The Arianni from the Inner Earth near one of the Poles – The Diary of Rear Admiral Richard Byrd

Galactic Anthropology not only focuses on the extraterrestrial species and their interactions with us, in the present and the past, but during the ride it was discovered that there also are a number of ‘intraterrestrial’ species on our planet. This article presents the people called the ‘Arianni’ who rear admiral Richard E. Byrd says to have met on February 19, 1947.

Admiral Richard E. Byrd (6)

Before we get into the Arianni and the fascinating diary of Admiral Byrd I want to link up with other people from the Inner Earth that we have spoken of before. You might remember the contact Elena Danaan had with Arkelios and how this 6,000 year-old man described his world below the surface (1). At that page you can also find a reference to the people of Apellos who would also have a civilization below the surface.

More recently we have been introduced to a load of Inner Earth civilizations by JP, that military contact of Dr. Michael Salla. Through him we were introduced to the Ant People (2) below Florida. Besides visiting various underground worlds he also visited a kind of spaceport, that also seemed to function like some interplanetary bartering hub (3).

There is a lot more to be said about inner earth civilizations, but I haven’t covered a lot of them, yet. I did talk a bit about the Telosians (4) a while ago though, and I will surely pay more attention to inner earth civilizations in the future.

The following information is based on a video (5) and Admiral Byrd’s diary and log entries of his flight to one of the Poles (6). The document contains a number of images from Admiral Byrd, mostly from his missions to the Antarctic. He finished his diary a few months before he died in 1957 (7). He did not want to carry the secrets with him to his grave. I am very glad he decided to write that document.

There are a few odd things about his trip. Both the video and the diary seem to suggest that he went to the North Pole, but did he? His mission occurred right during Operation Highjump (8,9) which happened on the Antarctic, not on the North Pole. How likely is it that he flew all the way to the North Pole while performing a mission near the South Pole? Dr. Salla writes about this mission as well, and he also seems to place in the Antarctic (10). In his diary he only mentions the North Pole once when he writes:

“I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty Seven.” (6)

Could it be that Richard Byrd talked about the Arctic, to hide the fact that he went for a trip over the Antarctic? On March 11, 1947 Byrd briefed the Pentagon on what he experienced at the pole and he was forced to remain silent on it forever (5,6). I would say the Antarctic is the most likely pole, but the video and the diary seem to refer to the Arctic, so it is inconclusive yet.

On his flight to the pole Byrd describes in his log that he first saw a mountain range up ahead, and that after he crossed that range, a valley appeared with a river with lots of grass and moss. The temperature rose to 23 degrees Celsius (74o Fahrenheit) and he even witnessed an mammoth like being. This Mammoth would be another argument for his trip going to the North Pole. Byrd even saw a city.

Image of a random flying saucer (6)

A bit later his plane gets accompanied by disc-shaped verhicles. He writes in his log:

Off our port and star board wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!!” (6, p.20)

These ships took over control of Byrd’s plane and they guided him and landed him in their territory. Byrd describes their first meeting:

“Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color…..As we approach, the city seems to be made of a crystal material” (6, p.22/25)

See (11) for a more elaborate description of what followed before he got to meet their leader, someone who was called ‘The Master‘.

The Master who is described as a man with delicate features and the etching of years upon his face, tells him the reason for Byrd’s presence. He says:

BMW Flugelrads (12)

‘You are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth….Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the “Flugelrads”, to your surface world to investigate what your race had done.

You see, we have never interfered before in your race’s wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely, that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our Culture and Science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral.Your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as they know it…’

He then says that dark times would be ahead of us, but he sees that some will live through the storm and he talks about a new world that would be ‘stirring out of the ruins of our race‘. When that time arrives they would come forward to help revive our race and our culture.

After these words, Byrd was sent back to his plane and they were escorted back into the white icy world. Byrd did what the Arianni Master asked of him and he briefed the Pentagon on March 11, 1947 about all he had witnessed. As you may have expected he was met with an order to keep his mouth shut about any of this for the rest of his life. He carried this secret with him until he decided to note it down in the diary that has been the basis for this article.

It seems we don’t really know a whole lot about the Arianni based on this diary from Admiral Byrd. They were apparently blonde, Nordic looking people who live in an Inner Earth world. It seems that they cooperated with the Germans. Dr. Salla distinguishes two German factions in connection with Antarctica. One faction cooperated with the Ciakahrr and created the Dark Fleet or the Nachtwaffe (9, 13).

Maria Orsic Drawing with another kind of Swastika (17)

Another German faction would have cooperated with these Arianni and with the Nordics from the Aldebaran star system (14). He also seems to link this second group with the Orsic faction (15), who are said to be linked to various positive activities that were carried out by the Galactic Federation of Worlds, such as raising human consciousness and eliminating nuclear weapons. (10, p.138)

During an intriguing interview with Brad Olsen in February 2024 (20), Elena Danaan did some interesting speculations on the possibility that these ‘Arianni’ were in fact Germans pretending to be Nordic Aliens or ‘Intraterrestrials’. There are some good arguments for that hypothesis. Brad Olsen was open to this possibility but there was also this element that ‘the Master’ (as described above) was said to have telepathic capacities and that wouldn’t fit a normal German (except perhaps people close to Maria Orsic). Both Olsen and Danaan concluded that there probably were Inner Earth people there and that they somehow had allowed these Germans into their inner earth abodes. Listen to them reflecting upon this aspect.

Elena and Brad explore the possibility that the Arianni were merely Germans pretending to be aliens (20)

I cannot say this is a simple story. It has a lot of complixities and unknowns. We are not even sure if Admirial Byrd went to the North or South Pole. But it seems that he met the Arianni who would have worked together with a benevolent faction of Germans, who we might call the Orsic faction. They tried to convince Byrd that humanity should stop with their nuclear arms race, and he showed them their world. Unfortunately Byrd was forced to remain silent. In another article I argue for the existence of three ET-groups that were linked to Germany in the 1930s (18). I also advise you to read the article on the Antarctic Germans, based on the testimony by Jason Rice (19).

Do you have any other information on this case? Please let me know. Join the Galactic Anthropology Study Group, follow the Galactic Anthropology telegram site or comment below this article.

(1) Arkelios Describes his Inner Earth World
(2) The Ant People
(3) A Cloaked Laser Tube From a Mountain Base to Hide Spaceship Traffic
(4) The US-Telos Alliance – What’s Left of Them?
(5) Admiral Byrd’s North Pole Flight where he met the Arianni People from Inner Earth
(6) The Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
(7) Richard E. Byrd
(8) Operation Highjump
(9) A Short Film: Antarctica and the Origins of the Dark Fleet (youtube)
(10) Salla, M.E. (2019) US Airforce Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force. In this book Dr. Salla writes the following: “It is known, for example, that Byrd’s surveillance flight over Antarctica on February 19, 1947, was shrouded in uncertainty when radio contact was broken, during which time his plane was thought lost, but then mysteriously reappeared….Goode reported that the Arianni, along with the Draco Reptilians, helped the Germans establish their Antarctic bases.” (p.134)
(11) What follows is a quote from pages 25/26. What is noteworthy is the description of the light that seems to come out of the walls. We have seen that often described in all kinds of spaceships. It obviously is some kind of extraterrestrial technology. He also noticed an inscription that he could not read. This might be another hint for an extraterrestrial link. He also describes what most likely is a wonderful landscape.

Haunebu model (21)

“We then proceed down a long hallway that is lit by a rose-colored light that seems to be emanating from the very walls themselves! One of the beings motions for us to stop before a great door. Over the door is an inscription that I cannot read. The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. One of my hosts speaks. ‘Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master…’ I step inside and my eyes adjust to the beautiful coloration that seems to be filling the room completely. Then I begin to see my surroundings. What greeted my eyes is the most beautiful sight of my entire existence. It is in fact too beautiful and wondrous to describe. It is exquisite and delicate. I do not think there exists a human term that can describe it in any detail with justice!” (6, pp. 25/26)
(12) Nevington War Museum
(13) Why did the Ciakahrr help the Nazi’s build their Fourth Reich in Antarctica and in Space?
(14) The Jadaiahil (see 16, p. 288)
(15) Maria Orsic as a Fifth Column for the Galactic Federation of Worlds
(16) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars
(18) Hitler and Three Extraterrestrial Groups
(19) The Antarctic Germans
(20) WHY IS THERE AN INFORMATION WAR ON ANTARCTICA? THE GROUNDBREAKING TRUTH WITH BRAD OLSEN ~Feb 22 2024 – Just to be sure. Elena was not acting in her role as Emissary, but as herself, reflecting and thinking about a possibility. The way we work here on Galactic Anthropology too.
(21) Image taken from : Haunebu II – III WW2 German Flying Saucer Paper Model

9 thoughts on “The Arianni from the Inner Earth near one of the Poles – The Diary of Rear Admiral Richard Byrd

  1. I find very interesting that there should also be kind of “positive” German faction. Did Elena Danaan actually mention this faction? In a video or something? I don’t remember (which of course means nothing). I would like know what Elena knows about this faction


  2. That reminds me: A Marina Seren speaks in her videos (YouTube) from time to time of benevolent Germans. I don’t know how credible she is, but Elena Danaan mentioned Marina Seren positively a while ago. Werther this is still true and up-to-date, I cannot say either.


  3. Admiral Richard E. Byrd was a freemason and Operation Highjump was a masonic operation.

    There is alway’s a great amount of secrecy and deception involved with freemason/globalist funded projects or explorations.

    JP the super soldier was very upset with some of the inner people. Telling him that the purification was needed before entering.

    There seems to be feelings of tension/unsure/scepticism/caution. How do I put it in the best of words? lol. The great awakening naturally gravitates towards feelings of truthfulness or clarity. Elena was not even sure about them or their culture.

    Nergal the son of Enlil was the king of the inner earth/underworld. If you read the emerald tablets of Thoth he is mentioned while traveling through the halls of Amenti. A mighty king on his throne that brother Thoth mentioned.

    I do not know if Nergal is still down there. But if he is, than it means that the inner earth civilization is ruled by a reptillian Annunaki king who more than likely has allegiance towards Enlil’s mentality. There bloodlines have alway’s done that. Some automatic pull against the benevolent.

    Just be really careful everyone until we know more about the inner earth. A word of caution that is all. It is not acceptable to me that any relation of Enlil captures authoritive positions. My intuition say’s we are most certaintly been decieved by the freemasons daily. That is very obvious that humanity is continously decieved by masons. Why than would the obvious cooperation or trust that was built between the inner earth and the freemasons/operation highjump not be indicative of a united mentality that travels in direct alignments towards Enlil’s nefarious mentality or that of the warmongering Nergal. Who is ver combative in nature.

    Nergal (also known as Erra and Irra) is the Mesopotamian god of death, war, and destruction

    The same Nergal that is often reffered to as Hades? The inpiration behind the Satan spirit?

    They talk about the merging of our surface and inner people. The great eqaulization of all nations. Everyone becomes king and queens, sovereign, independant. That would never happen under reptillian/malevolent/Annunaki control related to Enlil.

    Father like son.

    I sense a very dark plot or deception brewing. Trying to overwhelm the surface existence. Almost everyone I listen to seems to feel a sense of unwary with the inner earth.

    Liked by 1 person

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