Reversing Polarities on Earth Nodes through Horrendous Blood Death Rituals

(Изменение полярностей на земных узлах с помощью ужасающих ритуалов кровавой смерти)

On August 28, 2023 Elena Danaan shed light on what could have happened in the village of Laihana on the Hawaiian island of Maui (1). In an earlier article (2) we spoke about the satellite technology and the Directed Energy Weapons from the perspective of Thor Han (3). This article focuses on a very dark aspect that was brought to light by Ea/Enki during one of his meetings with Elena on their Nibiru ship (4).

In their talk Enki explained that Lahaina was a powerful, high frequency charge node which contained a natural portal (5) to distant destinations like the Pleiades, which he calls Manahu (6). He didn’t specify to which part of Manahu or Mana-Hai the portal led. Would it lead to Taygeta or perhaps Alcyone (7)?

Reversal of Poles (9)

Ea then went on to explain that there is a way to reverse the polarity of such a node, and this way is indeed an incredible dark one. Let’s here it from the man himself:

When these beings, these dark humans, take possession of such a land, they need to change its magnetic charge, by reversing its polarization. The way they proceed is by performing a rite of massive scale human sacrifice.

The brutal shock in the etheric field, generated by terror and intense pain, physical, emotional and psychological, reverses the polarity. What happened was a magic blood-death ritual. A deliberate slaughter. This is why my half-brother stimulated violent wars carrying unnameable bloody misdeeds, constantly, throughout the history of Ki. These were more than wars: they were rituals.” (1)

There is not much that I can add to further explain these gruesome practices. Just imagine that this would really have happened in our history a lot of times: not just the atrocities of wars, but also with the intent to reverse positive energetic nodes into negative ones through these ‘magic blood-death rituals’. Let me know your thoughts at (8)

(1) Ea Staggering revelations on Lahaina’s Fire & Thor Hans Speaks about the DEW Satellites
(2) Deep State Stealth Satellites Used as Directed Energy Weapons
(3) On the Connection between Thor Han and Elena Danaan
(4) The Royal Quarters of the Anunnaki on the Nibiru Ship
(5) Portals, Stargates and Wormholes – See The Elena Danaan and Disclosure Community Study Group to read about a Stargate on Kauai that was mentioned by Ashayana Deane in her work.
(6) The Real Names of Various Stars – How they are called by their Own People
(7) Some Myths about Alcyone in the Pleiades
(8) Telegram groups: General Notices and UpdatesElena Danaan and Disclosure Community Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles.
(9) Search Pepors

3 thoughts on “Reversing Polarities on Earth Nodes through Horrendous Blood Death Rituals

  1. That sounds like what they do, and probably too much for the average person to fathom. What would be the purpose in this sort of thing to do this now? I do believe their ritual will backfire on them though because they underestimated the Ohana of the people there. I saw a meeting they had gotten together and stated they strength and love as a people of Lahaina then they ended it with a song. The people all around the world are speaking out about it and are aware this was no normal fire and of course exposing the dark ones who thought they would come in and take over this place. This is not gonna happen if people see what they are planning and they have. One man showed a video of a car that just turned to dust, and it was sitting on gravel, he is talking to scientists who say this could not be possible with a wild fire and I think with this exposure of the people responsible, they won’t be able to follow thru with their plans to rob Lahaina of it’s heratage and culture. They know they tried to get the numbers up by not informing them of the fire, and blocking streets to make the death count higher. Those who didn’t obey and got out of their cars going past the baracade survived and most of them know the agenda by these gooberment usurpers like their Governor and Mayor. They have been calling them out and we hope and pray there is the good guys on the ground helping these people out, as FEMA and Red Cross are not, and they have taken upon themselves to help each other. I’ve seen police come and shut down private distribution centers and the people revolting. They are also standing up to them stating that Hawaii never became a state and that this land never had become a part of the United States.
    I hope they are successful in turning this around on them, they are strong loving people. They are up against some really nasty people, and I know they are devastated, but I think they over estimated themselves, got so sloppy as to make it evident this was no ‘accident’ or a wildfire. Hopefully, their strength will continue and they can change the energy back to their Ohana love and peace.

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  2. Highlighting EA’s explanation of portal reversal helped me understand how, the need for LOVE 💙 to be the baseline frequency of one’s being-ness and why giving into FEAR or ANGER is counter productive. ✨ If I can’t get to LOVE, at least NEUTRAL with a big dose of a meditative inhale for 3 seconds will dissipate any negative energy. Thank you, GalacticAnthropology. 🙏🏾

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