Asherah from Ashaara – Reflections on Pleiadean Links

I was watching webinar 8 (1) from almost a year ago (July 2023) when I heard Elena refer to an interview dr. Salla had done with Paul Wallis (2). I had ignored that interview since I thought Paul Wallis was just another scholar with yet another perspective on the Anunnaki story. How wrong I was! In this post I will provide some background on the fascinating corroboration between a highly revered lady in ancient Semitic religion, Asherah (3) and the name of the star Taygeta, which the locals up there call, Ashaara (5).

I want to give full credit to Paul Wallis for most of the contents of this article. He writes about it in his book The Eden Conspiracy (6). The reason why I present his theory here is because it adds interesting elements to our understanding of our galactic past. Like always it also raises new questions.

Could this represent a portal? (snapshot from 7 at 3’07” )

I advise you to watch the interview with dr. Salla (2) and a video of half an hour (7) in which Wallis explains the story far more detailed than the summary I will give below.

In the excerpt below you can hear Paul Wallis talk about a ‘ ‘Nouse’ (which looks like a niche) that was found in present day Israel in a place called ‘Tel el-Farah’. What was strange about it was that it looked like a door, but there was nothing around it: no walls, no building. What was a door doing there?

Paul Wallis says that advanced beings like Asherah can step through this doorway. He proposes that this door could possible be something that we would call a portal in our current vocabulary.

Paul Wallis said about this portal that it contained: “A crescent moon and a batch of stars in the symbology of ancient Sumeria. That Crescent Moon references the Taurus constellation that batch of stars sits on the shoulder of Taurus: it’s the stars of the Pleiades and so this little find no more than 30 centimeters tall is telling us here by these Standing Stones our ancestors met someone: it was Ashura represented by two inverted palm trees how did she get here? Through a portal where did she come from? from the Pleiades.

Paul Wallis speaks about Asherah and the Pleiades with dr. Salla (2)

Wallis backs up his theory by referring to various other cultures that also mention the Pleiades, like Native Americans, people in Hawaii and the Aboriginal Australians (18).

Paul Wallis says that based on the root meanings of the ancient biblical texts three extraterrestrial groups were mentioned: people from Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades. Some came to mine, some came to exploit and others (the ones from the Pleiades) came to nurture. Asherah would have gained the people the knowledge on how to grow crops for instance.

In the 8th Century BC all references to the groups of Baal and Asherah would have been removed from the texts in order to create a monotheistic religion centered around Yahweh (9), who, according to Wallis was likely the polar opposite of Asherah.

Asherah holding two lions by the ears (snapshot from 7, 4’36”)

There are many intriguing elements in the account of Paul Wallis. The most impressive to me is the name of that ‘goddess’ Asherah, which seems to be a direct reference to the name the people from the Pleiades give to their star, namely Ashaara (15). The story about the portal is of course also quite impressive: that the people talked about Asherah arriving through that particular door way, as if it indeed were a portal straight to and from a planet in the Ashaara Star System (=Taygeta).

Recently we talked about the Alcheringa account by Valerie Barrow (16), and the Pleiades were also mentioned as the origin of their spaceship, the Rexegena, carrying 50,000 people. The remaining survivors would have played the role of making hybrids with the local hairy primate population, thereby creating a Genetic Leap forward. But this would have happened 900,000 years ago, whereas the Asherah account appears to a lot more recent.

Tell el-Farah (8)

From which planet would Asherah have come? She seems to be pictured with black hair, which makes it more likely that she would be a Taal-Marhu from the third planet of the Ashaara system (15, pp. 257-258), although we can read that they never established a durable colony on Earth.

Which raises the question: how many of these people from Ashaara would have entered our world through that portal? How did they deal with the other branches of Baal and Yahweh? When would they have arrived? Would there have been any genome-exchange in that era? (17)

If you like to share your thoughts about this fascinating topic, join the Galactic Anthropology Study Group: the place to be for independent explorers (16)

(1) Webinars
(2) How Anunnaki history influenced the Bible and what it means Today
(3) Asherah (wikipedia). For Wokipedia head for (4).
(4) Wokipedia – Wikipedia as a Woke Tool
(5) The Real Names of Various Stars – How they are called by their own People
(6) Wallis, P. (2023) THE EDEN CONSPIRACY: Ancient Memories of ET Contact and the Bible before God
(7) Pleiadians in the Bible? Asherah and the Sky Armies | Documentary 2023 – Paul Wallis
(8) Tell el-Farah – For more on the current situation in Israel see the Gondolath Project (15b)
(9) Yahweh is not new to us. Within the framework of Elena Danaan Yahweh was no other than Enlil, the cruel Anunnaki ruler. Learn more about him at (10-13). Below is a very short excerpt in which Elena says that Enlil was Yahweh (14).

Elena Danaan on Enlil and Yahweh (14)

(10) Some Doubts about the Enlil-Yahweh-vibe
(11) A Statue Bald Head of Enlil in Sanliurfa Museum
(12) Anu, Enlil and Enki and the Meeting with the Four Councils
(13) The Enlil Lineage
(14) MESSAGES FROM NIBIRU ~ Dec 4 2022
(15) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars (see page 252)

Asherah holding two lions by the ears (snapshot from 7, 4’36”)

(16) There are two main domains to study: the Galactic Domain (a) and the Deep State Structures (b).
(a) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel and public chat
(b) Want to help with studying the Deep State? Join the Gondolath Deep State Study Group or visit the website: Gondolath Project. You can also follow the other side of the news at the Laura Aboli Archive.
Galactic Anthropology tries to spread both the disclosure information and the Deep State Explorations at FacebookX (Twitter), on VKYoutube and on TikTok. Hope to see you soon in one of the groups! Like, share and subscribe.
(17) Our Intergalactic and Galactic Genomes
(18) The world’s oldest story? Astronomers say global myths about ‘seven sisters’ stars may reach back 100,000 years