Anchoring a Timeline and JP’s Four Time Rooms

One of the goals of this website is to archive the disclosure information into readable articles, which can be used for future reference, and who are also understandable for people who are new to this material. I am glad to notice there is more interesting information being released the last couple of weeks. This post is about a ‘time device’ that JP, the military contact of Dr. Salla (1), witnessed in June 2023 (2). It also contains the perspective of Thor Han on this device (3).

On June 23, 2023, JP had a mission in an undisclosed location. You can hear all about it at (2). Below is a short description by JP himself, on what he was shown (41 seconds):

JP describes the four rooms with dates on them (2)

He describes how he saw a man materialize in one of the rooms, the one with 2050 above the entrance. He was wearing different clothes. When he got out he was taken to a separate room where he was cleansed, and consequently given other clothes and then he entered the 1550s room (2).

The years above the rooms were 1550s – 1940 – 2050 and 2090. In one of the Study Groups we reflected upon the 1550s: what could have happened then that would be relevant enough to make a ‘time room’ for it? (4)

On July 24, 2023 we were all happily surprised by the release of an interview of almost an hour in which Dr. Salla was able to ask all kinds of questions to Thor Han (6), who spoke directly through Elena’s implant (3). One of the questions was about these devices that JP had spoken about. Here’s the relevant interaction related to this aspect:

A Mesh (13)

“Michael Salla: I have just released an update from my Army source JP who says that he went to a facility where there were four time travel devices. One to the year 2090, one to the year 2050, one to the year 1940 (14) and the other to the year 1550. Do you know anything about who is working with the military in developing and using those time travel devices and what is their objective?

Thor Han:  This is us. We are working with the Earth Alliance (7) and certain aspects of the military. Your contact JP is working with the good side and he is used to reveal the truth. These time devices, we have helped the military to develop that because the other side was developing also, Nebu (8,9) technology related to time travel. You know it has been a time war.

And we have helped our friends, our allies on Terra. They are key points in anchoring a timeline. You do not anchor a timeline just on one point but on a web of many points, like a mesh if you want. These dates, are dates in the past and in the future of this timeline, to make sure it is anchored and to make bridges, to create, “quantum” as you name it, links to anchor the timeline.

Things are going to change, and these particular points, they are points of weakness, they are bifurcations of time. Time, as you know, is not linear. It is not ephemereal or abstract;  time is something that has no value in the absolute. It is a web like a grid, if you will, and each point on the grid are bifurcations. We need to secure them.” (3)

Two rooms were situated in the future. This reminded me of Elena Danaan’s looking glass-experiences of both 100 year (10) and 20 years (11) in the future. We have come across all kinds of examples of technological devices. You can find many of them in the article ‘To Record you Past Lives” (12).

The Battle of Nueremberg, 1561 (5)

(1) Now Available – US Army Insider Missions – Book 8 in SSP Series
(2) JP Update – US Military working with Nordic ETs in Time Travel research on Space Arks
(3) A Conversation with Thor Han Eredyon on Colonization of Pleiades & Earth Liberation
(4) See the Alex Collier Study Group There was a funny event that took place in 1561, which was called the Battle of Nueremburg /Nürnberg which seemed to have involved extraterrestrial fighting in the skies of Germany. See Wikipedia for more.
(5) Taken from Pinterest
(6) On the Connection between Thor Han and Elena Danaan
(7) The Earth Alliance
(8) The Nebu
(9) And the Lights went out for the Nebu
(10) Visiting a Meton Mothership (video, September 11, 2021). You can also find her experience aboard the Meton ship described in The Seeders (pp. 530-549)
(11) CONTACT Ep. 19 ~ THE FUTURE 20 YEARS FROM NOW – with Haben of Meton~ Dec 16 2022
(12) A Device to Record your Past Lives – This post contains a list of new technology devices
(13) Wireless mesh networks: Everything you need to know.
(14) A reader from the Galactic Anthropology Study Group noticed a small error here. In the original video and text (2) JP and Dr. Salla spoke of 1940; in the question to Thor Han, he accidentally said 1945 (3). Not a big deal of course, but it can be confusing; that’s why I decided to correct it here.

One thought on “Anchoring a Timeline and JP’s Four Time Rooms

  1. Let it be known, the dangers of theorization where the mind wanders into places not yet proven. For a theory will remain a theory unless proven true or false. There is good cause for speculation, but no good cause to set it within our paradigm/reality as something factual. People here me when I say that the myriad of your perspectives/point of views are not helping towards liberation, instead many of you are beating around the forest, throwing stones at trees and pulling plants up by the roots. We were all instructed to behave gently during rediscovery periods and with a good listening ear, hear the facts derived from a confused past, discarding of the negativity. Remember the sound instruction’s of our teachers? They say to have only adherence to the facts, of truthfulness, and from those facts you must form your sentences, all of your speeches, and the advice that you are to give to another must not be rooted from speculation but instead rooted from the facts, the truthfulness, the wisdom. Please do not arrive in the company of your brothers and sisters with theories not yet proven unless to establish yourself as questionable or untrustworthy. Such was the way of old times. Any man or woman with thoughts not proven, with the imaginative mind, and the wandering mind has no good place in contemplation. But contemplation of evidence is seen as wise. Do not give unto each other words of mystery like poisoned bread wrapped beautifully in the finest of gift wrapping. Hear me my brothers and sisters from all around the world. Do not give allegiance to this poison spirit that may lead you into places of confusion, or the certainty of leaning on your own understandings, or to the contemplations of other people trying to take safe haven in your own minds. Choose only wisdom and find the places from where it already has been found. The path of wisdom is ever expanding, but many have already walked across that path and they wonder where many of you are now? Why do they not follow? Walk across paths of wisdom, carved into stone, written in the books, unless you go astray and lost in the dark forest. So my final warning to humanity is not to assume too much of anything, during your explorations some will be friend or foe, grow in good spirit, one of the children of light, but listen to my emergency call, that only the truthful should be trusted with leadership, only the wise should be given trust, and only the facts in life have blossomed out of their cocoons of theorization. Do not continue to fling those theories at each other. Center yourselves comfortably by holding the facts that are obtained from our lost history in your mind/spirit. It would do humanity no good to spin the wheel of speculation. Everyone must eventually live with the universal truths, when you offer differing perspectives, you open the way for division. Humanity has real places for wisdom, they have already manifested, we just have to find them. Wisdom will not be found within the minds of theorization, but instead true wisdom will be found within the minds of the factual.

    (Yes I write most anonymously wonderful comments 🙂


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