Exploring the Deep State in Deep Space

Some people complain that Elena Danaan’s information is too far away from what is happening on our planet. Like, what do we care about developments on Altair? (1,5) I don’t agree with such an approach at all, since I think it is quite valuable information – if all this is true, that is – even though it doesn’t seem to affect us directly.

Chiquita Bananas in Space 🙂 (6)

But…the new information from Star Nation News 23 (2) catapulted the information right into the heart of the Deep State on our planet. We are now entering this challenging territory of connecting the current Deep State companies with their current and their former Deep Space activities. Which companies were involved with the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC)? (3) How far did their power reach? What was the role of the various companies in those organizations like ICC and now in this aerospace corporation group? (4) What was (and is) the connection to the US Airforce? (5)

What were they doing there in the Markhat Collective on Altair (5)? What is the connection between the military and these companies? This is a subject that has been hidden from us since its inception. Would we now be ready to explore this topic and thus touch upon the space-heart of the Deep State?

One path of exploration could be to learn more about those companies that might be part of this Deep State in Deep Space Collective. In the 23rd Star Nation News episode (2,4), for example, we could hear Dave Rossi mention a few companies that are part of the Aerospace Corporation (7) that would invest in discrediting the work of Elena Danaan. Companies and organizations like the Battelle Memorial Institute (8), BAE Systems (9), Northrup Grumman (10), Lockheed Martin (11) and Honeywell (12). But what other companies would be involved? What would they trade (bananas, pineapples)?

Nor the German Dark Fleet (8), nor the US Deep State Space Fleet has been a beautiful cover story for humanity of Earth. They both collaborated with the most evil species in our galaxy; they were known for their trade in human slaves, bio warfare, genetic experiments and it seems everything conceivable as long as it increased their profits. They were (or are) very ‘Service to Self’ and probably aiming at ways to increase their power and their influence by expanding their presence in all kinds of star systems.

Thor Han also talked about the ethics of these Deep State, or Aerospace Corporations in SNN 23 (2,14):

Thor Han speaks about the Aerospace Corporation (2, 14)

The Aerospace Corporation was founded by the Terran banking overlords in order to extend their hegemony in the unlimited domain of space, and to this day gathers under its umbrella 18 member corporations directly involved in the programs, as well as a large number of satellite groups. They are all private corporations, industries and militarized corporations. The head is a CIA-NSA affiliated branch. They want to be part of the fun, but the Earth Alliance will have to make the final decision, as it is bound by the Jupiter treaties on interstellar trade for the Sol organization, corporate and military.” (14)

Another aspect to be explored is related to the locations of their presence. Where have they been? Where do they have colonies or facilities? We, have for instance learned, that the ICC even once had a presence on Venus (3), and apparently they used to have a presence in the Altair system too (5). Do they have trade facilities, or colonies? Who lives there? How did they get the people there? Many questions can be asked surrounding all this. Wouldn’t it be nice if we were to find out more about all that? Perhaps certain whistleblowers already talked about, too? You might remember Jason Rice mentioning the Deep State (or perhaps indeed the Aerospace Corporation) buying a moon base from the Antarctic Germans (8).

I use the following diagram from Elena Danaan’s ‘The Seeders‘ a lot these days (15). In this case it gives an impression of the (former) allies of the Deep State group. I will list them below. Many of their allies have gone, all for their own reasons. Which ones are left, and would they cooperate with others?

Part of Diagram from The Seeders (15), p. 529
  • The Telos Alliance (16)
  • The Nebu (17)
  • The Telos (Mt. Shasta)
  • MIEC (?)
  • MJ12
  • ICC (3)
  • The Vatican (18)
  • NWO (New World Order?)
  • The Ciakahrr Empire (18,19)
  • The Maytre (17)

I really think this is quite a revolutionary step in the disclosure movement: to start and link the Deep State companies on Earth with their Deep Space counterparts. Thor Han speaks about their desire to also profit from the Jupiter Hub (21) that is under construction, but because of their present (or at least past) ethics they were left out of the Jupiter Agreements (22) altogether. Would they indeed become a competitive group, competing with the Earth Alliance and the huge GFW? Or would they somehow change their ways and adopt to the ethics of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (23)?

A pineapple spacecraft (20)

(1) The People from Altair and the Dark Fleet Antarctic Germans
(2) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 23~ March 25 2024
(3) The Interplanetary Corporation Conglomerate – A Look into the Past
(4) Scientists are Keeping a Friendly Eye on Elena Danaan
(5) The Markhat Collective from Altair
(6) Generated with the assistance of Gencraft – I was told that John Whitberg (13) actually mentioned Chiquita Bananas as one of the companies with a presence in the Deep State Fleet. Just imagine.

(7) Aerospace Corporation – Founded in 1960 right after the Antarctic Treaty was signed with the Antarctic Germans (8)
(8) The Antarctic Germans – An Overview
Battelle Memorial Institute
(9) BAE Systems
(10) Northrup Grumman
(11) Lockheed Martin
(12) Honeywell
(13) We have gotten to know John Whitberg from this article: A Nachtwaffen Colony on Vega Prime?
(14) You can read the transcript at Elena’s website, see the entry from March 25, 2024
(15) Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders
(16) The US-Telos Alliance – What’s Left of Them?
(17) The Nebu
(18) The Ciakahrr Empire
(19) The Ciakahrr are on their Own after the Dismantlement of the Alliance of the Six
(20) Created with Da Vinci AI software
(21) The Construction of an Interstellar Hub near Jupiter
(22) The Jupiter Agreements, Elon Musk and Possible ET-links
(23) The Galactic Federation of Worlds

7 thoughts on “Exploring the Deep State in Deep Space

  1. Yes, this chart she has is interesting, but it lists the military under the Earth Alliance and according to Kim all militaries are owned by the Umbrella corp., and also get paid for doing missions or starting wars but they must get paid, they won’t do it without payment and also that they relied on their ET allies to come and help them which Kim has said they no longer have access to the tech nor the ETs that helped them in the past. I do think there is a small group of military that is on humanity’s side but since they found out in December that they actually are following the plan of the Order of the Black Sun group, which is also over the freemasons, and their current postings on Q site of checkerboard themed shirts we can see that they have chosen these factions instead of humanity. They’re still on the ‘plan’ to save the world and supposedly the KM are on a harvest mission with the solar eclipse event they’ve been putting out ridiculous Biblical references of them because of the town of Ninevah which only two are on that line, but leave it to the people to just go out there on a limb again with biblical prophecies and the sacrifice of a red heffer on the Temple mount where their technology below is, it’s usually about opening portals or stargates to get their ET friends in to help them with the harvest. What do you think they have to trade with these ETs? Well, us of course. Loosh and food, and slaves.


    I’m not sure if Elena has talked much about these secret societies connections to these dark ETs like Marduke and Enlil much but these orders/factions are what was in control of humanity and they will never stop trying to get their power back. They don’t care about how many people they murder in the process. I don’t believe the white hats are really trying to liberate humanity, and the military last I heard was split on this whole agenda…but at the end of the day, they are owned by the umbrella corporation.

    Seems that Alex Collier and Ismael is also on the ‘white hat’ bus, but Ismael calls them ‘White Knights’ as in the Knights Templar which we know are not a good group, they worked for the Vatican and also went around killing and plundering for the vatican. Then decided why should we give our plunder to the vatican? Then they went rogue. This is why we have that crazy show where they spend millions of dollars on an island because of some buried treasure….Oak Island. Now I know Elena had a huge falling out over some things Ismael said about her being a robot or something, I don’t know but he’s now putting out a new book, telling us stuff we already know but saying he was a supersoldier and works with the Galactic Alliance, not the earth alliance so there is that:


    Kim also mentions in the article above about the White knights and Black knights and this checkerboard symbolism. Also in Lisa Renee’s Ascension Glossary she also talks about the checkerboard mutation:


    I do think the Earth Alliance if there is any good ETs around and working with these white hats, then I hope they snap them out of their proverbial mind controlled Q plan movie they put out because it’s nonstop fear porn, none of it is true. I see only that they want to get rid of the KM and some they deemed as evil, yet the other day JFKjr supposedly puts out an article on how the vaccines are killing the ETS including the et hybrid children and that is who is dying from the jabs, and not humans, cuz yeah, these babies are evil, and they aren’t human…so they are perfectly fine with the genecide via vaccines and the military. Which Don Jr is now saying how the property in Gaza now could be a profitable place to buy and create businesses there….you just can’t make this crap up. 

    To me it’s one faction fighting with the other for power over this planet. But I do wonder if Elena has spoken about these groups and maybe connect the dots here on these corporations, especially with their ties to these orders/factions and secret societies.


    • Hi there Muse, I don’t trust Kim Goguen’s work, nor do I consider Ismael Perez a reasonable source. I think Robert Kennedy Jr. is a great guy who is battling to take down the Deep State by exposing their evil ways. Try one of these gondolaths for instance (https://gondolath.org/2024/03/29/why-robert-kennedy-jr-is-against-the-cbdc-the-central-bank-digital-currency or https://gondolath.org/2024/03/17/robert-kennedy-jr-explains-how-bill-gates-makes-profit-from-his-philantropy/). My working hypothesis in all this is mainly based on the information by Elena Danaan, Alex Collier, Corey Goode’s early testimonies and a bunch of SSP and whistleblowers and I think that makes a valuable system. I am not inclined to think this Umbrella corporation really exists, or would it be another term for the Aerospace Corporation? Or who are they? I don’t resonate with Lisa Renee either and I think Q is great.

      so, we have a slight difference of opinion on various matters, but that’s okay with me, as long as you don’t keep on posting dozens of links to Ismael and Kim in every comment you make, because I don’t really feel like promoting them too much. It’s okay to mention them occasionally, but like I said I am not really into them at all.


      • Sorry for that, I just try to connect the dots in the big picture. I don’t whole heartedly believe in any one person or group. I like to critically think and see it all as a whole. 

        Lisa Renees work stems from Ashayanna Deane work..yeah, it’s complicated but interesting.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. https://www.elenadanaan.org/articles/statement-from-thor-han-eredyon

    I wish my people had their strengths from old. I do not see a liberation without the empowerment of the people. Strong people make for a strong civilization. The abilties to face down any fearsome foe. So, return the holy grail to the people? Bestow upon the great awakening the remedy for their inhibitations. That a far more advanced civilization, both spiritually and technogically more adept should be irratated by lowly troublemakers? You tell us to look at the positive horizons, and not the distresses of the past and present, and they say unto us, you have walked across paths that you have already walked across. See your footprints ahead of you? Staring down into our past, from where we might be in the future? Exceeding expectations from your evaluations? Than the need to be bothered from an infantile mind should be greatly inconsequential. The need to focus on those who are ready to become stronger, and wiser, to place more emphazise and priority on the strengthening of my people for you to assist, so that we may save ourselves?

    There is no other way.


    • Very well said….an uninformed public will make the same mistakes and we’ve been here before so back to correct the past to strengthen people with information that empowers us to know that we must do this ourselves if only we knew how.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is what I found in the book of seeders return of the gods,

    Prince Ea always wanted to upgrade the early seeds of humans on Terra in order to study what potential they could develop. But Enlil wasn’t a scientist. He was the lead commander of the Anunnaki forces and he had an important mission to complete: to create a hybrid slave race. Hoping that they could come back one day, Prince Ea and his group took with them a precious sample of the original Terran Hu DNA. They are bringing it back now, to repair the damages inflicted by the altering operations of the enemy on the Terran human genome. -Such as the recent ‘bio-weapons’?

    -For instance, yes. Those who have been injected with the bioweapon will be able to reintegrate a clear, original DNA. The DNAcodes Enki is bringing back are from the original macro-

    molecule. This is very important. The original Terran Hu genetic marker was very strong, healthy and resistant, quasi-unaltered. It will be used in the healing and repairing process with holographic medical technologies. The genetics of the Terran human species were lately considerably altered by the Nebu throughout their hybridization program. The ancient original codes shall repair this genetic alteration and reverse the damages. Is the Anunnaki group of Enlil still on Terra? I asked.

    They indeed left a faction there.

    -It was a long time ago, though… how could Enki be still alive? -They are immortals. They clone themselves to benefit from an everlasting life, jumping from body to body, avoiding the process of reincarnation.

    Let’s hold these people to their own words, and get our people strong and mighty again. I sure would like to send TPTB off this world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I do think that they are eventually being eliminated. As each line steps up to take over these factions, they too are eliminated if they continue on the plan Marduk setup in the Armageddon program. 

      What I wonder is the Q white hat military says these medbeds won’t repair or heal those that got the jab and are last on the list to be able to use them. If they had no healthy DNA to go from before they go to these appointments, then it cannot remove the changes done to their DNA from before the jab. But with Enki’s medbeds, if he has the original DNA frequency key, then of course that makes sense that you could heal or repair DNA from what was damaged by the jabs and years of alterations done by Enlil’s group. It makes me think that the military and Enki’s medbeds are two different things perhaps because of what they said about them not being able to fix their DNA after they got the jabs.


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