Introducing Danny Sheehan and the UFO Cover-Up Standards by US Agencies

The main aim of this website is to provide information on all kinds of species from other star systems in an easily accessible format. The mere thought that we already know a whole lot about many species is still far off for many people, but due to recent developments in US Congress more people might open up to this possible reality. In an attempt to broaden the horizon of this website a bit, and perhaps build a bridge to this new group of interested people, I wanted to expand my understanding of what is going on in Congress and these whistleblowers.

Danny Sheehan (snapshot from (2)

Through my new wonderings into the X/Twitter (1) world I came across an interview (2) on a youtube channel called ‘Amazing People’ by Nathan Williams (3). In that interview from December 15, 2023, Williams talked to the lawyer Danny Sheehan.

At first I wanted to give a detailed summary of that interview, just like I did with that great whistleblower Robert Dean (4), but I soon discovered that it would result in a very huge article with many topics going in all kinds of directions. That’s why I decided to write several articles based on this interview. In this first interview I present a short introduction of Daniel Sheehan and focus on the dispicable ways of the secret agencies who prefer to keep knowledge about extraterrestrial life to themselves, for their own profit.

Nathan gives this introduction in his interview: “Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School trained constitutional litigation and appeal attorney for close to five decades. Danny’s work as a federal civil rights attorney, author, public speaker and college and law school Professor has helped expose the structural sources of Injustice around the world. Danny is the founder of the new paradigm Institute (5) dedicated to advocating for the public release of information held by the government surrounding the issue of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena or what was commonly known as Unidentified Flying Objects.

On Wikipedia we can find the following part that is relevant to us here: “Sheehan has spoken publicly about UFOs and alien visitation, and has served as counsel for Harvard University psychiatrist John E. Mack (6) as well as Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project. He represents Luis Elizondo, the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in a case against the US Department of Defense.” (7)

Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and H.W. Bush (8)

Daniel Sheehan has been active in this field of government agency’s UFO-coverups since the 1970s. After his election in 1976, President Carter wanted a study to be conducted into the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, and Sheehan was asked to participate. Carter would have seen a UFO from up close in Georgia and that probably triggered this study. One of the first things that Carter did was to ask the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to be briefed on the UFO-issue.

At that time it was H.W. Bush and he declined to share any information with the president because ‘he didn’t have any need to know‘. After this President Jimmy Carter set up a congressional Science and Technology Committee on extraterrestrials in which Sheehan participated.

Being a member of that committee Sheehan was able to read classified documents about Project Blue Book, which was a project that ran from 1952 to 1969 (9). Project Blue Book was about the study of about 700 UFO cases, but Sheehan soon learned that their main focus was not to openly study the material, but their main goal was to prevent anyone from knowing about these incidents. Anyone associated with these events were soon treated as a kind of enemy of the state. You can watch Danny Sheehan talk about it in the excerpt below:

Danny Sheehan on Project Blue Book (2)
(the sound isn’t optimal in this excerpt, unfortunately)

Further on in the interview Danny Sheehan presents a wonderful Sufi saying that is very telling about the way US Agencies have been dealing with UFO’s the last seven decades. The saying goes like this: “When a pickpocket meets a saint all he sees are his pockets“.

Sheehan was really alarmed when he discovered that all the extraordinary information, which he says, is of such an incredible importance for the whole of humanity is being secretly concealed by the military who are attempting to simply use it do develop a new generation of (nuclear) weapons. (2, 13′)

When I hear accounts like this, I can’t help but feeling ashamed for humanity. Instead of sharing the wonderful news that we are not alone in the universe, but that we are in fact part of an immeasurably huge amount of space civilizations, we try to hide it for humanity in order to be able to create weapons of mass destruction first. What a pathetic behavior. Let’s hope that by exposing these deep state croonies we can move on and get to know everything there is to know about extraterrestrial civilizations, just like we have been doing here on this website for the last two years. Share your thoughts at (1).

(1) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): Galactic Anthropology on X
(2) Danny Sheehan Interview (Whistleblowers in 2024, UAP Disclosure Act, UFO News)
(3) The Amazing People Podcast – He is been interviewing some very interesting people indeed.
(4) An Interview with Robert Dean
(5) New Paradigm Instititute
(6) I am currently reading ‘Abduction’ by the psychiatrist Dr. Mack after having watched this video interview on Dr. Mack from Dr. Schild and Joe Cerletti: A Conversation on DR. JOHN MACK, with Joe Cerletti and Dr. Rudy Schild
(7) Daniel Sheehan (attorney)
(8) Bush, like Carter, a throwback to a better political era
(9) Project Blue Book is no secret. You might want to read this book: Project Blue Book by Brad Steiger. You can even watch two TV seasons called Project Blue Book (2019-2020)

2 thoughts on “Introducing Danny Sheehan and the UFO Cover-Up Standards by US Agencies

  1. Thanks, Dr. Steven Greer for all your hard work! You have been a great friend and advisor to many. There is a much bigger picture unfolding. Thanks Paul Hellyer, Carol Rosin and David Grusch.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: On the Shady Webs of Secrecy within the AARO/DoD world – Gondolath – Studying the Deep State

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