The Planet Maya and the Pleiadean Star Maia

One of the fascinating aspects of archiving this galactic information is that it keeps on expanding in various directions on various topics. This current page is about the addition of another star system with humanoid species to our knowledge database. I am talking about the star system of Maia in the Pleiadean constellation.

The Pleiades, with Maia almost in the middle (6)

In the second webinar (1) Elena Danaan tells us about the birth of Emi, a child from Akvaruu (3,4) and ‘Norah’ (5,22). What I found quite interesting was that Norah was said to live on a planet orbiting the Pleiadean star Maia.

And we have spoken quite a lot about the planets orbiting Taygeta (7) and Alcyone (4,8), but it seems that never before this third Pleiadean star was mentioned (9).

In Elena Danaan’s fifth disclosure book (23) we are being introduced to the Gerahel, who are said to be an Ahel colony from the Maia star system who were detached on the fourth planet of the Oy Minota System (Gliese 876) in the Aquarius constellation, mostly to provide protection to the species on other planets in that same system. It is good to see that both Norah and the image of the Gerahel in the book are both obviously Ahel, which is another example of the great internal consistency of Elena Danaan’s information.

While searching for Maia references in her work I came across the planet Maya. This is not a star, but a planet in the Lyran ‘Man-system’, a star system we designate as Kepler 62 (10). Maya used to be the home planet of the Ahil before they were forced to flee because of the invasion of the Ciakahrr during what has become known as the Lyran Wars (11,12,13).

The Kepler 62 star system (14)

While reading a bit about those early terraforming years in the Pleiadean constellation I noticed another element that seems to support the concept that somehow a kind of ‘enkification’ of the intel has taken place since Elena got into contact with Enki/Ea. What I mean with this is that it seems that there are a number of differences between the way the Anunnaki are described (or completely left out) in Elena Danaan’s first two books, and everything after Enki’s arrival in our solar system in september 2021 (15).

On page 338 in the excellent ‘A Gift from the Stars’ (14) we can read the following:

“M45 is a young star cluster, 440 Ly away. It was colonized by humanoids from K62 (Lyra). They terraformed planets around mainly Taygeta and Alcyone, for there was no world ready yet to sustain life. It was a safe plance because there weren’t any resources to tempt the reptilian and greys empires.”

Impression of terraforming of Mars by Stefan Morrell (18)

What is striking is that there is no mention whatsoever of an Anach or Anunnaki empire controlling that area, whereas in the newer intel we are being told that the Pleiades were part of the Anunnaki empire and they were even under the ‘protection of them’ (15). I think that is weird. If you would like to pose a question in a new webinar this would be an interesting one.

When looking a bit closer at the various stars in the Pleiades I was reminded of that gray species that are called the P’NTI. They would have their homebase in another star in that system, namely Merope. I read a document (16) that deals with this species who would cherish all kinds of hybridization fantasies with humans (17). I prefer to hold on to Elena’s perspective which says that our future is human and we are not going to turn into some Gray-Human hybrids. Here’s a piece from (16) that links these P’Nti to Merope:

“It has been reported that their sun, Merope (23 Tauri), in the Pleiades Star Cluster is where most of the modern P’nti originate. Merope is about 380 light years from Earth. There is an orange dust-like planet that orbits Merope that some would call home. Their cities are their spacecrafts that are miles long that orbit their planet.” (16)

Most of the time the Pleiadean talk is either about Taygeta or Alcyone. This article adds Maia and even Merope to the whole, although Merope is not confirmed by Elena Danaan (19). It accidentally also added another argument to the possibility of enkification of the history after Enki’s arrival and their first meeting. Let’s hope we can all clear this up in the future, just like the remaining questions based on the historic account of our world as given by Enki (20). If you want to add your two cents head for (21).

(1) I started to study the contents of the webinars, even though I principally oppose them for an Emissary (2). But you need to pragmatic sometimes and I think we need to spread the intel to the people and it would be a waste if a lot of information would get stuck behind the paywalls of the webinars. Luckily Elena says that there is no intel being hidden at all in the webinars, so carefully sharing it with those who haven’t seen the webinars should be no problem. Disclosure and informing people must be a common goal we share.

I do however treat the webinars-information differently than public information. I do not make excerpts from videos, nor do I make any audio-recordings. I intend to be respectful and only take out a few useful quotes and, as usual, you can always s find the references to the source, this time to the webinars, which might even invite you to watch (or rewatch) them for a mere 8 or 10 dollars a piece. For more backgrounds see Endnote 217.

(2) Go to the Webinar for all the Details
(3) Akvaruu was briefly mentioned in The Taal-Shiar and the Swaruu A.I.
(4) Akvaruu was also mentioned in The Taal-Shiar from Alcyone
(5) Webinar 2, at about 40′
(6) The Pleiades
(7) Think for instance about that flower from Erra, the biggest planet from the Taygeta (Ashaara) star system, which is described in The Vanilla-like Smell of Flowers from Erra
(8) Some Myths about Alcyone
(9) I use a transcript-pdf from most of her videos and there seemed to be no mention of Maia.
(10) Getting Acquainted with the Ahil
(11) The Ciakahrr
(12) The Placing of Humanity Right Next Door to the Draco’s
(13) What came first the Lyran or the Orion Wars?
(14) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars, p. 337
(15) Comparing Elena Danaan’s Intel Before and After the Arrival of Enki in our Solar System
(16) The P’Nti – Gardeners of Intellect (by Jeff Demmers and Srh’ (Srah-ha) aka Sarah (link to site where you can download a pdf-file for free)

Point of Origin: The P’nti(The Mazini) are a telepathic race of Greys that have a close lineage to the Sassani or Shakani. Unlike many Greys, they have retained their technical and emotional development. The P’nti possess very strong telepathic abilities. Their heritage goes back hundreds of centuries linked to the Zeta Reticulum Constellation.

They have evolved beyond the typical understanding of what we would consider the negative Greys from Zeta Reticuli. Many of the P’nti have their modern origins from the Pleiades Star Cluster.

A space bearing race, most of their lives are spent on large motherships. Occasionally venturing to known planets where they can seed and/or monitor life beings to help maintain future development. It has been reported that their sun, Merope (23 Tauri), in the Pleiades Star Cluster is where most of the modern P’nti originate. Merope is about 380 light years from Earth. There is an orange dust-like planet that orbits Merope that some would call home. Their cities are their spacecrafts that are miles long that orbit their planet.”
(17) Bashar, the Far Sight Institute and the Essassani-Resistance Movement Psy-Op
(18) Terraforming Mars by Stefan Morrell, National Geographic
(19) It might be a nice question to ask Elena: what can she tell us about Merope?
(20) Analysis of Enki’s Account on our History – Some Oddities
(21) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. There even is a separate group on ‘Who is Who in the Epstein world‘. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): Galactic Anthropology on X. Also available on VK. In January 2024 I started a project called Gondolath that combines ET Disclosure with Current events in a loosely and sometimes playful manner. There are also more and more articles available in video format: both on Youtube and on TikTok. Like and subscribe!
(22) At Elena’s website you can see an image of all three of them: Akvaruu, Norah and Ami: Akvaruu
(23) Danaan, E. (2024) Encyclopedia Galactica: Portraits of the Star Nations 1. Information on the Gerahel can be found at pages 64-65.

10 thoughts on “The Planet Maya and the Pleiadean Star Maia

  1. Having read through this post and many others on Telegram about the so called “Enkification” of ED, I have another point of view to add. Since ED had a personal past life with Enki, this would tend to account for her open hearted, forgiving and caring perception of Enki regarding some of his past “nefarious” actions. Who among us hasn’t engaged in some nefarious actions in past lives where we played some very dark roles in spite of having no recollection of them in this life? What is the value of inviting judgement, mistrust and blame towards ED and/or Enki? Perhaps we ought to be collectively engaged in the process of reconciliation and forgiveness which I believe ED is modeling for us in this galactic storyline she is presenting to us and living through in 3-D. IMHO our task at this time ought to be focused on transcending this 3-D holographic/ extremely polarized world WHICH IS HELD IN PLAY by our own judgmental and polarizing minds. We are the creators and maintainers of this 3-D hologram and we don’t even realize it.
    Consider a single example of war. WWII- where the Japanese were the aggressors and were treated as “the enemy” by the US military who imprisoned the Japanese on US soil. few of the Japanese governmental perpetrators in league with the international war mongers were ever brought to trial. The same holds true today. Wars, wars endless wars and killing. Agreements and concessions are always determined by the winner as is the “story told” about what happened ie the written history about it. Now here we are some 80+ years later and Americans and Japanese are fully integrated and living peacefully together again in both our countries. This is an example of one war on one single planet. Knowing how many billions of years old our galaxy is; how can we possibly understand and track the numerous wars followed by the many alliances that were made and broken among several different factions of a single and very ancient long lived race (The Annunaki aka the Anakh)?The very concept is mind boggling. Each faction of any race or species will have and present it’s own reasons to justify why they took such and such action in such and such war on such and such planet or timeline. Who can untangle the multifarious reasons for these wars (and/or determine whether the explanations can be trusted as truthful). What can be the justification for the destruction of entire planets and the murder and decimation of entire races and forced displacement and migration of thousands of races to other galaxies. IMHO our time would be better spent in bringing ourselves to a place of reconciliation and compassionate forgiveness while focusing on creating together a peaceful collective future.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for your beautiful comment. I like the concept of reconciliation and forgiveness. I – as if my opinion really matters – would be willing to open up
      to Enki, but first a few things need to cleared up.
      If the arrival of Enki means that Thor Han changes his perspective and adds the Anakhim in their Ahil history, without having mentioned them before, that needs to be explained.
      It is not meant to judge, but it is merely a logical observation. We also know that the Anunnaki are known as master deceivers, which means that we must remain critical even though Enki seems such a nice guy.
      Why is he he only nice Anunnaki we know, for instance?


    • Well said. Our minds are sometimes polarized by the very people who trick us with kindness. I’m not speaking of Elena, but rather of peoples’ various experiences with trauma, PTSD, etc. It’s those types of experiences that make it difficult to trust others; so, we apply our logic, scientific method, and discernment to information (such as Elena’s) in order to verify the truth.

      Like the author, I’m a bit worried about the circle that “protects” Elena from criticism. I’m not familiar enough with the situation, but I would expect them to apply forgiveness to those whom they incorrectly judged as attackers. We listen because we are interested and indeed want to know the truth. We especially want to know the accurate and unbias truth about our history and how the Annunaki are involved, whether good, bad, or both.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This comment is related to what EA/Enki mentioned to Elena about the energy nodes found here on KI. Unfortunately WEF wants to target them all. Those people are psychotic like their predecessor. When he transferred power to the Sol Terran betrayers.

    What info in your archives do you have these spiritual places? Can you begin an article and discussion? Would like to read what other have to say too. 🙂

    People might not know this. But in the past their was actually 6 different Satans. There was Inanna, Enlil, Ninhurta, Nergal, Nabu, Marduk. When they were removed they gave most of the power over to their followers.

    Nergal was the one who invented the spirit of a deceptive Satan that would have control over the earth. Basically it is a vile evil spirit that anyone can apparently embody. Also called the brotherhood of darkness. So there wan never just one Satan nut an evil spirit that encompasses many if desired.

    Liked by 1 person

    If I am not mistaken the 7 sleeping giants may have constructed all the ley lines that connect to each other. Also remember the Giza pyramid revealing that is supposed to happen. Clearly the dark ones have caught onto to the spiritual power sources and their attacks are becoming more individualized. You see, society is very individualistically operated (people) and what are attacks truly targeting? They physically and psychologically attack people. They could care less about man made structures. They are only after the mind and body of every source humanoid/souls/fractals. Including the earth herself. Who we largely depend on. Consider these few videos for more clarity.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow, that Star Trek character has actually convinced me even more that Thoth is indeed Q. Sounds very identical with both Thoth and his later reincarnation as Hermes. Hermes was the trickster God and he shares that characterization with Q from Star Trek who is considered a trickster! Understanding Thoth he would be a trickster towards only malevolence however.

    Thoth was considered the feathered serpent. Not of the Kur species. He was the creator of Corn. He is one of the 7 sleeping giants according to both Elena Danaan and father EA. Also reading the great informative comments from above is mostly responsible for the creation of ley lines or collective energy vortexes that emanate strong positive energies. Recently the one hit in Maui.

    He was the lord of the good tree or tree of life. There has been a lot of adverse things against him while sleeping. JP mentioned the stolen seeds while ago. Those were from his tree. Ningishzida/Thoth/Hermes/pronounced Keet-zahl- coat- all. Quetzalcoatl.

    The reason why I mention Donald Trump is because he is the current ruler of the west. If America falls than the rest of the world falls. Thoth had mentioned in his tablet that he is the ruler of the west. Who would be trusted with such a position? Logically only someone with great wisdom and resilience could handle it. Either Trump is Thoth, Q is Thoth, or he has been the spiritual advisor of both individuals due to his immense wisdom/knowledge. Enigmatic figure that is called Q and he is an avid time traveler with many abilities that transcend space and time?? Joost you just described Thoth in perfect detail 🙂

    The great re-awakening certainly has it’s mysteries.

    Kind regards, and thanks for this website. I really do appreciate and enjoy reading your articles.

    Stay safe.


    • I respect your ideas, Phil. And I am not sure if you are really serious or just joking around a little.

      In my opinion Q is no trickster and like Trump or Putin he has got no link whatsoever with any Anunnaki or Thoth.

      The future will surely unravel the mysteries 🙂


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