The Ula Merratan from the Aquila Constellation

Many people in the world are not really open to the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life. One of the goals of this Galactic Anthropology project is to introduce people to all kinds of aspects related to this possible galactic reality. I consider the work of Elena Danaan as ground-breaking in this field of disclosure, because of the great internal consistency (1), the great amount of detail and the continuous flow of new information from these galactic sources. Before I introduce one of the new species that Elena described in a video (8), I need to get something off my chest about disclosure.

The Ula Merratan (image grab from 8, original at 9, pp 108-109)

One of the most impressive sides of Elena Danaan’s work is that she gives detailed information on various extraterrestrial species, including drawings of them. During her earlier days she joyfully spread this ‘anthropological’ information from her books in all kinds of free YouTube videos, but somehow this has changed, when she installed a paywall in March 2024 for the older videos in which she described those species (3). Now you can’t even find those videos unless you pay for a subscription.

I have a hard time understanding why an Emissary for the Galactic Federation of Worlds (4) would start hiding older disclosure information (5). The presentation of these species is by far the most impressive way to attract people to this field of ET-Disclosure, I would say. Why not use it fully? Why not prioritize the spreading of information?

In February 2024 Elena Danaan launched her fifth disclosure book (6) filled with even more extraterrestrial species, now even upgraded from black-and-white drawings to colorful realistic looking images. A few years ago she would have accompanied her book with a lot of videos in which she freely describes the various species, but this new trend of preventing (or perhaps even fearing) the spreading of her information on the internet, seems to have gone so far, that I have only seen one video in which she describes a few of the species from her new book (7,8).

This all makes me wonder: why? We have spoken extensively on all kinds of possible reasons in the Galactic Anthropology Study Group (10) and I would welcome anyone interested in exploring this aspect to join that group of independent explorers. I don’t want to spend too much time on this here, but I am inclined to think that the Galactic Federation of Worlds would prefer the information to be spread to as many people as possible, instead of only making it available for those who can afford the books. I am strengthened in that position by Elena’s words from her earlier days, in which she exactly said that (11).

This is the reason why I do want to keep on spreading the information in line with what the earlier Elena Danaan used to say, but I also want to respect the new Elena Danaan that prefers to hide certain information with all kinds of stories on the importance of copyright and ownership. That’s why I only share information that she herself has put out in the public domain, like the information on the Ula Merratan (7,8). She does, of course, still spread information for free in certain interviews and in her weekly Star Nation News episodes.

In the excerpt below you can hear Elena describe the fascinating people of the Ani Merratan System in the constellation of Aquila (12). She says that they are sometimes called the ‘dog people’ but they are not dogs at all, they are humanoids. She tells us that these Ula Merratan invented the famous ‘ulat’, or the ‘blue ale’ which is that drink that we have spoken of before (16).

Elena Danaan talks about the Ula Merratan and their famous blue ale (7,8)

(1) During the study of her work we have come across one element that produces some ruse, namely the information coming from Ea, an Anunnaki Prince. His information doesn’t always resonate with earlier information, mainly from Elena’s first disclosure book (2).
(2) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars
(3) As of March 2024 Elena erected a small paywall on what seems to be all of her Q&A videos that described the various species. So this information can now not be watched for free and it if you do not have the exact links you can’t even find them on her youtube channel anymore. Take for instance the video on the species from Bootes or the ones from Orion
(4) The Galactic Federation of Worlds
(5) This reminds me of the moment the webinars were introduced about a year ago, in the spring of 2023, where I wondered if it were a good thing to ask people money for disclosure information. It was since then that the new Q&A’s disappeared into these webinars. Luckily there were a few free Q&A videos but they were few and far between. See Go to the Webinar for all the Details
(6) How to Deal with Information from Encyclopedia Galactica?
(7) Encyclopedia Galactica is a Guidebook to over 150 Spacefaring Alien Civilizations in our Galaxy (article)
(8) Encyclopedia Galactica is a Guidebook to over 150 Spacefaring Alien Civilizations in our Galaxy (youtube)
(9) Danaan, E. (2024) Encyclopedia Galactica: Portraits of the Star Nations 1
(10) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. Want to help in exposing the Deep State? Join the Gondolath Project and the Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. Galactic Anthropology tries to spread the disclosure information at FacebookX (Twitter), on VKYoutube and on TikTok. Like and subscribe and spread along as fellow galactic explorers!
(11) Q&A ~GANYMEDE~ Dec 8 2021 – 4:30pm EST (this video has turned into ‘members only’ since March 2024 too)

Elena promotes the free sharing of her work on youtube videos to reach the people of Earth (11)

(12) The Aquila Constellation is a constellation that is teeming with life. Many species are described coming from there. One of the most famous ones are the people from the star system Altair (13,14,15)
(13) The Markhat Collective from Altair
(14) On the Takhori and the Planet Akhorat in the Altair Star Sytem
(15) Humanoids not Stemming from Kepler 62 in Lyra
(16) To have a Drink at a Bar or Cafetaria in a Spaceship – Shared Experiences – Elena and Jean-Charles exchange their experiences at a bar on the Excelsior and they both described the Ulat which was ‘trademarked’ by the Ula Merratan, making them a rich species 🙂 (Not solely because of this drink, I suppose)

5 thoughts on “The Ula Merratan from the Aquila Constellation

  1. While I also ‘get it’ that she needs to have some sort of copyright to her works, and her experiences alone, it brings to mind like who owns history or the data that she accesses to get alot of her information after she no longer got it thru Thor Han. The whole reason humanity is in the situation we are in is because of secrecy, and of course if a person doesn’t want to share their personal experiences in public and wishes to have those experiences ‘copyrighted’ that is her choice. However, she did experience a certain youtuber who pretended to have the very same experiences and also coming into zoom calls with Alex Collier and then she went on to tell everyone things as if it were her that got this information and was actually talking to Thor Han and Alex’s contact when he was told about the Black Goo. 

    Perhaps it’s to keep this girl/youtuber from usurping their information so that she can’t continue to lie and say it’s her talking to them instead of Elena and Alex. They were told to cut all ties to her, and they cut off her ‘chip’ in her brain to have access to them so from there on she could no longer talk about these conversations and experiences as if it were her actual ones. I don’t blame them for doing this, I suppose the truth must be protected at this time until they can handle those that would infiltrate these groups and try to pass off information that is not actually theirs. I recently saw a video by Alex Collier where he explained how this all went down, and how he was so hurt and betrayed by her even though they begged her to stop and tried to warn her. To no avail though. So till then, it’s a waiting game and we just gotta hang in there I guess till it’s all cleared and we’ll find out all the truth. Looking forward to that! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • I really think her comments at footnote 11 make a lot of sense, and I think she gets enough of an income on her youtube channel (without the subscriptions) together with her books and merchandize to live a good life. Her main task – at least in my opinion – is to spread her information to as many people as possible and she is creating all kinds of barricades since 2023 and I don’t think that is a good thing for the disclosure movement.


      • I agree….keeping it all behind a paywall can be infiltrated so it’s not a definite protection of the truth and disclosure but that was a guess to my feeling that they decided to do that because of a certain youtuber which definitely doesn’t help with disclosure. I hope they realize that disclosure needs to be sped up and to stop with hiding this information that is only accessable to members who pay to see or hear current information. I don’t think it’s about money, but maybe they should just put it out when they get the intel and don’t worry about if this girl is gonna claim it’s her information since at least it would get out instead of worrying about ‘copyrights’ and lies, eventually she will be exposed and them not telling people till now just makes it worse because she has a big following and refuses to acknowledge where she is getting this information.


      • If it were about MR stealing the information to make it her own, that would be silly. It’s very clear who came with the information first. Especially since she has published it all in a book.

        My guess is that she wants to retain full control of her information and doesn’t trust anyone with her information. She tends to see enemies everywhere.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I hereby declare that the old serpent of malevolent intent has been casted down and layed low by the power of the righteous. That his head is smitten in two, arriving by many pieces, the rest of his body, which has been casted into our brother sun, and burned into a crisp. Those whom you call Apep will no longer hunger after the sun, and attempt to consume him. Here brothers and sisters join in the overthrow of such a terrible entity.

    Yes, the time has come for our golden age having endured through the world of the sinful. Let no amount of competition occur, unless you be seen as ignorant. Let the cooperation be established and you be found of wisdom.

    Here these words and revoke them not. These are not just of troubling times, but of a great excitement. That our benevolent family of light is finding for us assistance. Yes, it shall come the strengthening of mind and body.

    The return of the Christ conciuosness is upon us! I will soon look out at my family and see their divine gifts fully realized and utilized for the betterment of civilization and pay witness, including my participation, of our treasured gifts contributing to the building of a new civilization.

    Let us hold only appreciation and gratitude one to another with our priorities here on earth given no distraction. This I’m very much agreeing to and the information as provided by Sunshine! For the light that shines in the dark, is for clarity, and those that will debate and revoke betray their own eyes. For who amongst you does not gaze upon the same universe?


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