Disclosure through Infiltration into Deep State Structures

Black and White Hats (4)

On June 17, 2024 Thor Han (1) gave us an interesting message related to the disclosure process (2,19). He talked about the Earth Alliance, Solar Warden and the role of the Deep State. This post presents an excerpt of this message and provides some background to get a better understanding of it.

There are various elements in Thor Han’s message. One of those is the question related to the disclosure of the existence of the Earth Alliance (3). For those following the disclosure movement the Earth Alliance is nothing new and well established, but this doesn’t hold for the majority of humanity at the moment.

So, how to go about in making people aware of the Earth Alliance? Why don’t they simply show up with their space ships and let people see it for themselves, you might say? Wouldn’t that be the ultimate disclosure? In the excerpt below Thor Han says that this is not the best way forward because the Deep State is bound to twist such a beautiful moment into some narrative about evil alien invaders, discrediting the Earth Alliance. This would cause a lot of confusion which isn’t for the benefit of humanity at this time.

Thor Han speaks about plans to disclose the existence of the Earth Alliance to the world (2)

I was reminded by what Alex Collier said in the summer of 2023 in a talk with Sarge and Karen (5). In that particular video he said that Space Fleet would be used as a bridge to introduce Solar Warden. It would be a logical first step, so that people can first get accustomed to the idea of having highly advanced spaceships, without also having to immediately reveal that we have been having all this for about 60 years already. That would be hard for both the military to explain and for the public to accept without creating a huge public outcry (6). It’s like dismantling a huge lie, piece for piece.

In Star Nation News 35 (2) Thor Han said that the Galactic Federation of Worlds (7) – together with the Earth Alliance – decided that it would be wiser to first infiltrate the Deep State Structures (8) and then exert influence from within. He goes on to explain the former influence of the Nebu (9), the Ciakahrr (10,11) and the Enlil faction (12).

Elena also added that it could take up to two years for the existence of the Earth Alliance to be released to the world. One could wonder if it is a clever thing to do, to publicly say that you are infiltrating all kinds of Deep State Organization, but Elena reassured us that Thor Han only gives us information on steps that already have been taken; they will never talk about current affairs that could possibly influence the outcome of the process. We will probably learn more about the effects of those infiltrations in the future.

In his message Thor Han also talked about the ‘missing piece of the puzzle‘ when it comes to why Maria Orsic (13) received her messages from the Aldebaran Anunnaki (Janosians) in Sumerian (14). I don’t understand what piece and what puzzle Thor Han is talking about here. Elena already described this piece in her first disclosure book (15), or is Thor Han referring to some connection between the Enlil faction and the Aldebaran Anunnaki? (16).

Do you like talking about these topics? Consider joining Elena Danaan’s Channel Chat Group (17) or the Galactic Anthropology Study Group (18).

(1) On the Connection Between Thor Han and Elena Danaan
(2) STAR NATION NEWS 35~ June 17 2024
(3) The Earth Alliance
(4) This image of white hats infiltrating the black hats was made with the assistance of my lovely copilot assistant
(5) The Excelsior and Solar Warden – see the second video on that page.
(6) A member of the Galactic Anthropology Study Group used a nice metaphor: “Begging the question, if your true or revised intent is to reveal what”s undeniably true, is it better to do it slowly while continuing to deceive. Kind of like saying to wife I have been having an affair before telling her about your 6 other children. Will this ease her pain with something you will undoubtedly be revealing when its most convenient for you…allegedly, so she doesn’t fly off the handle now. For everyone’s sake? According to those highest in consciousness? Huh?” (see Star Nation News Thread, June 18, 2024)
(7) The Galactic Federation of Worlds
(8) I have started a sister project to Galactic Anthropology that focuses on the Study of the Deep State. It uses the same philosophy as this website: it provides short articles on various topics that are heavily connected to other posts, in order to archive and inform people who are new to this material, but it also shares information that is of interest for people who have been aware of the Deep State/Cabal/Globalists agenda for longer. Check it all out on the website itself, or join the related telegram group
(9) And the Lights went out for the Nebu
(10) The Ciakahrr
(11) Will the Ciakahrr get Kicked out of a Galaxy again?
(12) The Enlil Lineage
(13) Maria Orsic as a Fifth Column from the Galactic Federation of Worlds
(14) The Story of the Aldebaran Anunnaki and Outpost 361
(15) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars – see pp.286-287
(16) I had a discussion below one of Dr. Salla’s videos with someone who was sure that Maria Orsic was actually in contact with Ahel who had started to use Sumerian for contacting Maria Orsic. Read all about that discussion in this thread: A Talk with Aerosol5875 on Youtube
(17) The Elena Danaan Official Channels Chat
(18) The Galactic Anthropology Study Group

12 thoughts on “Disclosure through Infiltration into Deep State Structures

    • I hear ya, I’ve long since stopped paying attention, and this Earth Alliance is suppose to be the White hats which Kim Goguen says are some old military guys and they’ve been at this since the ’70’s, not that I think this group really wants to help humanity except for when they found out who they were actually taking orders from, the Order of the Black Sun who wanted to take the Order of the Dragons (Rothchilds, Committee of 300 etc.) and be in control of the world….they decided to stay with that, instead of working for humanity, trying to implode the economy and take down the financial system…and promising Gesara/Nesara which is all lies. We don’t need to take down the financial system, it’s always been a Quantum system that was never run by any system on this planet. It was just usurped, or more like they had contractual agreements thru the Hall of Records to be able to siphon the funds to their black budget projects and continue the loosh factory they had since the Atlantean wars when they made us ‘batteries’.

      Anyway, I knew almost 4 years ago this is all two sides of the same coin, dangling the proverbial carrot for us to just sit back and wait for heros or saviors, giving away our power to some God or a group or political person to save the world, they hype can no longer be tolerated, it’s just another group who need to wake up and realize this whole ‘good vs evil’ is just a trap to get you to choose sides. I’m all for the good for humanity, but when you lie with an agenda, when you dangle carrots for jackasses to keep us all from uniting instead of fighting with each other….then you are no longer part of the new human system we are moving into, we are headed energetically to a light age, and nothing they do can stop it even though they think they can….this is ALIEN TECH that has been here for thousands of years.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Within the framework of ED the Earth Alliance is far from some old military guys. Elena also said that there was no truth in Gesara/Nesara. I do think we need to take down the financial system, because I think it is rotten to the core. I don’t see a lot of Quantum in it. I don’t know what you mean with ‘Through the Hall of Records’. I also think you are too loosely tying the black budget projects with loosh-harvesting. And who are to blame for that? The Earth Alliance?

        I like the Q-movement and I think it has played an important role in waking up many people to the dark layers of our society. The digital army consists of people who all contribute to the waking up of humanity; they are not just waiting for others to save them. What alien tech are you talking about, and you seem to link it to entering into a light age?

        To me your post looks like you are shooting from the hip without really knowing who you want to hit.


      • Not at all, I know what I’m talking about…not shooting at the hip. I suppose most would like the Q movement, which I totally was into in the beginning when Trump got elected. Didn’t take but a year into it and the whole CONvid scam to understand the big picture here. I don’t go from one total source like this does for ED and sometimes a couple others. I get it, most don’t want to admit that this whole system is and has been run by Marduk and ET factions for a very long time. We’d all like to think that a group like the Earth Alliance and Q were all about being the good guys.

        Yes….this financial system has ALWAYS been quantum, our computers we currently have on this planet could never run the entire world’s transactions for longer than a few minutes. Yes, this system was set up by ETs, thousands of years ago….and yes, we’ve been the assets, the ones powering it all, and how the wars paid them with money and very nourishing loosh….yes all tied together. I’m not knocking anyone for believing in this stuff, it’s not for everyone to get it and frankly I don’t care. Some will get it some won’t. I do wonder how long before people realize the truth here….this year? Next year? All I do is seek truth. Not making a negative on anyone who wants to believe in it all, it’s just a hero program and most want to believe in it. Although if you aren’t tired of the constant hype and stories, then I’m sorry I burst your bubble….not trying to wake anyone up our of their slumber, I thought this groups was way past all of that.

        The Hall of records is where all contracts are put thru in this system….between both systems of the light and dark…..Alpha and Omega. Thoth talked about the Hall of records. Try to remember that there is or was a ALIEN tech system matrix set up here and the quantum system was off planet, it was a matrix of systems set up for financial/energetic process the usurped humanity’s energy/finance/assets thru ET technology.


      • Yes, at first was alittle leary and of course left it as I don’t adopt too much of one thing when it comes to different people, I just look at similarities or things that align up with my inner instinct on things. She says alot of things that also align with Ashayanna Deane’s material so she didn’t make up the Alpha and Omega, it’s in the Bible Yeshua said it, I am the alpha and the omega. This was the light and dark system of what Kim said that connects the dots for me when it comes to other things we can reference from ancient texts and from other ET contactees. Kim has said that we are the ones who have to help each other out, these people are not for humanity, she said they are clueless and some not so clueless on what they are really doing…it’s like the rituals in a church, people think they are taking communion for a religious reason but what they are really doing is a blood ritual sacrifice in the sentiment of a covenant of the Luceferian covenant of ‘drinking his blood and eating his flesh’ and the cruciFICTION of him into a savior of humanity…..so Kim just connects the dots for me, from what I know within me, and it just clicks….I get it and so it fills in the blanks of the puzzles that we are presented with half truths or false beliefs….and Marduk was a pivotal part in this system that they put here and was the HEAD ET in charge of it all, their plans, like the script known as Revelations. We know some of this Elena has talked about and also Dr. Salla, along with Alex Collier. Ashayanna Deane’s material is also very deep but Lisa Renee does a good job explaining alot of it on her Ascension glossary.


      • I appreciate this about you and your open mind on it all. As we all get our own inner truth, your thoughtful consideration of many others who might know or feel truth as we know TRUTH is felt, it’s not feelings per say, but you just KNOW it’s truth. Seems to me the deepstate and bad ETs aren’t gonna last much longer….my hope it’s over before the end of the year and this whole election stuff and they come out with the truth, if Trump has already passed and we know Biden isn’t alive anymore either, all of the operatives and those that have been working for these factions will finally come over to this side as we’d still need banking systems and the ability to trade and do business. It’s not gonna be crypto or bonds, no more bonds of our life force will be allowed, so the whole Zim bonds and all that is another scam. I’m like Alex, just wait and see how this goes, I’m not engaging in any of their bank programs or crypto….they put dead people in crypts, so crypto is run by the agencies…one would have to know that crypto they are claiming is backed by gold is just another system like the one we already have. They want to ‘tokenize’ every thing. They desperately want to keep us under control and gain access to our money/energy.

        Kim did a really long interesting talk on how we can create things better with our thoughts and love, and how it’s so amazing and hard to explain but we’ll get to that point but as for now, she just keeps them from being successful in imploding the economy and gaining access to funds to continue their program of killing off all life on this planet, both sides on the same agenda. They continue to try to access funds to kill people off and fund their wars. The whole Q thing is getting so ridiculous, yes, it woke alot of people up in the beginning….but I don’t consent to their global martial law nor their plan to save the world via military only way story. It’s more like torture when we’ve all had enough we’ll beg for them to fix it and give away our power all over again.

        Till it all gets cleared, we’ll keep the light on….I’m ready, just pausing and finding joy in each day to create a world where we are free to be who we are. Won’t be long now. ❤


      • Definitely two sides to the same coin. Controlled opposition to keep us distracted and appeased that somebody is working for us. Nope. They are all working for themselves. When it was “common” knowledge that the election of 2020 was stolen, and Sydney Powell was preparing to release the Kraken (computer records), and suddenly, Trump fired her……and then Trump pushes his Operation Warp-speed on us with no explanation to this day why he did such a thing, it all became painfully clear. Also, Trump had four years to either stop the chemtrails or at least explain what they were, crickets…..

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