Phryll – The Universal Life Force

Two French Secret Space Program contactees (1) both confirmed separately that they had been in contact with Maria Orsic (2) while in a 20-years-and-back program (3) on a French-American spaceship called the Solaris. They describe her as a friendly and loving teacher. In a page dedicated to her (2) you can read more about her.

Life Energy – Phryll (5)

Orsic is (10) a psychic and together with a few other psychic friends she founded the Vril-society. As Elena Danaan points out in a video (4), Germans pronounce the ‘V’ as the letter ‘F’ in the beginning of words, which easily creates the link with what Thor Han calls ‘Phryll’. This page explains a bit more about Phryll and how it apparently is used by people from other worlds.

In Danaan’s 2021 book she talks about Phryll : “All their technology, be it absolutely anything, is powered by what they call ‘Phryll’, a universal life force present everywhere in the universe and even in the void of space. They can harvest it and store it in a special type of chrystals – unknown to Earth- and use it to power everything” (6, pp.31-32)

When asked if Phryll is the same thing as the Vril from the German Vril-society, Elena answers positively: they are one and the same, but she adds that this force can be used for the good, but also for dark purposes (5,1h06′). Thor also confirms this when he said:

“Yes, it is technology, given by Jana (Aldebaran). People from Aldebaran gave the Vril to the Germans. Thule Alliance, the Thule Society.” (5,p.93)

When asked who these people were, he said that they are a colony of the Anunnaki.

In the ‘Phryll’-video (4,8) she explains more about the nature of Phryll:
Phryll powers everything. I is it is the foundation of all life, it is the manifestation of source. Phryll is produced by the two electrodes, brother and sister, son and daughter of source: creation and destruction. The interaction of them both creates a dynamic force. It is alchemy. And this dynamic force between the two, this dance creates Vril. It is like two electrodes powering Phryll.

She gives a wonderful description on how Phryll can be harvested (see 4, 1h09′). It seems like two coils are wound around a particular crystal and an impulse like sound, but also a thought from our mind, can move the Phryll in the coils and then it can be stored in these crystals. It’s quite amazing. These charged crystals can be used to empower all kinds of devices. I would really recommend you to listen to her video (4).

Coron – screenshot from video (4)

To round off I want to quote Coron (a ninth-dimensional man from the planet Dakoorat, the farthest planet from the star Ashaara (which we know as Taygeta),9), as he talks about Phryll:

Phryll is very ancient. It was never created first and it will never die, because time has no limits and no shape. It is spherical, present everywhere, omnipresent. Time is a hole, encompassing everything. Time is future and past, merged together as one.

Phryll is the child of time, child of the creator, the breath of Imanna. Phryll is in your bodies and in your souls. It powers your energy centers. Phryll composes everything that is alive. You can connect to its reality and use it to expand your mind and your field of action. Phryll is the gift in the box you need to open. It is in you. If you are alive, if you think, it is because of Phryll. Phryll is alive, Phryll is sentient. Everything in this universe is made of Phryll. Phryll is in the void.” (4, 1h20’12”)

During the GSIC 2023 Dan Willis showed a Phryll Generator. You can read more about Phryll and the connection with Crystals at a new website that is probably run by Dan Willis himself (11). If you want to know more about Crystals and their interdensity properties I advise you to take a look at (12).

In April 2024 Dan Willis talked during a round-table meeting on the Broadcast Team Alpha’s channel (13). In the following video you can hear him talk about his contact with Jen Han and the amazing information that he was given about Phryll and the connection with crystals.

Dan Willis describes his contact with Thor Han’s younger brother Jen Han
and he explains his research with the Phryll Generator (13)

(1) French SSP Insiders Speak Out
(2) Maria Orsic as a Fifth Column from the Galactic Federation of Worlds
(3) Age Regression by 20 years – Moyen en Relfe
(4) Phryll – Universal Energy (video)
(5) Know your Destiny Cards
(6) Danaan, E. (2021) We will Never let your Down. Amazon Press
(7) Elena Danaan – English transcripts.pdf (
(8) See Endnote 12 (menu)
(9) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars. Amazon Press. On p.337 you can find an illustration of the planets orbiting Taygeta (Ashaara)
(10) If your read the last paragraph of (2) the idea is presented that Maria Orsic was taken to a planet around Aldebaran near the end of World War II. Due to the advanced technology of those on Aldebaran it would be very well possible that she is still very much alive and she may even look as ravishing as she did back in the 1930s.
(11) Phryll Research & Phryll Generator Crystal
(12) Crystals as Bridges between Densities
(13) The Cosmic Puzzle: Decrypting UFOs and the ET Enigma – This excerpt start off at about 1h14′

4 thoughts on “Phryll – The Universal Life Force

  1. Pingback: Como criar antigravidade? | Brasileiros galácticos

  2. Pingback: O Ankh como uma poderosa ferramenta de alta frequência | Brasileiros galácticos

  3. Pingback: Maria Orsic como uma Quinta Coluna da Federação Galáctica dos Mundos | Brasileiros galácticos

  4. Excellent article!
    For Phryll harvesting, check out Dan Willis site,section on Vogel crystals…scroll down to the section where Jen Han,Thor Han’s brother,explains how to harvest Phryll…
    Also,in Elena’s site,Transcripts,Thor Han’s transcript,2.11.21 he interviews Annax about Phryll harvesting

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