A Statue Bald Head of Enlil in Sanliurfa Museum

Enlil (Drawing by Elena Danaan, 1)

During her voyage through Northern Mesopotamia Elena Danaan visited a museum in a town called Sanliurfa in Türkiye (1,2). In that particular museum she encountered a statue head of Enlil, which would have been found 12,000 years B.C. (1), apparently even older than the great floods, which occurred around 9600 B.C. (3).

In a part from Elena’s video below, you can see how she describes the statue head. She was shocked to see the similarities between that statue head and the face of Enlil, which she had drawn after she had seen him during his ‘trial’ in front of a number of representatives from four Councils (4), like the Andromeda Council (5), the Council of Five (6), the High Council of the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Intergalactic Confederation (7).

The Statue Head of Enlil and a Drawing of Enlil (both from 1)

It was only after a week that it suddenly dawned on me that Enlil’s statue head, featured an Enlil with a bald head! As you may remember the male Anunnaki are mostly depicted with long beards. Why didn’t this Enlil in that museum Sanliurfa have a beard, I wondered.

Enlil on Throne (would he be bald below his headgear?) (8)

In an article from November 2022 we reflected upon these two different variants of Anunnaki (9). Enki explained that the bearded ones were ‘biological suits’ that were needed to survive on the surface of the Earth, and that their normal look was the one with the bald head.

I used to think that before Elena Danaan’s introduction of all these galactic species (10), no one had ever heard of bald Anunnaki. It is therefore remarkable that Enlil was depicted with a bald head, which you would normally only see in space. Would Enlil have been on our planet with his bald look, or would some people have been taken into space where they might have met Enlil in their Nibiru spaceship (11,12)?

If you would like there are a few other articles on this website about Enlil (13-15).

(1) JOURNEY TO THE ORIGINS ~Part -4 FINALE : From the Euphrates to the Tigris (May 26 2023)
(2) What’s in a Name? Why Turkey Is Now Türkiye
(3) Enki’s account on the Fall of Atlantis – At the bottom of that page you can find a post from Elena Danaan in which she describes how Enlil would have been responsible for these great floods, which caused the end of Atlantis.
(4) Anu, Enlil, Enki and the Meeting with the Four Councils – On that page you can see an impressive drawing of Anu, Enlil’s father.
(5) The Zenae from the Andromedan Council
(6) The Council of Five
(7) The Intergalactic Confederation
(8) Enlil on Wikipedia
(9) Two Biological Types of Anunnaki?
(10) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars
(11) The Planet Ashtari and Spaceship Nibiru
(12) Thanks Karen for naming this option. I hadn’t even thought about that possibility myself.
(13) The Enlil Faction of the Anunnaki and the Saturn Agreement with the Orion Grays (Nebu)
(14) The Enlil Lineage
(15) Some Doubts about the Enlil-Yahweh Vibe