Taalihari break Alliance with the Ciakahrr and receive temporary Protection from the GFW

As we have learned in a recent Star Nation News episode (1), the Ciakahrr are left without any friends in our galaxy. The Alliance of the Six has been dismantled (2) and after the collapse of the Nebu (3) the Taalihara government in the Alcyone system (4-6), also decided that it was in the best interest of their world to end their alliance with the Ciakahrr and try to join the Galactic Federation of Worlds. In an episode from November 27, 2023 (7) Elena Danaan announced this great step:

Elena Danaan speaks about the decision of the Taalihari Government
to break their alliance with the Ciakahrr Empire (7)

The fact that the Taalihara, or the Taal-Shiar are now seriously considering to join the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW) is a major move, especially seen in the light of their history (5). They split from the other people in the Taygeta system after a conflict with the Ahel (8) and started their own colony in the Alcyone (Jayha) star system. Since the Ahel are playing a crucial role in the Galactic Federation of Worlds it must be tough for the Taal-Shiar on Taalihara to move beyond their old grudges and accept protection from their former enemies.

A Futuristic City (9)

In the same episode Elena Danaan also shared more information about the role of the Taal-Shiar and their cooperation with the Nazi Dark Fleet (8). Would this change in alliance from the Ciakahrr to the GFW have an impact on their swaruu AI-programs (6) or for the Reptilians living on another planet in the Alcyone system? These probably are the Ooganga who originally come from the Bellatrix star system in the Orion Constellation (5).

In the excerpt above (7) Elena says that the GFW is willing to protect Taalihara under the condition that they will break the alliance with the Ciakahrr and the installation of a democratic government. They have signed a probation-act that is extendable when a final treaty is signed and then a second probation period will determine if the Taalihari are really ready for membership.

I want to thank Elena Danaan for providing us with this information. She is doing a great job as an emissary for the Galactic Federation of Worlds. If you have any questions or if you would like to share your thoughts join the independent Galactic Anthropology Study Group (10).

(1) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 09 ~ Dec 18 2023
(2) The Ciakahrr are on their Own after the Dismantlement of the Alliance of the Six
(3) And the Lights went out for the Nebu
(4) Some Myths about Alcyone in the Pleiades
(5) The Taal-Shiar from Alcyone / Jayha – History
(6) The Taal-Shiar and the Swaruu A.I.
(7) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 06 ~ Nov 27 2023
(8) The Taaliharu and Huge Tubular Ships for the Nazi Dark Fleet
(9) https://wallpaperaccess.com/future-space-city
(10) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): Galactic Anthropology on X

5 thoughts on “Taalihari break Alliance with the Ciakahrr and receive temporary Protection from the GFW

  1. This list contains most of the names that TPTB has hidden behind. Keep in mind the earth alliance may have flipped some of these organizations. This post is just a reference and related to the article and video. For anyone who wishes to see the picture bigger. Connecting the dots involves observing both the earth issues and other galactic events and how they are related to each other. As a whole. Anybody got other names to reveal? Please share with friends and family if your able. Just remember to mention, that exposing evil helps ensure future freedoms and that’s why your mentioning it.

    I should also mention that people should view the problems on earth, as caused by a singular body of malevolence (TPTB) Don’t be overwhelmed by the amount of names, their one and the same entity.

    TPTB (The Powers That Be. Operated by over 100 different Enlilite/Khazarian families. Very particular about their bloodlines. 10-12 are appointed with running the entire globe with offices higher than the governors, prime ministers, presidents etc.))
    Deep state (American Faction but has influences worldwide)
    TGR (The Great Reset)
    Lockheed Skunkworks
    Boeing (D.E.W Weaponry)
    USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Projects)
    SCOTUS (most of all courts and supreme courts worldwide)
    WSFM (Weird Science And Freaking Magic)
    Ratheon (D.E.W Weaponry)
    CCP (Chinese Communist Party)
    WEF (World Economic Forum)
    WHO (World Health Organization)
    European Union
    Secret Service
    Enlilites (They have loyaly with the regressive views or intentions of Enlil)
    Christianity (Worship/Denomination Controll)
    Religions (Worship/Denomination Controll)
    Paganists (Holiday Worship)
    Regressive Witches, Warlocks, and Druids.
    Mafias (Various Worldwide Groups)
    Secret Societies (Various Cult Groups)
    SSP (Secret Space Program. Half Belongs To White Hats? The Other Half Belongs To Black Hats?)
    World Elites
    Shadow Government
    Military Industrial Complex (Half Belongs To White Hats? The Other Half Belongs To Black Hats?)
    Black Hats
    Men In Black
    DDT (Decoy, Distract, And Trash)
    NSA (National Security Agency)
    ISA (Invention Secrecy Act)
    CSS (Central Security Service)
    BBP (Black Budget Projects)
    Centrism (Playing Both Sides Of Division)
    Political Idealogy (Invented By TPTB For Division)
    Nazis (Neo Liberalism/Neo Nazis)
    The Name Stealers
    False Jewish
    Big Pharmacy
    Global Education (false teachings, distorted reality)
    WAW (World Agriculture Watch)
    PEI (Partnership for Economic Inclusion)
    Big Chains (Most Big Retail Chains, Grocery Stores, Wal-Mart, Fast Food Restaurants, Gas Stations, Dollar Stores, etc.)
    Big Tech
    You tube
    Tik Tok (Owned By CCP)
    Mainstream Media News (Fake News)
    The Alliance of Six
    The Inner Earth Alliance (Faction Of Nergal Regressives)
    Ciakhar (Draconians/Regressive Reptillians)
    Regressive Anunnaki
    The Nebu (Various Tall Greys/Short Greys)

    This post is not a drama post/release tension. Only for more clarity and information comment relating to Elena Danaan recent Video. This world is under 90 percent of Enlilite structure/control. So, yes, we have to start rebuilding after their removal. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with most of your list of TPTaW (The Powers That almost Were), but I don’t think that Twitter/X or SpaceX are rightfully in your list. When you look at your huge list we can see that we are really fighting a huge and ugly multi-faced dragon here 🙂


  2. It said in the Atrahasis by Enki or EA to revolt against corrupt organizations. To expose them and there has certainly been peaceful protests. But society just seems to settle back down underneath control. They either don’t want to think about, forget that it exists, and maybe doesn’t have enough awareness. Why do people “go along to get along”? They seem to look towards the horizon of paradise only temporarily. Then they remember that their McDonalds shift starts in about 5 minutes and they have to phone the crooked big boss and tell him, I’m going be late for work! I was too busy staring at the horizon! Better get my truck on big rubber wheels started, than roar down the road with gasoline polluting the air. Little do they know, just how much control people have fallen into. 200 hundred years of a lost century. Would you agree that most people are unwittingly or willingly contributors of a society completely organized by TPTB?

    I wish you a happy new year!


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