Bluish Extinct Bananas in an Unknown Biodome

Some blue bananas (18)

On June 6, 2024 Dr. Michael Salla gave us another treat with a 34th interview with JP, his military contact (1). In this video he talked about going into some kind of biodome in some unknown location, in some unknown density or dimension. I recommend watching JP explain it all in the video itself. This post is meant to inform people about the existence of JP’s missions and to make a number of links with related topics.

In the excerpt below you can hear JP describe how he saw bluish bananas that somehow split in two parts, like it were two bananas in one. He also talks about blue berry like fruits that looked pinkish. He saw all these fruits in a biodome that seemed to function like a kind of library for extinct fruit and even bugs. He says that during this particular mission that took place on May 30, 2024, he tasted about 15 different types of fruit in that biodome.

It seems as if these fruits (and their seeds) were taken out of this biodome to be studied for possible medical applications, or perhaps they could stimulate longevity.

JP describes how he saw unknown bananas and a kind of pinkish blue berries (1)

This isn’t the first time that we talk about strange fruits. We have spoken about all sorts of weird plants and fruits that were found in Inner Earth places, like the luminescent plants below the surface in the state of Florida (2). Elena Danaan also talked about extraterrestrial flora (2) aboard the Excelsior (3), the huge mothership of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (4). She even mentioned a particular plant that would carry great medicine, that would be gifted to humanity by the Intergalactic Confederation when open contact becomes possible (5, p. 174). This plant would come from Emerya, the Altean homeworld (6).

We also paid attention to a particular flower from the Taygetan (7) planet Erra, called Oshksha (8). Vanessa also describes eating fruits on this planet (9).

In the Seeders (5) Elena tells us about the beauty of the ‘biodomes’ on a starship (2). The Anunnaki spaceship Nibiru would also have these beautiful lush places aboard. You can hear her talk about at (11). So, as if all this weren’t enough, we have also encountered biodomes on planets, notably on Mars, where a new colony is being prepared as we speak (12,13).

In the 34th episode JP talks about going into a room, the size of a garage, that seems to function as a kind of ‘transportation room’ to another location, perhaps in some other dimension or even time, in this case the biodome. In earlier episodes JP was shown four rooms that seemed to function as portals to other time periods (14). Elena Danaan also talked about time and gravity a couple of time (15). You might want to take a look at the ‘Time Capsules’ of the Wingmakers (16).

In the video (1) at 16’20” you can hear a female voice say ‘Frequency’ right at the time that JP descibed how the ‘garage’ vibrated him and his two companions into another place or ‘frequency’. Below the video Dr. Salla writes: “At the 16:20 mark in the update, a female voice can be heard saying the word ‘frequency’. It is in the original skype video recording I did with JP. We don’t know who it is. My video editor also doesn’t know other than its in the source file. Two possibilities that come to mind. Someone from a govt agency is monitoring our communications and forgot to mute herself. Higher dimensionals/ETs intervened in our electronic communications to leave a message.

According to Elena Danaan this would have been the voice of Oona (19). On June 7, 2024 Elena said on her Telegram channel (17a) the following: “On June 6, 2024, in an interview of US army whistleblower “JP” by Dr. Michael Salla on his YouTube channel “Exopolitics” Oona intervened by speaking through, clearly saying: “It’s your Frequency”. Oona was referring to JP’s DNA frequency able to open gateways and allow him to physically pass through. JP was testifying of his visit to a biodome where he could see species of plants not found on Earth nowadays. This was not the first time he was taken to visit such a type of biodome, notably some belonging to the Seeders from the Intergalactic Confederation (more details in Dr.Salla’s book series on JP). As an Altean, Oona is an expert in the science of frequencies, base for their language and technology.

If you like talking and reflecting about these fascinating topics in a group with fellow independent explorers, join the Galactic Anthropology Study Group (17a) or join us in the explorations of the ugly ways of the Deep State (17b).

(1) JP Update 34 – Mission to Ancient Biodome with Extinct Plant Life
(2) Luminescent Plants and Plants that Emit Flames
(3) The Excelsior and Solar Warden
(4) The Galactic Federation of Worlds
(5) Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders.
(6) On the Altean Homeworld of Emerya
(7) Taygeta is called Ashaara by the locals. We recently made a link between Ashaara and Asherah (10).
(8) The Vanilla-like Smell of Flowers from Erra
(9) The Astral Planes of 5D Erra
(10) Asherah from Ashaara – Reflections on Pleiadean Links
(11) The Royal Quarters of the Anunnaki on the Nibiru Ship
(12) The Healing of Mars by using a Holographic Overlay of its Ancient Atmosphere
(13) A New Colony from Alpha Centauri to Settle on Mars
(14) Anchoring a Timeline and JP’s Four Time Rooms
(15) Timelines and Gravity
(16) The Timecapsules of the Wingmakers
(17) There are two main domains to study: the Galactic Domain (a) and the Deep State Structures (b).
(a) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel and even her own open telegram chat group.
(b) Want to help with studying the Deep State? Join the Gondolath Deep State Study Group or visit the website: Gondolath Project. You can also follow the other side of the news at the Laura Aboli Archive.
Galactic Anthropology tries to spread both the disclosure information and the Deep State Explorations at FacebookX (Twitter), on VKYoutube and on TikTok. Hope to see you soon in one of the groups! Like, share and subscribe.
(18) This was generated with the assistance of copilot. I didn’t get it to actually produce the ‘two-in-one-kind’ of bluish bananas that JP described, but I liked the result enough to add it to this article.
(19) Oona is a representative of the Alteans, one of the Seeder races of the Intergalactic Confederation

Exploring the Deep State in Deep Space

Some people complain that Elena Danaan’s information is too far away from what is happening on our planet. Like, what do we care about developments on Altair? (1,5) I don’t agree with such an approach at all, since I think it is quite valuable information – if all this is true, that is – even though it doesn’t seem to affect us directly.

Chiquita Bananas in Space 🙂 (6)

But…the new information from Star Nation News 23 (2) catapulted the information right into the heart of the Deep State on our planet. We are now entering this challenging territory of connecting the current Deep State companies with their current and their former Deep Space activities. Which companies were involved with the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC)? (3) How far did their power reach? What was the role of the various companies in those organizations like ICC and now in this aerospace corporation group? (4) What was (and is) the connection to the US Airforce? (5)

What were they doing there in the Markhat Collective on Altair (5)? What is the connection between the military and these companies? This is a subject that has been hidden from us since its inception. Would we now be ready to explore this topic and thus touch upon the space-heart of the Deep State?

One path of exploration could be to learn more about those companies that might be part of this Deep State in Deep Space Collective. In the 23rd Star Nation News episode (2,4), for example, we could hear Dave Rossi mention a few companies that are part of the Aerospace Corporation (7) that would invest in discrediting the work of Elena Danaan. Companies and organizations like the Battelle Memorial Institute (8), BAE Systems (9), Northrup Grumman (10), Lockheed Martin (11) and Honeywell (12). But what other companies would be involved? What would they trade (bananas, pineapples)?

Nor the German Dark Fleet (8), nor the US Deep State Space Fleet has been a beautiful cover story for humanity of Earth. They both collaborated with the most evil species in our galaxy; they were known for their trade in human slaves, bio warfare, genetic experiments and it seems everything conceivable as long as it increased their profits. They were (or are) very ‘Service to Self’ and probably aiming at ways to increase their power and their influence by expanding their presence in all kinds of star systems.

Thor Han also talked about the ethics of these Deep State, or Aerospace Corporations in SNN 23 (2,14):

Thor Han speaks about the Aerospace Corporation (2, 14)

The Aerospace Corporation was founded by the Terran banking overlords in order to extend their hegemony in the unlimited domain of space, and to this day gathers under its umbrella 18 member corporations directly involved in the programs, as well as a large number of satellite groups. They are all private corporations, industries and militarized corporations. The head is a CIA-NSA affiliated branch. They want to be part of the fun, but the Earth Alliance will have to make the final decision, as it is bound by the Jupiter treaties on interstellar trade for the Sol organization, corporate and military.” (14)

Another aspect to be explored is related to the locations of their presence. Where have they been? Where do they have colonies or facilities? We, have for instance learned, that the ICC even once had a presence on Venus (3), and apparently they used to have a presence in the Altair system too (5). Do they have trade facilities, or colonies? Who lives there? How did they get the people there? Many questions can be asked surrounding all this. Wouldn’t it be nice if we were to find out more about all that? Perhaps certain whistleblowers already talked about, too? You might remember Jason Rice mentioning the Deep State (or perhaps indeed the Aerospace Corporation) buying a moon base from the Antarctic Germans (8).

I use the following diagram from Elena Danaan’s ‘The Seeders‘ a lot these days (15). In this case it gives an impression of the (former) allies of the Deep State group. I will list them below. Many of their allies have gone, all for their own reasons. Which ones are left, and would they cooperate with others?

Part of Diagram from The Seeders (15), p. 529
  • The Telos Alliance (16)
  • The Nebu (17)
  • The Telos (Mt. Shasta)
  • MIEC (?)
  • MJ12
  • ICC (3)
  • The Vatican (18)
  • NWO (New World Order?)
  • The Ciakahrr Empire (18,19)
  • The Maytre (17)

I really think this is quite a revolutionary step in the disclosure movement: to start and link the Deep State companies on Earth with their Deep Space counterparts. Thor Han speaks about their desire to also profit from the Jupiter Hub (21) that is under construction, but because of their present (or at least past) ethics they were left out of the Jupiter Agreements (22) altogether. Would they indeed become a competitive group, competing with the Earth Alliance and the huge GFW? Or would they somehow change their ways and adopt to the ethics of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (23)?

A pineapple spacecraft (20)

(1) The People from Altair and the Dark Fleet Antarctic Germans
(2) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 23~ March 25 2024
(3) The Interplanetary Corporation Conglomerate – A Look into the Past
(4) Scientists are Keeping a Friendly Eye on Elena Danaan
(5) The Markhat Collective from Altair
(6) Generated with the assistance of Gencraft – I was told that John Whitberg (13) actually mentioned Chiquita Bananas as one of the companies with a presence in the Deep State Fleet. Just imagine.

(7) Aerospace Corporation – Founded in 1960 right after the Antarctic Treaty was signed with the Antarctic Germans (8)
(8) The Antarctic Germans – An Overview
Battelle Memorial Institute
(9) BAE Systems
(10) Northrup Grumman
(11) Lockheed Martin
(12) Honeywell
(13) We have gotten to know John Whitberg from this article: A Nachtwaffen Colony on Vega Prime?
(14) You can read the transcript at Elena’s website, see the entry from March 25, 2024
(15) Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders
(16) The US-Telos Alliance – What’s Left of Them?
(17) The Nebu
(18) The Ciakahrr Empire
(19) The Ciakahrr are on their Own after the Dismantlement of the Alliance of the Six
(20) Created with Da Vinci AI software
(21) The Construction of an Interstellar Hub near Jupiter
(22) The Jupiter Agreements, Elon Musk and Possible ET-links
(23) The Galactic Federation of Worlds