Maria Orsic as a Fifth Column from the Galactic Federation of Worlds

Maria Orsic (9)

(latest update in March 2024) – lire cet article en français

On February 19, 2022 Dr. Michael Salla launched the interview he had with Jean-Charles Moyen and David Rousseau (1,2). He had spoken with both Jean-Charles (3) and David Rousseau (4) before separately and the interview with Jean-Charles triggered three articles on this site (5,6,7). In the recent interview with the two of them their experiences are compared with each other.

One of the things that they both mention is the presence of Maria Orsic as a teacher in a kind of telepathy-class on the Solaris, a French-American Secret Space Program ship. This class would have consisted of only two kids from Earth with the rest of them being from other worlds.

The role of Maria Orsic has been rather ambiguous: what was she doing in the Vril Society, what was her connection with the Nazi’s and how can she be a teacher on a ship aligned with the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW)? After this interview it seems that Maria Orsic has been a kind of Fifth Column within the Nazi-program in order to keep an eye on them for the sake of GFW.

In the comments-section of the interview on Salla’s site the author Herbert Dorsey (1) gives a very enlightening summary of Maria Orsic and her connection with German and a race from Aldebaran.

It was interesting to discover that the teacher on the Solaris, Maria Orsic, was the same Maria Orsic that formed the Secret Vril Society in 1921 in Munich, Germany. I did a lot of research on her for my book, “Secret Science and the Secret Space Program” (8)

Maria Orsic was born on October 31, 1895. Maria Orsic was a psychic who had a number of female psychic friends and organized the Vril Society from this group. Before long, this group was channelling information from the Sumi who lived on a planet in the Alderberan star system in the constellation Taurus. The Sumi claimed that it was their forebears that created the ancient Sumerian civilization on our planet.

Notes taken by Maria Orsic and Sigrun containing Sumerian and Templar writing (11).

These Vril psychics channelled the complete plans for an other world flying machine or Jensite Flug Machine(JFM) in German.. The written instructions were determined to be in the ancient Sumerian language and had to be translated back into German by the Pan Babylon society. After this translation, Maria Orsic asked her father if he understood the plans. He said that he did not, but he would take these plans over to his friend, Dr. Otto Schumann, a professor at the University of Munich and see if he did.

Maria Orsic (9)

Schumann was fascinated by the plans and said let’s build it and see what it does. The Vril Society then joined forces with the Thule Society to build the JFM-1 in early 1923. The Thule Society provided the financing and the Vril Society, the information. The Vril levitators were improved and the bugs removed throughout the whole JFM series. These two secret societies considered Dr. Otto Schumann as the father of the Vril levity disks and pretty well kept these developments secret during the 1920s.

But, in the 1930s the Nazi Party was organized by members of the Thule Society. And by the start of World War II, the SS gained access to the Vril saucer technology.

Maria Orsic was very opposed to this Vrll technology being used for a weapon of war and kept the more advanced saucers for herself and other Vril members in a secret hanger. The Vril psychics kept in constant contract with the Sumi during the war and totally disappeared at the end of the war. They are some that believe they joined the Sumi with their advanced Vril saucers.

Dr. Otto Schumann was brought to the U.S. after the war, where he is only famous for his discovery of the Schumann resonance between the Earth and the ionosphere.

The Summi may have been in the Federation of Worlds. That could be the pathway for Maria Orsic to join the Federation of Worlds and be on the Solaris. By now she would be 127 years old. Probably the Secret Space Program “med bed” technology has been used to keep her body and appearance younger. Perhaps Dr. Salla could inquire about Maria Orsic’s present appearance.” (1)

A day after I put out this post, Herbert Dorsey added another piece of information on what would have happened to Orsic and others in the Vril-group. Here’s what he wrote at the comments at (1):

I decided to see if my greatest source of information on Maria Orsic, the prodigious French researcher and author, Maximillen De Layafette has updated information on Maria Orsic since writing my 2014 book. After studying his updated information, I know that Maria Orsic and the other 4 ladies of the Vril definitely went to join the Sumi in the Aldeberan star system shortly before Munich was destroyed by allied bombing. Their civilization was very advanced and they could prolong life in a youthful state for many centuries. This answers my question about about Maria Orsic’s physical appearance.

According to information from Elena Danaan, nearly everyone who lives on other planets than Earth uses the term ‘Phryll’ to refer to the universal life energy. If you want to get to know more about that take a look at (10). Many more details on Maria Orsic and the Vril society can be found at (11). In another article I argue for the existence of three ET-groups that were linked to Germany in the 1930s (12). I also advise you to read the article on the Antarctic Germans, based on the testimony by Jason Rice (13).

Dick Allgire during his live remote viewing session (15)

On March 17, 2024, Dr. Michael Salla posted the following message on his Telegram Channel (14):

This is an amazing remote viewing session of the mysterious Maria Orsic by Dick Allgire that was part of a larger Remote Viewing Project involving multiple other RVs. Allgire confirms many details about Orsic’s life that have long been known. Confirms that she was a gifted communicator with Nordic aliens, that she worked on flying saucer tech, was forced to work with the Nazi SS under Heinrich Himmler.

He also saw that she was a Nordic ET hybrid herself, which explained many of her gifts. Finally, she was not part of the breakaway German group that escaped to Antarctica but was captured by the Russians who brutally executed her. Allgire says that she was one of the most beautiful, powerful, and spiritual beings that he has ever encountered.” (15)

Enfant du Grand Soleil Central (2023) (18)

Thanks to a translation by Joe from the Galactic Anthropology Study Group (17) I can now share with you a part from David Rousseau’s third book that was published in 2023 (18). In that part David describes how he and Jean-Charles Moyen again met with Maria Orsic, probably in 2017.

In the interview with Dr. Michael Salla (1,2) they came to the conclusion that it must have been the summer of 1982 that they first met Maria Orsic.

“–My name is Maria. But you can also call me Marie.

This voice. This voice… I recognized it. I started shaking. What is was he passing? I no longer had control over my body’s reactions. I had a hard time go back to see who it was. And there, I saw her arrive, slender, fine with a very long polar blond hair, the body dressed in a jumpsuit close to the silver colored body. She seemed to float above the ground as her gait was graceful. She wore a beautiful smile.

My God ! We would fall instantly in love with this woman, as what she gives off is so magnetic. And his eyes, indescribable as they transmit light and something I don’t know what else. Suddenly, a gigantic flood of memories, emotions and even feelings, overwhelmed me. Everything mixed together, to the point of making me dizzy. I saw myself again child, receiving his teachings aboard the Solar Warden. All these years in his company resurfaced. She was everything to me, to us. She was like a mother, but also like a sister, a confidante, a friend. She has always been there by my side for a good ten years. She gave me supported, comforted, cajoled, supported and loved. Tears began to flow again abundance on my cheeks.”

A relevant comment by Elena Danaan regarding David Rousseau

–Maria! Maria! I cried, jumping into his arms. –My dear David. I’m so happy to have you back. My heart filled with joy. –Oh, Maria, I missed you so much actually. I realize it NOW. –Dear one, we missed you too. I missed you. (18, p. 114, read more at (20))

On the Exopolitics chat questions were raised about Rousseau’s latest work. Elena Danaan said: “Unfortunately, David Rousseau has fantasized a lot regarding Maria Orsic lately, notably claiming she was the mother of Jesus, among a bunch of other irrational claims clashing with Jean-Charles Moyen’s and my true physical experience and information. Although he truly was an SSP experiencer with JC Moyen, David Rousseau is not a reliable source of information. A lof of novels fantasy.

As to the remote viewing results by Dick Allgire, both Dr. Michael Salla and Elena Danaan seem to think it might be possible that Maria Orsic had a body in stasis off-world, and that she was indeed killed at the end of the second world war. Elena is sure that Orsic (in her original body, apparently) is active in the solar warden program.

Maria Orsic is an enigmatic woman. Both David Rousseau and Jean-Charles Moyen saw her for the first time in 1982 (22) and followed her classes on the Solaris (23). In Rousseau’s third book he describes how he later met Jean-Charles as an adult on a spaceship (probably the Solaris) and how he only then started to remember his time with Jean-Charles and with Maria Orsic (24). This would imply that Maria Orsic is still fully alive and serving as a member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. But would she indeed have been executed by Russians who helped free Europe from the Nazi’s? And which Orsic would the two French SSP-participants have seen? The one who lived on our planet, or the one who walked out of a stasis pod after her Terran body was killed?

What’s your take on all this? Let yourself be heard at (17).

(1) French SSP Insiders Speak Out (article)
(2) French SSP Insiders Speak Out (video of the interview)
(3) 20 Years & back with the French Secret Space Program
(4) 2nd French Secret Space Program “20 & back” witness emerges
(5) Age-regression by 20 Years: Moyen and Relfe
(6) Shape Shifting and the Perception Switch
(7) Booby Traps and Curses to Secure Mind Wipes
(8) Dorsey III, J. Herbert (2014) Secret Science and the Secret Space Program
(9) Elsa News Blogspot
(10) Phryll – The Universal Life Energy
(11) The Inventor of Antigravity Space Propulsion: Maria Orsic
(12) Hitler and Three Extraterrestrial Groups
(13) The Antarctic Germans
(14) Telegram Channel Dr. Michael Salla
(15) Below you can watch how Dick Allgire describes the alleged execution by Russian soldiers who helped free Europe from the Nazi’s. This is taken from (16).

Remote Viewer Dick Allgire on the alleged Execution of Maria Orsic by Soviet forces (16)

(16) Remote Viewing Maria Orsic
(17)  Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): Galactic Anthropology on X. Also available on VK. In January 2024 I started a project called Gondolath that combines ET Disclosure with Current events in a loosely and sometimes playful manner. There are also more and more articles available in video format: both on Youtube and on TikTok. Like and subscribe!
(18) Rousseau. D. (2023) Au-delà de notre monde: Tome 3, Enfant du Grand Soleil. Also take a look at David Rousseau’s website (19)
(19) David Rousseau’s website
(20) “-But how ? How come I feel like it was yesterday, and at the same time it is so distant. Had I really left again? Had I really returned to Earth? I admit that I’m losing all sense reality.
-It’s normal. And we are going to overcome that. These are the distortions on timelines. Come with me. I will explain everything to you and by that same opportunity to restore your memory of many things that you lived. But know that I won’t be able to unlock everything. -Why ? –Because it will be up to you to remember it.
–Ah! I told myself that this was going to come back at one point or another. other. But I understand very well.

Maria Orsic and the Vril Society (26)

–You see me delighted.
–Will you explain to me what really happened when I left? Because, if my memory serves me correctly, it was my pure and simple choice not to re-sign.
–I will explain to you of course. But you did it.
-What ?
-Eh ?!
-Yes. But we will see that when the time comes.
–Have I resigned?
–Several times, on several timelines in fact.
-I don’t understand.
–In what you call the future, you are still part of the crew of the Solar Warden and the Solaris.
–Whoa…it gets more complicated there.
–It’s quite simple to understand actually. You will see. That will become crystal clear. But first, I will take you to the medical room.” (translated excerpt taken from 18, p.114)
(21) I would almost start to think there is some deeply ingrained anti-Russian bias in those American Remote Viewers. Take for example the negative remote-viewing session by the Far Sight Institute on Vladimir Putin (25).
(22) For more on 1982 see French Insiders Speak Out (with timestamp to the 1982 part)
(23) The Excelsior and Solar Warden
(24) –David! I’m so happy to see you again my brother! It was so long.
–Sorry, but… are you?
–It’s me… It’s Jean-Charles. Come here so I can take you in my arm.
I didn’t have time to react before he gave me a warm hug. To his contact I could actually feel something intense. Fraternal. But paradoxically, it remained diffuse. I could feel his entire body covered of emotions. When he released his grip, I realized that tears escaped from his eyes. I couldn’t help but pour some in my turn without for me to understand what was really going on. (18)
(25) President Putin and the Far Sight Institute

9 thoughts on “Maria Orsic as a Fifth Column from the Galactic Federation of Worlds

  1. To be honest, I almost think so; Maria Orsic and her Vril ladies (Maria was not alone there) need their own video.
    Too many questions are unanswered.
    For example, according to Elena Danaan, the aliens that Maria and the Vril ladies were supposed to have contact with are an Anunnaki colony and they are not in the GFW.
    Supposedly Maria and the others should have even flown to the Aldebaran system and then? According to Elene Danaan, there are humans in the Aldebaran system, but the Dark Fleet and this branch is said to be one of the worst…
    What happened to Maria and the others. What were their paths after the war, what were their fates?
    There are just too many questions that have no answers. But Thor Han and the GFW should know what happened to Maria and the other ladies etc.
    I don’t understand why Michael Salla keeps speculating about it.
    (Sorry for my english)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This question needs further investigation. My own information about Maria Orsic is her 1921 -1945 role in forming and heading the Vril Society, which has been posted on another part of this website. Dr. Salla should inquire further into her history from the end of World War II to the prrsent.


    • Yes. My information is also from before 1945. It ends with the alleged flight with a spaceship (I think it was called Vril-Odin) to Aldebaran.
      I also hope that Micheal Salla will continue to research because I find this story not only interesting but also important.
      (Sorry for my english)


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