Moldovite Crystal Walls

Image of Moldovite Crystals taken from (3), at 33’16”

In one of the the interviews Dr. Michael Salla had with JP – a source within the U.S. Army – they talked about a mission on the Moon (1). JP said that after a general briefing three groups were sent out to check out something peculiar that was going on simultaneously on the Moon, Mars and Antarctica. Three huge structures or perhaps even spaceships were not only warming up on the surface of these abovementioned locations, but they were also sending out and/or receiving signals from the mothership still located between Jupiter and Ganymede. This would be the mothership of the Intergalactic Confederation (2).

Imagine that: as if three ancient ships would act as a kind of beacon! Well, JP goes on to describe what his mission was about on the Moon. He was escorting an archeologist into the ship that was heating up on the Moon. All kinds of symbols would have been written on the walls inside of the ship. The focus of this current article is the material of what these walls are made of, namely the crystal Moldovite.

In the interview (3) he says that the moldovite had a very peaceful effect on him. It was smooth and looked like charcoal. JP wasn’t the only one to describe crystal walls. In a facebook post response on this video Elena Danaan confirmed the existence of crystals and its peaceful effect. She didn’t say whether it was moldovite crystals or not, though.

In the interview that she had with Dr. Michael Salla on december 6, 2021 (4,5) Elena talks about her entry into the mothership of the Intergalactic Confederation. I would advice you to listen to her testimony (5). Here’s an excerpt of what she said:

you know that the ships were big. We approached under the belly of one and we slid slowly under it and we arrived. There was a row of airlocks but they were entrances of tunnels. That’s the the drawing I sent you of one within the tunnels. And the architecture looked very organic. It was what shocked me. It was different. This architecture was different from anything i’d seen before.

Illustration by Elena Danaan from (5)

When I am in space I always encounter very cold, and you know metal and what’s not necessary on a ship is not there. It’s the bare necessity on the ships, but there it was: the shapes were beautiful it was very organic like vegetables nearly so that was what what shocked me. So we went in this tunnel and we arrived in the belly of the ship in a big big landing bay. Another thing that shocked me was that there were sort of crystals, crystalline walls that were shimmering with crystallizations but that was unexpected but that was there.” (5, 31′ – 34′)

The moldovite we can find on our planet would have originated from a meteorite that made its way to present-day Czech republic some 15 million years ago. Here’s a description of its qualities from a crystal site (6)

Moldavite is a crystal that radiates energy, and upon first touch, you can feel the warmth it gives off. This warmth is so common that it has developed the term “Moldavite flush”. The “flush” sends vibrations through the body and will imbue the user in a light tingly sensation. Some new users say it is a little over-whelming and will take it off or out of there pocket periodically as they feel “lightheaded”. Its usually recommended to always have a grounding stone nearby when you first start working with it to help avoid Moldavite being too strong. Over time, the strength will be less overwhelming as you get used to the stone.” (6)

(1) Joint US China missions sent to crashed alien spacecraft discovered by Yutu 2 (article)
(2) The Intergalactic Confederation
(3) Joint US China missions sent to crashed alien spacecraft discovered by Yutu 2 (youtube)
(4) Contact with Council of Nine & 24 ET Seeder Races (article)
(5) Contact with Council of Nine & 24 ET Seeder Races (video)

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