An Interview with Robert Dean

Someone in one of the Study Groups (1) advised me to take a look at a long (2 hours) interview with Robert Dean (2). While watching it I made all kinds of notes and links that you can find in the Telegram Library (1). After finishing it I thought the information was fascinating enough to gather it in a separate article. Of course I would recommend you to watch the interview yourself, but when you don’t have the time for it, you can get the main points from this article or an extended variant from the Library.

Robert (or Bob) was born in 1929 and passed away almost 90 years later in 2018. He was a Command Sergeant Major in the US Army and after having served for 28 years he retired and started to share his information on UFO’s and extraterrestrial life from 1989 onwards (3).

On January 25, 2012 Robert was interviewed by Walter from Search4TruthReality (4) in Tucson, Arizona. I will deal with the topics that I thought were interesting, in the order that they appeared in the video.

Robert Dean mentioned the appearance of metallic discs that were flying in formation over Europe. Both NATO and the Warsaw Pact (5) thought these were some kind of planes from their enemies in the Cold War. This would have almost led to a war between the two parties. Eventually they learned that it was not of human origin. It triggered the study that eventually resulted in the writing of the Assessment Report. Dean said that only 15 copies were printed of this highly classified (NATO Cosmic Clearance required) and he got to read it (6). Here Robert talks about this important report:

Robert Dean speaks about the Assessment Report (1964) on Alien Life

because it literally concluded that we, on planet Earth, the human race, had had an intimate interrelationship with advanced non-human intelligence for centuries, if not for millenia….and the conclusion reached after the study was published, was that apparently these guys have been coming and going here from the beginning of our history. An no there was no threat involved, because if there had been the repeated demonstration of their incredibly advanced technology indicated that if they were malevolent or hostile, the game would have been over, a long, long time ago. (2, 34′)

The study, however didn’t conclude who they were, and why they were really here. Dr. Salla did an interview with Bob Dean in 2006, mainly focused on this report and the aftermath (7).


Timmendorfer Strand – location of an alien plane crash in 1963? (9)

In the report, Robert read about a huge disc, the size of 30 meters (about 100 ft) that crashed in the Northern German village near the Baltic Sea, called Timmendorfer Strand.

A British engineer battalion (8) went inside and figured out how to take it apart and they encountered 12 small bodies, about 3,5-4 feet tall. The report contained an index that included autopsies of these beings, including photographs and analyses. The medical examiners were overwhelmed with what they discovered.

These beings were almost identical. They appeared like biological androids. There was no alimentary tract and they did not have any reproductive capabilities. He talks about there being a kind of tissue in their small toothless mouth which was probably used to ingest nutrients. Who could these beings have been? The Do-Hu perhaps? (10)

Robert Dean also mentioned another report, which is not classified and was written by the Brookings Institute in collaboration with NASA in 1960 (11). He mentioned it because one of the recommendations of the report would have been to withhold intelligent extraterrestrial life for the general public. I looked into a few sites, but could not find such claims. If anyone can find quotes from the report that actually say this, please let me know. For now I tend to agree with this (11):

In an email published by The Virtually Strange Network, entitled “Brookings Report Re-examined”, Keith Woodard writes that the Brookings Report:

…did raise the possibility of withholding information, but took no position on its advisability. ‘Questions one might wish to answer by such studies,’ intoned the report, ‘would include: how might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public for what ends? What might be the role of the discovering scientists and other decision makers regarding release of the fact of discovery?’ Those two sentences comprise the report’s entire commentary on the subject of covering up the truth.

Ben Rich, former CEO of Lockheed Skunk Works (12)

He talks about a talk he had with Ben Rich, who had retired from his work as a CEO at Lockheed. This man told Robert that the U.S. would have everything you see in Star Trek. On his death bed he would have said that extraterrestrial visitors are real and that the US military travels to the stars (12).

Robert also mentioned someone else he had spoken to who had worked at Northrupp-Grumman, and he would have told him that the U.S. has anti-gravity and superluminal (faster than light) technology (2, 56′). He also referred to certain rules that would hold for the patent offices in the U.S. As soon as someone introduced an idea related to anti-gravity (22,23), superluminal light or free energy the employees would have to warn their superiors (13).

Dean also mentioned that we would have been told at the end of the Apollo 17 mission that we were not welcome on the Moon. When you listen to him you notice that the reason he gives is different from the reason that we were told by Myrah, the T-Ashkeru contact from Elena Danaan (14). Dean says that they didn’t want us there because we were too militaristic. Myrah says that we were simply chased off my malevolent Maytra, who were far from peaceful themselves. He also mentions the existence of a city on Mars, the size of Chicago, underground. Perhaps he is talking about Aries Prime (15,16).

For those who have read Radu Cinamar’s Forgotten Genesis (17) the following excerpt might remind you of that special pair of highly advanced glasses that he was given by the Inner Earth Apellos people (18).

Robert Dean talks about his visit to a miraculous Library on another planet (2)

Robert vividly describes how he was shown a battle of Alexander the Great from the 3rd century B.C., including even the smell of blood. His host told him that this battle was still continuing somewhere in space-time. This library show some similarities with one of the library books that Elena described from her visits to the Nibiru ship (24).

I could go on and on about this interview, but I don’t like long articles on this website. If you want to know more about the things he said, watch the complete interview or go to the summary thread in the Library (2). You can hear him talk about seeing extraterrestrial bartering activity in Mount Adams (19), joining classes on Earth with extraterrestrial teachers (20), Conscious Spaceships (21), a R&R (Rest and Relaxation) for extraterrestrials in Pine Gap, Australia and more about his own contacts which started when he was only 2,5 years old.

I hope you enjoyed this review of this fascininating interview from 2012. Let me know your thoughts in the comments or in one of the groups (1). Robert Dean did a great interview with Kerry Cassidy too (25).

(1) Telegram groups: General Notices and Updates, The Galactic Anthropology Study Group, Alex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. Follow this website on X (Twitter)
(2) Robert O. Dean – ET Contact
(3) Robert even has his own wikipedia page: Robert Dean (ufologist)
(4) Search4TruthReality – I couldn’t retrieve his family name, so I only of ‘Walter’ because Robert addressed him that way often during the interview.

(5) For those who were born in this century, you might not know what the Warsaw Pact was. It was the answer to the formation of NATO by the Soviets and their allied countries in Eastern Europe. See Warsaw Pact for more.
(6) The report was published in the summer of 1964: An Assessment: an Evaluation of a Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces
(7) Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean, Nato’s Secret UFO – Assessment & Setting the Record Straight An Interview with Michael E. Salla, PhD
(8) In those days (1963) Germany was divided into four zones. The alien craft landed in the British zone.
(9) Map taken from wikipedia
(10) Perhaps they are the Do-Hu (A Gift from the Stars, p.262-264), because they are part of the small Grays and they are described as having lost their reproductive abilities due to genetic alteration by others from the Orion Collective. If you have any other suggestions, let me know.
(11) The Brookings Report
(12) Lockheed CEO Ben Rich Declared On His Death Bed: Extraterrestrial UFO Are Real
(13) Below is a screenshot from the USPTO-Saws-memo (download here)

(14) Did Aliens (Maytra) Chase the Americans from the Moon?
(15) Aries Prime and Marsquakes
(16) Galactic Ultra-Sonic Showers
(17) Cinamar, R. (2020) Forgotten Genesis. Skybooks.
(18) Create your Own Holographic Akasha Set
(19) For more on bartering practices with and between extraterrestrials on Earth read A Cloaked Laser Tube From A Mountain Base to Hide Spaceship Traffic
(20) Melanie Charest talked about classes for children on spaceships – See Children’s Classes in a Spaceship
(21) Conscious Spaceships and Genetic or Soul Keys
(22) How to create Anti-gravity
(23) An Extraordinary Experince by Dave Rossi
(24) Four Kinds of Information Sources in a Nibiru Library
(25) Bob Dean – Original Interviews in all three parts

2 thoughts on “An Interview with Robert Dean

  1. Ok I need everyone to check out some important analysis.

    We can see within the UFO/disclosure community that both and is largely at odds with each other.

    Here is the evidence of this claim:

    (Sirius disclosure)

    Greer emphasizes that much of Exopolitics is strictly manmade/invented that feeds directly into the dark desires of the shadow government.


    Project Camelot interviews Dr Steven Greer

    So who is really telling the truth? During a recent interview Greer and Shawn were very casually talking about both the Greys and Reptilians being visible within either sunrise or sunset. Nothing fizzed on either of them. Elena would have answered very differently?

    You will find it at 52:35 mark

    Joost, this would mean that there is an internal power struggle with both the military organizations and the UFO/disclosure/citizenry.

    Go back to Thor Hans interview.

    Compare with Kim Iverson interview:


  2. Pingback: Danny Sheehan e os Padrões de Encobrimento de OVNIs/Ets pelos EUA-Os vários Grupos de Aliens - Thoth3126

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