Holographic Shields that Dynamically Block Remote Viewing Attempts

It’s been almost three years since I started this project and there often were times when I nodded my head and thought: this concept really is pushing things too far (1). But since I like stretching my mind I often end up incorporating it all in this possible reality perspective. The future will tell how much of it turns out to be true.

During the 36th edition of Star Nation News (2) I had one of those moments when Thor Han described how people from the Earth Alliance had infiltrated all of the Global Deep State Corporations (3) and that they were protected from being discovered by using some kind of hologram shield. This dynamic, moving shield would prevent them from any Remote Viewing attempt.

Let’s here it from Thor Han himself (2):

Thor Han describes a remote-viewing resistant holographic shield (2)

“Part of the Earth Alliance’s mission is to infiltrate shadow organizations in order to beat the enemy at their own game. By now, all shadow organizations on your planet have been infiltrated by Earth Alliance forces. Due to the level of personal involvement of these secret agents, it is impossible to expose them. The technology you use for “remote viewing” does not work either, as these particular agents have holographic protective shields. A holographic shield is a technology that cloaks a person or a place from remote viewing, and it is also called a moving hologram.

It does not consist of a still image that deceives the remote spy, because we must call it as it is, but of an algorithm that constantly moves with the thoughts and activities of the subject. It is impossible to distinguish the holographic illusion from reality. And that is how our agents are protected, and that includes you, Elena, of course, because it is important to remind the public.” (Original transcript can be found at (4))

Although I am not completely sure of how such a shield would work, it seems safe to say that the shield produces a field that appears absolutely real for the viewers.

Artifical Artistic impression of a female version of JP wearing a holographic shield 🙂

This is quite different from what Lacerta, the Reptilian lady, once said about how they used a kind of ‘perception switch’ in our brain to create the illusion that they looked human (5). In other words, they didn’t shapeshift themselves at all, but they managed to create the illusion that they were human by influencing our perception of them! (6)

Margie Kay told us about what she called ‘psychic trackers‘. Sometimes when she remote viewed certain species or situations she would risk having these psychic trackers installed in her system. These trackers would allow the ones that were ‘remote viewed’ to follow the remote viewer to their home. She decided to avoid such circumstances (7).

If you would like to read more about remote viewing, you might want to go to the page on the remote viewers from the Far Sight Institute (and see how they very likely ‘mis’-remote viewed Putin (8). There is also a page on the all-time Remote Viewing icon Ingo Swann (9) and Elena Danaan also once described being watched while writing her book ‘The Seeders‘ (10)

(1) Is this Real or Not? (I recommend watching the Rebecca Rose excerpt in that article)
(2) STAR NATION NEWS 36~ June 24 2024
(3) Disclosure through Infiltration into Deep State Structures
(4) Thor Han Eredyon page on Elena Danaan’s website
(5) Shapeshifting and the Perception Switch
(6) Last month we celebrated the first anniversary of our independent Galactic Anthropology Study Group (11). One of the founding members was reminded of the work of Castaneda, who talked about something like a perception-altering switch that would be located somewhere around the right shoulder blade. “He called it something like ‘point of contact’ which if moved even a little changes the perception and thus the ‘reality’ of the world you are in. in other words allows you to perceive ‘other worlds’ or better said a ‘parallel reality’. (Holographic Shield thread)
(7) Introducing Margie Kay
(8) President Putin and the Far Sight Institute
(9) Ending the War on Telepathy
(10) Meeting a Peeping Tom from the Past in a Vortex at your Bedside
(11) There are two main domains to study: the Galactic Domain (a) and the domain of the (Global) Deep State Structures (b).
(a) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel and even her own open telegram chat group.
(b) Want to help with studying the Deep State? Join the Gondolath Deep State Study Group or visit the website: Gondolath Project. You can also follow the alternative side of current events at the Laura Aboli Archive.
Galactic Anthropology tries to spread both the disclosure information and the Deep State Explorations at FacebookX (Twitter), on VKYoutube and on TikTok. Hope to see you soon in one of the groups! Like, share and subscribe.

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