prepared when the truth comes out. So, you know, it may seem painful, but at the end of the game it serves your evolution. It prepares you better. The more the delays are stretched, the more you have and you gain opportunity to prepare yourself. So this is a good challenge.

Steps in Consciousness (3)

So the dark ones cannot win. Whenever they try to do something to drag humanity down in vibration. So, it serves still the evolution of consciousness. Take all what happens as a challenge and a tool and step to step [above?]” (1)

I would like to add that we have been waiting for thousands of years to get a chance to get rid of all those who have been manipulating us in numerous ways. A few other years shouldn’t make that much of a difference then, as long as we see that there are things changing. What are your thoughts on this? (4) If you want to read more articles that were written or adapted based on this impressive and highly-condensed interview see footnotes 2-10 in (5).

(1) The Jupiter Hub, Moon, Medbeds, Ukraine & Israel/Palestine – A Conversation with Thor Han Eredyon
(2) (telegrampost Oct 10, 2023) Here is a message from Jor-El a Galactic Federation of Worlds High Commander as relayed through Elena Danaan that elaborates further on the exopolitical perspective on the Hamas Israel conflict.

“This conflict you are witnessing between Israel and Palestine has been, from the very beginning, a staged operation between two factions both owned by the same Deep State, and especially the banks. In this staged, alleged war, the banks are enriching themselves, making a huge profit from these two factions, that they own. This is the typical ways of doing of the Enlil Reptilian faction. Although Enlil and his negative faction of extraterrestrials are not here anymore, they groomed well their human minions to continue the work.

That is how they always proceed, from the start: they own parties that they manipulate to fight against each other, like pawns on a board game. These two factions are owned by the same people and there is an economic purpose involved, but not only. The greater scheme is to get the other countries, bound by treaties, involved into this staged conflict, in order to start a global war, from which the Deep State would rise as a victor and supreme ruler over a devastated world. We are keeping an eye on things as this will not happen.”
(3) Pinterest Canada
(4) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Elena Danaan and Disclosure Community Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): : Galactic Anthropology on X
(5) The Clearing of Dark Underground Laboratories in Kherson, Ukraine by Russia

9 thoughts on “Delays and Opportunities for Growth in Consciousness

  1. Thanks for highlighting this portion of Sala’s interview with Thor Han. i wasn’t able to watch its entirety and thus missed this (for me) enjoyable/illuminating piece. As i have offered in the past, my primary interest with these emerging star nations involves their brands of spirituality that one day will be introduced into our TerraHu collective consciousness- and how we ‘earthlings’ either respond or react to these ‘advanced’ belief systems.

    Imho, Thor Han’s response indeed reflects a deeper level of inner-spiritual development that reminds us of the eternal nature of our designs which in this case dwarfs our intellectual need[iness] for date and time-stamped developments as if they are the goal in lieu of our ultimate connection to GodSource. As long as this shortsighted focus remains for each of us, it will always retain a level of fear i.e. failure, running out of time, dying, missing out, financial freedom, etc, etc, versus a true, everlasting inner-peace that transcends time, space, multiverses, etc. Thor Han embodies this inner dance with the Beloved- and he is free. Death is an illusion that can only be known through this inner-life just as is the ‘child’s dream’ (rumi) of freewill… Surrendering or ‘freeing our will’ is of course not for the feint of heart that still challenges many of our fellow star brethren- including (i believe) Elena and Thor Han. And yet that is where the divine song has them in their respective journeys.

    i offer this tidbit towards ‘freewill’ in the grace of our soon-to-happen Disclosure that may require an unprecedented level of (personal) discernment as we Terrans are exposed to our extended cosmic family. They do not have our answers; they can only share what seems to be working for each of them as they too journey equally on this path into God. This is why i enjoy watching Joost poke and sort through the information delivered by Elena and Co. that indirectly speaks to his spirit’s fierceness for self-truth versus what is/has been true for others- no matter how well they hide their space fleets.

    Offered In the Spirit of Love.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Why is your name lunatics corner? You seem to be very sensible and awakened. I have kept updated with all of the GA articles since the start. I am finding the most wonderful informative comments from many people.

    There is much wisdom coming from people, and that’s a good sign for the future.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Jonathan, Sorry for the lapse in responding; i thought my notifications were ‘on’. Those of us who have been called full-time into the inner-life, our full and utter dedication to GodSource, do not seek fame or notoriety of any sort- to include being labeled and/or identified in any manner that may draw undue attention- thus distraction- to our internal praising and constant breath-experience with God. Over the years some have called me a mystic and other flattering terms that came with substantial urging towards writing a book(s). To me this would be the kiss of death as it would propel me back into the 3-D world of ‘mind’ where my sentient relationship with the Beloved would cease.

      People expect to learn from mystics… but not from lunatics… which keeps me free and largely unknown. My work at least for now must remain behind the scenes for i tread in (very) wild realms of consciousness that would appear as ‘crazy’ even to other developed spiritual types. i am indeed awake to the extent that the Beloved currently grants my perception. Without fanfare this little ‘i’ was red-pilled in 2004 that sent me wandering into the world and eventually into realms of consciousness that affect all manner of beings. As example of my ‘lunacy’, i see through the Breath of God that cannot be accessed by any level of mental perception. It is just how it has come to be. And one day a time to speak to ‘ascension’ as being a muscled mental trap will likely arrive in my hidden service to Love.

      Thanks for asking and giving me this opportunity to enter these currents into this forum. Journey Well, dear fellow-traveler.

      Liked by 1 person

      • i like the way you put that.

        i do choose to write but im unknown , and then to the extent im known its all pseudonymous anyway. i front as a lunatic because i can “get away with” a lot more. its freeing to be a “crazy” pariah than to be a mystic or “spiritual” or serious. i have a small readership but me, as a person, am barely of interest to them either.

        the content here is of great interest to me, yet also not in my lane and i do not publicly talk about this at ALL.

        to give you an example of how not all is as it seems, and that the work i do is at a whole other level to break cracks through the wall.

        @ GA

        regarding Elena, she seems nice i simply have trouble understanding her on audio. its part that she speaks rapidly . its part that im poor and have a small tinny computer speaker. i wish i hadnt read some assessments of perceived slights beforehand and that i didnt know any of that and just went at it with an open mind. oh well. i went at it with an open mind anyway. i look for the recaps and if it looks interesting i try to watch the video.


  3. I’m not comfortable about something. Why is our galactic informers making so much money off of You tube? You tube censors both freedom of speech and pushes out woke agenda. They obviously have zero alignment towards the liberation of planet earth. Why work for the enemy?

    GA can you offer your perspective on this? Information should be free? Elena Danaan also works as a science fiction author. I might have to take over as emissary if the recent galactic informers have been profiting through the adversary. When you share information via You tube the person does not do so, without the profit.

    This is a very serious situation. The main foundation of an emissary is: Transparency, honesty, non-profit, loving community, no rejection of others, sharing of only facts, spiritual development, and of course free information.

    When I typed this I landed on 11:11 also. My spiritual guides agree with me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi there Guest, thanks for your comment. So, she is making in between $370-1100 a month. That’s nice. She is also selling quite a lot of books too, and since March she started her webinars. I think it is totally fine to make a living on your work as an emissary, as long as the information is still freely available in her youtube (or rumble) videos. I guess that most of it is, but the mere fact that her Q&A’s are now hidden within her webinars makes her info not freely available, although you can also argue that Q&A info is not directly information from the Galactic Federation of Worlds. She makes some 4,000-7,000 dollars for each webinar.

      She is not really open to any dialogue about her work. Everyone who asks a few serious questions can easily get booted off her telegram groups. But no one said she is perfect. I openly questioned things like you are in your comment in a page on webinars ( and she didn’t like that at all. She got quite angry with me for writing that post, publicly defaming me on her socials. (see Endnote 201) When I started the Elena Danaan and Disclosure Community Study Group she got furious again, and depicted me as some kind of CIA-agent manipulating people. ( and Endnote 215 ( .

      But despite all that booting and banning (Today I was blocked from watching her Twitter/X-account) I still love her information and the spreading of that information in the way that I have been doing that for the last two years is more important than her silly behavior towards people who don’t adore her, but want to study her work seriously (and kindly too).

      As far as using YouTube. We have to be realistic that Youtube still is the best platform to reach many people.

      I do love her new Star Nation News Updates and those live interviews with Dr. Salla and Thor Han.

      Thanks for your comment. I welcome you to join the ED Study group on Telegram (


  4. – It just seems really odd that the galactic informers would choose to work from within enemy territory. Or from the same platforms that have continuously opposed freedom of speech and continues supporting the globalists/WEF/WHO agenda.

    – It would not require much for the Galactic Federation Of Worlds to quickly examine the connections between all big tech and even big pharma within the globalist/freemason/illuminati organizations. I can clearly see where many galactic informers (Exo-politics) have been seated. Firmly in the control and watchfulness of the deep state cabal. Including Dr. Steven Greer who has been majorly profiteering through the totalitarian network. (just type in anyone)

    – From my gathered research there was a very large hostile alliance consisting of the regressive Anunnaki/Enlil faction, Ciakhar reptilians, Nebu greys, and hybrids. After their removal they simply transferred the power over to their Sol Terran betrayers/minions and hybrids. This was recently stated by Thor Han himself.

    – After some intensive research I have concluded that big tech corporations You tube, Twitter-X/ Google, Telegram, Facebook, Vidiq and Amazon, have been owned and operated by the same regressive factions. Over the last 3-4 years I have watched big tech intentionally thwart or oppose freedom/liberation. They all helped enforce authoritarianism during the Plandemic/-Covid-19.

    – All galactic informers have been profiting through the help of globalist platforms. Liberation does not involve the empowerment of regressive factions. It involves dismantling them.

    – Elena has stated: Do you work for free? My answer is no, I don’t work for free and I especially don’t work for the suppressive and oppressive organizations. I would never take a paycheck from them. Are the galactic informers aware that they have been captured by the deep state? That you are receiving payment from them?

    – Information should be distributed independently. There is also many alternatives usually run from a more conservative establishment. Western conservativism at large forms the majority of The Great Awakening. Eastern Liberalism also. Aside from Christians and conservatives accidently worshipping Yahweh/Enlil through certain denominations, they largely form the Great Awakening (the only opposition against the WEF/WHO)

    – What happens when people support globalist organizations?

    It means the regressive and oppressive agenda continues.

    My comment is not angry or anything. No release tension for me. I thought it would be very important to inform people of facts and who might read it.


    • Very succinct and on-target comments.New Age and UFO-Disclosure groups have been infiltrated for Decades-nothing new.As always,if one wants sovereigbty and respect,discernment,skepticism,and exercising all human faculties is paramount.I am very much in agreement with the supporting of prohuman platforms and endeavors.gootube,crapple,adenochrome gurgle,Crapazon and most other large tech corps. were founded by deepstate,antihuman fakehumans or CIA.UNN,founded by Office of the Guardian,Kim Goguen,would probably be a good platform for Truthful Disclosure and other outlets exist.,,,,,, or as well as l/ which has a library,pdfs,and decades of Law of Onechannelled materials for FREE!Ra and his collective from sixth Density have been answering queries on Unity practice and everyday matters as well as spiritual practice.Magentapixie is also worth visiting as ahe has authored many books and chanelled Whitewing Collective.They are higher than 6D,I and videos are most valuable as the info. is closer to or part of Source than other channelled material.It does not want belief or worship and pushes humans to discern,think,analyze,meditate,Learn!!Great variety of topics from health and politics to Cosmic perspective and Universal Laws as well as helpful meditating techniques.Info. here will Not be found elsewhere!!
      Regarding Elena,repectful disagreement or challenge or probing are Vital to truth-seeking and communication.If she has nothing to hide and her ego is in check-Shadow work,she should not be so defensive and punishing.This smacks of dominating,Control and Command begavior of Annunaki and Draco,not a balanced,compassionate human.Delays or no delays,we humans are to be inwardly-focused more and working towards manifesting the beautiful,nonchaotic,compassionate world we want.Focus on practical,helpful acts and supportive words.Beware of lower vibration or petty thoughts.


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