The Jewel of the Atlantic Ark

Looking into the Ocean (9)

On July 20, 2023 Dr. Salla presented us with another fascinating video on one of JP’s missions (1). JP has shared so much of his experiences during his missions that it provided enough material to publish a book about it (2), and Michael Salla even speaks about volume 1 of a whole series of books, so we can expect a lot more in the future!

This article is about JP’s fourth mission in the Atlantic Ark located in the Bermuda triangle (3,4). You might remember some of the first three missions. There was this mission with a Chinese delegation (5), with ‘kuria-matte chanting’ Mayan-like people (6) who suddenly went missing and who were later ‘rescued’ by another delegation, including Russians (7). It turned out that they hardly need to be rescued for they had a great time there. In May 2022 JP again visited this Ark and then he described various rooms with different kinds of weightlessness amongst other things (8).

So after more than a year another mission in that huge Atlantic (space) Ark was organized and this time the goal seem to have been to go to a certain room and collect a powerful jewel. Below is an excerpt from this mission in which they actually take the jewel, where JP wonders if that really is the right thing to do (10). The story starts off right after they had entered a particular room and saw an Indian Buddha like statue which apparently held this jewel. (5 minutes)

JP describes the part of his mission related to the taking of a Jewel (10)

JP was told that this jewel was necessary to activate certain temples around the world. He was told that no matter where the jewel would be it would always be connected to it, as if it were an extension to the ark. Being in the vicinity of this jewel caused many of the people in the mission to become very sad and emotional. As if you could feel the sadness that our planet would be feeling. This jewel would also have been removed to prevent others from stealing it. The jewel was purple, black with white fluorescent lines.

JP was also reminded of the gift they got from the Ant People related to longevity (11). I am reminded of that gift they received after that funny mission in which he and a family member of his were forced to remain in some box for about 20 hours before they met a Nordic-looking 1200 year old- extra (or intra-) terrestrial who gave them something as well (12-14).

Be sure to watch the rest of the interview if you can find the time (1,17). What would happen to all those gifts that are received by JP and his team during all those missions? If you have something to share or to add as a result of this mission by JP, let yourself be heard (15). In september 2023 JP had another mission in this Atlantic Ark (18). During that mission with a few Nordic looking extraterrestrials the Jewel was brought back.

(1) JP Update – 4th Mission to Atlantic Space Ark (article, July 20, 2023)
(2) Volume 1 of a new book series on JP’s missions and experiences, US Army Insider Missions, is available on Amazon & LuluMore info here or click the banner below to view on Amazon.
(3) On the Other Side of the Bermuda Triangle – This is an article based on the intel Michel Desmarquet received from a species who call themselves the Thiaoouba. He was shown a rather strange dimension where people would have ended up after going through a possible portal in the Bermuda Triangle.

The Bermudas (16)

(4) There is a species that would have base in the Bermuda triangle region. Take a look at The Killimat-Arr from Gamma Crux and their facility under the Bermuda Triangle for more.
(5) Joint US China Mission to Giant ET Space Ark under Atlantic Ocean (article)
(6) These ‘Mayans’ inspired hundreds of people at the first GSIC meeting in Orlando to chant ‘a Kuria Matte’ as well during some surprise ritual, meant to activate some Anunnaki giant below the Florida surface. For more on that see Should we Welcome the Awakening Anunnaki Giants with Open Arms, or not?
(7) More on the Atlantic Ark and an Ark Summary – Rescue Mission with Russians participating
(8) 3rd Mission to Atlantic Space Ark – JP Update
(9) How to Build and Underwater Ship
(10) JP Update – 4th Mission to Atlantic Space Ark (video)
(11) On Traveling Seeds and Semen
(12) JP Update – Visit to Massive Spaceport under an unknown South Atlantic Island – They were given a crystal that allowed them to look into the future. Talking about presents and technology, you might want to take a look at the past life viewing device (13) and the four time doors (14).
(13) A Device to Record you Past Lives
(14) Anchoring a Timeline and JP’s Four Time Rooms
(15) Telegram groups: General Notices and Updates, Elena Danaan and Disclosure Community Study Group, Alex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles.
(16) Bermuda Readies for Americas Cup
(17) Someone reminded me of the fact that JP had said that they were told they had been inside for two days, although it felt as if they had only been in the Ark for a couple of hours (see 10, 19’20”)
(18) JP Update – Returning the Activation Jewel to the Atlantic Space Ark

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