Blood Groups and Related Star Systems?

In webinar 110 from July 2020 (1), Alex Collier talked about a possible relationship between blood groups and the stellar origin. A chart was made that listed this link. This article reflects on the likelihood of such a connection. Unfortunately this chart creates a lot more confusion than that it brings clarity in any way, at least in my opinion.

Let’s start off with the chart and see what it says. I haven’t watched the webinar myself, so I might be misinterpreting it, but when I look at this chart it seems to show a link between a blood group (with or without the Rhesus factor) and a star system or a constellation.

When you add all the percentages you have 100%. So, I assume that this means that it refers to all the people in the world and that everybody can look themselves up in this chart to see where their star origin is from.

Since blood groups look physical I also assume that there is some kind of physical link between the body and the stellar origin. It says nothing about your soul’s origin (2).

So if you have B- as a blood group your body genetics would be from Ursa Minor. If you have B+ your body would either come from Vega or the constellation of Hercules.

Let’s take a look at the star systems or constellations that are mentioned in the list. It is a bit confusing to see this mix of stars and constellations. Why are the stars of certain constellations mentioned separately?

Constellations: BOÖTES (Butess) (with star Arcturus) – Sagittarius (with star Nunki (3)) – Ursa Minor (with star Polaris) – Lyra (Vega) – Andromeda – Pisces – Pegasus – Perseus – Cygnus (Cygnus alpha) – Antares – Scorpius or Scorpio (with star Antares) – Ursa Major

Stars: Nunki, Polaris, Vega, Antares, Altair, Cygnus Alpha (=Deneb)

Vega is a star in the constellation Lyra. Why is only Vega mentioned in the B+ group and why is only Lyra mentioned in the O- group, and both Vega and Lyra in the A- group?

When you look at Ursa Minor (the little bear) constellation we see that it can be linked to A+, AB+ and B-. How is that possible? Does this imply that there are at least three different species from Ursa Minor that have influenced or genetically altered our genomes? Or do they all come from a planet (or planets) orbiting Polaris, since this is the only star that is mentioned from Ursa Minor? And why haven’t we heard anything from people coming from Polaris in the work of Elena Danaan? Did Alex ever mention the people from Polaris?

Bosnian Pyramid (8)

Since they are from this galaxy they are not part of the P’Taal (or Intergalactic Confederation (5)), who all are from other galaxies (6). The same goes for all other groups in this chart. Have we ever heard anything from the people of Sagittarius for example? Alex did mention the people of Hercules in a video, who were linked to the Bosnian Pyramids (7).

Another odd element in this chart is the complete absence of any Sirian, Pleiadean species, and of course the Anunnaki. How is that possible? These often are the species that are mentioned in relation to our ancestry. Does this mean that there is no connection with any of them based on this chart of blood groups?

This really is the first time that so many questions pop up due to Alex’ work. I would love to hear Alex’ thoughts about all this. Within the paradigm that I work with here on this website humanity would consist of at least 11 genomes from 11 (seeder) species with another 11 from within our own galaxy. This can create all kinds of combinations with 22 elements at least. But when it comes to blood groups there is not so much diversity. When you include the rhesus factor you only have 8 categories. It seems odd that one person only has one blood group that would link him to a certain species? What about all the other genomes connecting him to other species? What determines which blood group will be chosen in the womb? What genomes determine that?

Based on all this genetic diversity you would expect some kind of mixed blood group too, but of course that is not the case. You can have genetics of 11 species, but the blood group of another?

A Rhesus (macaque) Monkey (11)

Myrah also once talked about blood and blood groups (9). Let’s present a quote of hers from Elena Danaan’s A Gift from the Stars (10):

This is very simple: most blood types on Terra are indigenous, except (O) group is extra-terrestrial. D protein was engineered by Anunnaki to make (O) compatible with other Terran blood types. You see, if two species chromosomes don’t match, the genetic difference results in a sterile offspring, and D-protein palliates to that. If you have it your blood is (+D), if not your blood is (-D).” (2, p.345)

It is obvious that this analysis by Myrah doesn’t match anything from the blood group chart. She says that all blood groups are in fact indigenous to Earth and that only the (O) blood group is extraterrestrial. The rhesus factor (+D) was only added to make that blood compatible with the A/AB/B blood groups. And they would have been added by the Anunnaki.

Perhaps I am wildly misinterpreting the blood group chart from webinar 110, perhaps there is something else that I overlooked, but it seems that this blood group chart is filled with riddles and it stirs up a lot of questions. To me it really doesn’t make a lot of sense, and believe me, I really think what Alex Collier normally says, does make a lot of sense to me. Who knows, perhaps Alex doesn’t support this chart either. Please let me know your thoughts (12).

(1) Webinar 110 – July 10, 2020
(2) Although nothing might not be true either. If there is indeed a kind of condition for a soul to enter a particular body as is suggested in (4), then there might just be some connection. A soul that was born and raised in a certain star system would not mix easily with a body that has got no connection at all with the genomes of the bodies of the world the soul has lived in on their own world.
(3) Nunki – Star in Sagittarius Constellation
(4) Using Humanity to Spy on Soul Groups from Other Worlds and Densities
(5) The Intergalactic Confederation
(6) Our Galactic and Intergalactic Genomes
(7) Unearthing the Past: Alex Collier on Dr. Sam Osmanagichs’ Exploration of Ancient Civilizations!
(8) Are there ancient pyramids in Bosnia? Probably not – Also see a separate topic on Hercules and the Bosnian Pyramids in the Alex Collier and Andromedans Study Group
(9) On Alien Blood – Type O and the extraterrestrial origin of RhD+ (rhesus factor)
(10) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars
(11) Rhesus Macaque Baby
(12) Telegram groups: General Notices and UpdatesElena Danaan and Disclosure Community Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles.

One thought on “Blood Groups and Related Star Systems?

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