Oily Transparant Liquid dripping from Spacecraft in Spaceport in a US Cavern

A spacecraft in a Cavern (12)

It’s been a while since I covered anything from JP’s exciting missions in unknown territories, where he often meets extra- or intraterrestrial species. You can find a list of articles that do deal with his missions on this website in the Galactic Library (1). I did recently add something related to various bases on Jupiter’s Moon Ganymede (2). On April 29, 2024 Dr. Salla presented us with another fascinating account of one of JP’s missions (3).

This time JP was taken in a larger bus that was transporting about 30 people to a certain cavern in the South East of the United States. The bus was mainly filled with pilots who were speaking various languages. They were driven through a small narrow passage into some cavern that functioned as a space port. He describes how Nordic looking people were assisting the pilots from the bus to learn how to fly non-gravity spacecraft (4,5)

I picked an excerpt from the video in which JP talks about some kind of rather strange liquid that was dripping from these spacecraft that were floating in the air in that cavern. He describes how he touched it and how it was collected by certain vacuum cleaner like machines.

JP describes this funny oily liquid ‘sweating’ from these floating spacecraft (3)

For those who haven’t been following the JP-updates you might decide to listen to some of his missions from the last couple of months, where he described how certain Nordics arrived in spacecraft and were then brought to some base where they were ‘transformed’ into normal looking humans (7). They would simply be walking among us, just like William Tomkins said (8). He also described how Nordics would have taken over control of certain Space Arks, like the one in the Atlantic (9). For more details on JP’s missions I recommend reading Dr. Salla’s books on him (10).

Do you like the independent galactic explorations on this website? Join one of the groups (11)

(1) The Galactic Anthropology Library on JP
(2) Meeting Nice ET’s on Ganymede
(3) JP Update 33 – Nordics Training International Military Pilots to fly Flying Saucers
(4) Training Earth Alliance Military to Become Excellent Spaceship Pilots
(5) Dr. Salla mentioned the case of Stephen Chua (6) who told Elena Danaan that while he was serving at Area 51 he saw other pilots that were experimenting with flying spacecraft with ‘fly-by-thought’ technology. In order for them to be successful they were given all kinds of chemicals which eventually led to their brains overloading and death. Chua was one of the few (if not the only one) who managed to pilot those ships (somewhere in the early 1980s) without the aid of those chemicals. It seems that during the last 44 years things have advanced a lot; I guess the pilots from JP’s bus all returned home after their training sessions.
(6) Stephen Chua, Area 51 and Three kinds of Grays
(7) Nordic Extraterrestrial Assimilation Program – JP Update #30
(8) The Six Burbank Extraterrestrial Nordics and their Families
(9) Nordics & Inner Earthers take control of Space Arks – JP’s 6th Mission to Atlantic Space Ark – JP Update 28
(10) Exopolitics Books by Dr. Michael Salla
(11) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. Want to help in studying the Deep State? Join the Gondolath Project and the Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. Galactic Anthropology tries to spread the disclosure information and the Deep State Explorations at FacebookX (Twitter), on VKYoutube and on TikTok. Hope to see you soon in one of the groups!
(12) This image was created with the kind assistance of Gencraft

Gravity Altering Technology in an Ancient Temple

Playing around with Gravity (10)

Some people ask me why I mainly tend to focus on the material by Elena Danaan, Dr. Michael Salla and Alex Collier. There are so many other people with all kinds of theories (2). I prefer to stick to these sources, however, because they provide such an impressive amount of information and it already takes up nearly all the time I have available for this project. I prefer to study ‘vertically’ instead of ‘horizontally’ (3).

One of the ‘story lines’ within this field of ET-Disclosure are the missions by JP (4,5). In September 2023 JP, the military whisleblower contact of Michael Salla, talked about an underground mission in an undisclosed location, where they ended up in a kind of ancient temple with a few marble like-pillars. I really advice you to listen to the complete video yourself (1).

I want to focus on something peculiar that occurred in connection with gravity. In the excerpt below I stitched two fragments together: a fragment in which JP talks about suddenly feeling lighter and another fragment in which everybody started feeling very heavy. Listen along:

JP talks about strange gravity changes – first they felt lighter and then heavier (1).

I remember JP talking about a particular room in another Ark (I believe it was the Atlantic one) where gravity was also a lot less than normal. Apparently the ones responsible for this temple had the amazing technology to alter the gravity. This stirs up memories of Dave Rossi and his work on anti-gravity (6) and the testimonies of Robert Dean in which he spoke with people who said that the US already had faster-than-light and anti-gravity technology (7). You can also head for the post that collected a few odd new technologies (12).

In 2015 Corey Goode was asked about how they create artificial gravity in off-world places. In the fragment below you can hear Corey describe certain plates that were used to create gravity artificially:

Corey Goode talks about how gravity is created artificially by certain plates (13, 14)

On a sidenote: JP describes how they found a decomposed giant in a sarcophagus which stunk terribly. Then after the second gravity change a weird deep sound could be heard and only about 10 minutes later the sarcophagus was completely empty: no more dead giant, no more jewelry. What to think of all this? Are these really the kind of giants that we want to awaken with dancing rituals? (8). Has Enki anything to add on this giant? Is he part of his team too?

Please share your thoughts in one of the Study Groups (9)

No Gravity (11)

(1) JP Update – Mission to Underground Temple, Dead Giant and Pacific Space Ark
(2) In the Galactic Anthropology Study Group you can find all kinds of threads in which other people and sources are touched upon.
(3) What I mean with this is that studying things vertically means going as deep as possible in certain material instead of investing in many other sources superficially, which I would call the horizontal approach. I do occasionally look into other sources but I soon return back to the ED/AC-material for I think it is quite trustworthy.
(4) There is a list of articles based on his missions right here: Galactic Anthropology Library – JP Articles
(5) The latest article based on JP’s missions is the one on the Jewel in the Atlantic Ark
(6) An Extraordinary Experience by Dave Rossi
(7) An Interview with Robert Dean
(8) Should we welcome the Awakening Anunnaki Giant with Open Arms or Not?
(9) Telegram groups: General Notices and UpdatesElena Danaan and Disclosure Community Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles.
(10) Adrienne Arsht Center
(11) Switching Off Earth for 5 Seconds…What would Happen?
(12) A Device to Record your Past Lives
(13) Life on the Research Vessel – Episode 4 of Season 1 – Cosmic Disclosure
(14) The Early Testimonies of Corey Goode