Deep State Stealth Satellites Used as Directed Energy Weapons

On August 28, 2023 Elena Danaan posted her 27th Contact video (1). Because of the sensitive nature of this video she only posted an introduction on Youtube (2) with a link to Rumble. Unfortunately Rumble disabled the video within 12 hours, leaving only Elena’s website as the only place to watch the video. She embedded it at the bottom of a transcript of that video (3). She also talked about the contents of this video in her 10th webinar (4).

A lot was said in that relatively short video. This article only focuses on the stealth satellites which would still be used as DEW’s (Directed Energy Weapons) by the Deep State.

A Satellite as a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW, 14)

After first speaking with Enki/Ea about the backgrounds of what happened on the Hawaiian island Maui, and the village of Lahaina, she asked Thor Han (5) how it was possible that these DEW’s were still present in the orbit of our planet. Here is his response:

“Listen, he said. Their Directed Energy Weapon satellites are stealth. You know that we have been working at disabling these satellites from the moment they started putting them into orbit. You remember, this Russian cosmonaut (6,15), from the International Space Station?

-Yes, of course. (7)

-Well he didn’t know anything about the real nature of these satellites, but this was one of our multiple operations to try to stop this process. We have been shooting at sight on these satellites until they made it stealth. Since July 2021, the Earth Alliance is in charge of the protection of Earth’s space from ground to outer orbit, so it is in their responsibility to continue these operations. The operations of the Galactic Alliance start after the limit of the outer orbit. The interference of a global intervention would cause more damage at long term than you can envision. Don’t you think that it breaks our heart to be bound to do nothing about what is happening on the ground of this planet? It is excruciating!

Ea said that the Deep State, even after the departure of his half brother (8), still has the ability to use these awful weapons from outer space to target places on Earth, places like Lahaina. Thor Han has made it clear that ever since the Jupiter Agreements (9) the Earth Alliance (10) is responsible for the direct space around our planet. I had the impression, however, that the Earth Alliance consisted of both people from Earth and people from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, but perhaps the definition has changed along the way, making the Earth Alliance Terran human only. Without directly interfering I think it would make sense for the Galactic Federation of Worlds to at least advice the Earth Alliance on how to detect and finish these Directed Energy Weapons.

Elena Danaan also made an explanatory video about the different ‘areas of responsibility’ of the Earth Alliance, Solar Warden (11) and the Galactic Federation of Worlds (12)

What are your thoughts on all this? Join one of the Study Groups or comment below (13).

(1) See for an overview of all her contact videos: Elena Danaan Articles and Contact Videos
(2) Contact Ep 27 ~ Ea & Thor Han ~ Aug 28 2023
(3) Ea Staggering revelations on Lahaina’s Fire & Thor Hans Speaks about the DEW Satellites
(4) Webinar 10
(5) The Connection between Thor Han and Elena Danaan
(6) For those who don’t have the book (5) you can find an article with more backgrounds here: A Meeting in Space with an ISS Cosmonaut in May 2020. For more on Russia in general, see (15)
(7) We Will Never Let You Down-2021, p.132
(8) Anu, Enlil and Enki and the Meeting with the Four Councils
(9) Jupiter Agreements, Elon Musk and Possible ET-links
(10) The Earth Alliance
(11) Solar Warden and the Excelsior
(12) Ea Staggering revelations on Lahaina’s Fire & Thor Hans Speaks about the DEW Satellites – See the video in the middle of the article.
(13) Telegram groups: General Notices and UpdatesElena Danaan and Disclosure Community Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles.
(14) Beijing & Moscow have weaponized space through killer satellites, directed energy weapons: defense sec
(15) Exploring the Russian Dimension