Cleaning up the Mess near Orion Nebula M42

The Nebu (1) have terrified civilizations in our Galaxy for many millenia, going back at least to the Orion Wars (2). Due to the great work of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (3), the Nebu were defeated in 2022-2023 (4,5). Their center of control was Nebula M42 in the Orion Nebula (5), which was the location where their ‘hive queen’ was situated. After the collapse of the Nebu, this ‘queen’ was destroyed and all the related Gray-species were sent back to their own original planet of origin, to form their own smaller hive-minds that no longer formed a threat for others.

On March 11, 2024 Elena Danaan shared a message from Annax (6,7) in which he describes what he and his team found in the remnants of these former headquarters of the Nebu in the M42 Nebula. You can read about those discoveries on this page.

Annax shares information on the M42 Nebula after the collapse of the Nebu (7,8)

In the above excerpt (7,8) Annax tells us that “The Alnilam Council has now taken back ownership of that zone, for restoration of its natural heritage and the repair of everything that was disturbed.” He describes how the Nebu (with amongst them the Eban (9)) did some alterations and created artificial gas planets. One of the alterations was done in the Trapezium Cluster (Kaaba): the Nebu apparently thrive on ultraviolet light and they made sure that this cluster would radiate this light; this would have had negative a negative impact on the formation of new star systems.

Annax says that they work together with Anachim/Anunnaki scientists (10) in making sure that any interdimensional access points to our galaxy are closed off, to make sure that the Ciakahrr, for instance, are unable to get any assistance from outside of this Galaxy (11).

The M42 Nebula in the Orion Constellation (13)

Annax continued and said: “The Kaaba, or the central trapezium star cluster, which in reality is a cube, used to shelter the Nebu hive super-queen. When she was dismantled, because she was deeply embedded into the morphogenic structure of the area, a great imbalance occurred and since then, we have been eagerly working at repairing it. This place is of all beauty, and it shall be restored to its full potential.

​          The star Betelgeuse (9) and its planetary system are now stabilized, so we can direct our efforts towards the cluster. There are many other things, that we discovered there, such as power supply superstructures floating in space, huge deserted spaceports with fleets still docked, hidden in the Nebula’s gas clouds, artificial planets, and an interesting cube inside of the Kaaba cluster itself, that was the access to the hive super-queen.

On April 1, 2024 we could hear a follow-up on the situation regarding the M42 Cluster (14). Annax said that the explorations surrounding the ‘eye’ or the vortex of the Nebula were conclusive. The dismantlement of the Nebu super structures will be finished in the near future. They not only found space ports but also former Gray-Clone Nurseries. The vortex is now unlocked, stable and ready for transit. As we were told a few weeks earlier the use of this vortex will – at least for the time being – be strictly regulated.

Annax gives another update on the situation near the M42-Nebula (14)

This Nebula was central to a warning given by the Emerther (also from the Council of Alnilam (6)) through crop circles and other means (15). Annax said that this Nebula stretches across 150 light years from 1344 to 1500 light years away from Terra. These are almost inconceivable distances. It is amazing to think that both the Nebu and the members of the Council of Alnilam are able to work with objects the size of planets and perhaps even star systems, who knows? If you want to share your thoughts or want to pose some questions, join the team of independent galactic explorers (16). I want to thank Elena for sharing this information and I’m glad to assist in spreading this disclosure information through this website and its related groups.

(1) The Nebu
(2) The Orion Wars
(3) The Galactic Federation of Worlds
(4) And the Lights went out for the Nebu
(5) The Orion Nebula and the Hive Mind
(6) The Council of Alnilam
(7) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 21~ March 11 2024
(8) See Elena Danaan’s website for a transcript of this message by Annax: Annax Transcripts – See the text below March 11, 2024
(9) Read more about the Eban at Living near Betelgeuse in the Orion Constellation
(10) We have also heard of the assistance of human scientific groups by the Anunnaki near Titan as well. See (12) for more
(11) Will the Ciakahrr get Kicked out of a Galaxy, Again?
(12) Human Civilian Scientists Working on Research Facilities on Saturn’s Moon Titan
(13) The Incredibly Beautiful Orion Nebula (M42)
(14) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 24~ April 1 2024
(15) Crop Circles and Binary Messages
(16)  Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. Want to help in exposing the Deep State? Join the Gondolath Project and the Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. Galactic Anthropology tries to spread the disclosure information at FacebookX (Twitter), on VKYoutube and on TikTok. Like and subscribe and spread along as fellow galactic explorers!

2 thoughts on “Cleaning up the Mess near Orion Nebula M42

  1. When I hear about cubes in space, I cannot help but think of AI. I wonder if there is a connection with the Kaaba at Mecca?


  2. The April 8th eclipse marks the official start of the Age of Aquarius.

    Ningishzidda has returned and all 7 giants will soon awaken. It was said long ago, that they will return at the start of a new Atlantis. They will help guide civilization towards the new developement of a golden age.

    There is a total of 5 epochs. The water, The Wind, The Fire, The Sin, And The Golden Age.

    Prepare for some tumultoes occurences as the birth of a new age finalizes.

    Visit exopolitics and hear the latest interview with JP.

    The world at large is unaware of what’s actually happening. There’s more to the story, but this connects a few dots. That yes, APEP did sort of return. The last 4 years of that serpent it would seem. It’s important to note that all military white hat insiders have been rather close to the details that we see unraveling throughout the world.

    It isn’t hypothetical at this point anymore. It all correlates and fits together nicely. As for the emissary, she has yet to comment on recent developments here on earth.

    I am looking forward to gathering with many people under the tree of life.


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