The Alcheringa Account by Valerie Barrow – Part 1 – The Destruction of the Rexegena

“This is the story of fifty thousand people coming from the Pleiades in a giant star ship to found the human race on Earth, and to free the existing race of Hairy Ones from Reptilian mind control.” (2,3)

Valerie Barrow’s Alcheringa (2002) (2)

Someone in the Galactic Anthropology Study Group (1) advised me to take a look at a 2002 book by the Australian Valerie Barrow (2,3). The book is called: Alcheringa: When the First Ancestors were Created. It’s a 200-page book and I truly enjoyed reading it.

Since there is a lot of information in the book I decided to write a few articles on it. This article gives a short introduction on the way the information was given to Valerie and it talks about the starship Rexegena, its mission and the way it was ruthlessly destroyed by the ruling Lizard- and Draco beings at the time.

This article contains ‘spoiler alerts’, so if you would prefer to first read the book yourself, don’t continue reading this article (2,3).

I try to approach the account in the book as a possible historical account. The future will tell what turns out to be true and what not.

The account focuses on events some 900,000 years ago (4). The author, Valerie Barrow, is not shown some holographic file in a library (5), nor does she have an implant. The grist of the information from that crucial time period nearly a million years ago is given to Valerie through past life regressions by many people. You can see them in the image below.

The story starts off when Valerie receives the ‘Alcheringa Stone’ from a stranger who gave it to her because she had given her home the name ‘Alcheringa’ which in the mythology of some Australian Aboriginals means the ‘golden age’, when the first ancestors were created. It is also called the Dreamtime (6). She thought it would be in safe hands there in Valerie’s home.

(3, 96%)

After a few weeks Valerie picks up the stone and she gets into contact with a male being who also identifies himself as ‘Alcheringa’. From then on a seemingly unending number of people show up in Valerie’s life, who either through contact with the stone, or through connecting with the Gosford Glyphs from Kariong in Australia (7), regress to that period in time. Alcheringa reassures her that there is some divine timing and order to her meetings.

The book shows us one piece of the puzzle after another. It presents perspectives from various members aboard a Pleiadean ship called Rexegena that was filled with 50,000 people. It also presents perspectives from those who eventually decided to destroy the defenseless spaceship when it was near Earth, killing nearly everyone, except 90 people who managed to survive and land on the planet by using escape pods.

The objective of the Mission was to bring New Beings to this Earth, to help raise the consciousness of the earth. They had hoped to breed among themselves and that the progeny from the star people would be introduced genetically to intermingle with the up-standing apelike creature who already existed upon the earth. Genetic engineering was well known and understood by the star people. The mission was to save the animal people on this earth, who were under mind control.” (7%)

The Pleiadeans Starship Rexegena (3, 7%)

These apelike creatures that would have wandered on the surface of our planet at that time would have been under mind control by Reptilian people, genetically connected to snakes and lizards. These Lizard like people, in turn, would have been under control of Dracos. It would have been the Dracos that ordered the Lizards to destroy the ship, despite their guarantee that they would have left our planet when the people on the Rexegena would have arrived.

The people on board of the Rexegena of whom some were blue-skinned Arcturians with many people from the Pleiadeans were truly surprised by the attack. How was it possible that such advanced and loving beings would trust a deal with Reptilian species and show up in a defenseless spaceship? Further on in the book we are told that although a certain group called the ‘Hierarchy’ or Galactic Council (9, 81%) warned the people ship for the dangers, they decided to go anyway.

It turns out that even though the collective physical consciousness of the people on the Rexegena were caught by surprise, their collective soul consciousness was not. They allowed this to happen, for it would bring light to our part of the galaxy. It would somehow allow these souls to incarnate in the bodies that were engineered. These bodies would also house Draco and Lizard souls according to this account.

If you look at life as eternity with no end, you will realize there is no need to worry about whether they should or should not have died in the physical, for they moved on and took on other physical bodies, they continue to incarnate back and forth. These people are the ones who have held the light throughout the ages to assist humans to evolve. It takes courage, and they have done well.” (4, 81%)

Bringing Light to this Corner of the Galaxy (20)

Alcheringa says: “I would like you to accept that it has worked out. See it as a very positive thing. If you look at the bigger picture you will see that light has come into this corner of the galaxy, and there are many that are gaining from its coming.

The reptilian form, the Draco form, and other races in this corner of the galaxy are gaining from experiencing love and compassion for the first time ever. This energy is assisting all these races to raise their frequency. “The Elohim came to realize there was no way of helping this corner of the galaxy without working with the Draco to some degree. The galactic council’s final acceptance of this was based on a request made by the Elohim.

We will go into what happened after the destruction of the Rexegena ship in the second article based on this book. You will read about the creation of a new species by those few who managed to survive on this planet and you will learn about a contingent of ‘Lion People’ that arrived afterwards. In Enki’s account of our history we cannot find anything of this period in our history. It really starts off when the Anunnaki arriving some 374 thousand years ago (14). In ‘A Gift from the Stars‘ (15) we do find some information on that period (16).

We have earlier spoken about the story of the Thiaoouba (17), which was brought to us by the French Contactee Desmarquet (17). He also talked about a huge contingent of people coming from other planets to settle on our planet, more than a million years ago. They weren’t shot down however: the would have given birth to the Asian (18) and the Dark-skinned people on our planet. Ashayana Deane also provides information of this period (19).

As a ‘Galactic Explorer’ I am intrigued by these accounts: how do they match with other accounts? What is true, what is not? This era, hundreds of thousands of years before the official arrival of the Anunnaki on our planet is hardly covered by Elena Danaan. Perhaps we will one day be able to find or tune into information about this period that might prove or disprove these accounts.

(1) There are two main domains to study: the Galactic Domain (a) and the Deep State Structures (b).
(a) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel.
(b) Want to help with studying the Deep State? Join the Gondolath Deep State Study Group or visit the website: Gondolath Project. You can also follow the other side of the news at the Laura Aboli Archive.
Galactic Anthropology tries to spread both the disclosure information and the Deep State Explorations at FacebookX (Twitter), on VKYoutube and on TikTok. Hope to see you soon in one of the groups! Like, share and subscribe.
(2) Alcheringa – When the First Ancestors Were Created: Ancient Aliens in Australia (English Edition) or Epub Version (3)
(3) You can read an Extended Telegram thread on Alcheringa. It includes a link to the ePub Version of the book. This thread is not only filled with links to related articles on Galactic Anthropology, but it also contains interactions and thoughts from other people in the group.
(4) I have read the ePub-version, and it uses percentages instead of pages, so I will use percentages to refer to where certain information comes from. The nine hundred thousand years is from page 21%.
(5) Four Kinds of Information Sources in a Nibiru Library
(6) alcheringa in the mythology of some Australian Aboriginals: the ‘golden age’ when the first ancestors were created. It is also called the Dreamtime. The word comes (in the late 19th century) from the Aboriginal language Arrernte, and means ‘in the Dreamtime’.) (source)

Gosford Glyphs (8)

(7) Gosford Glyphs – Some believe these glyphs are a hoax, others believe that Egyptians on ships made them thousands of years ago. Within the Alcheringa framework these glyphs would have been made with advanced technology, probably around the time all the events happened.
(8) Translated: This is what the 5,000-year-old ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia say
(9) Some 900,000 years ago there was no Galactic Federation of Worlds (10), no Council of Five (Nine) (11) or an Andromedan Council. This probably all happened before the start of the Orion Wars (12). Who was this Hierarchy, which sound like some benevolent organizing group. It reminds me a bit of the Sirian High Council (13).
(10) The Galactic Federation of Worlds
(11) The Council of Alnilam
(12) The Orion Wars
(13) The Sirian (High) Council
(14) The Chronology of the Anunnaki Era
(15) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars
(16) The War between the Laan and the Anunnaki
(17) On the Origin of the Asian People
(18) For more on the possible ET links of the Asian people see: The Zeta Reticuli and the Asians
(19)  Below is a relevant quote from Deane, A. (2002) Voyagers II. I’m not sure what to think of her material. It is very complex and extremely detailed. I can’t help but thinking that there must be some truth in it, somehow. That’s why I am not inclined to discard her material. She uses her own terminology that is characteristic of these Emerald Covenant CDT-plate translations:

The Fourth Root Race and its Cloister entered next, the Breanoua Cloister, about three million years ago, followed by the Alanian Root Race 4 at 2,500,000 years ago. The Alanians became known as the Atlanians. The Fifth Root Race Aeirans and their Cloister Hibiru then entered, the Hibiru 1,500,000 and the Ayrians 1,275,000 years ago. The time period beginning with the Second Seeding 3,700,000 years ago and extending through the Third Seeding into the present time represents the Fourth World
of Native American legend.
” (Voyager II, p.29)
(20) Awakening To The Wisdom Of A Cosmic Ecology

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