The Anunnaki Empire built upon the Pillars of Peace and Diplomacy?

In Star Nation News, episode 9 from December 18, 2023 (1) I was surprised to hear Ea talk about the empire of the Anunnaki being based on the noble pillars of peace and Diplomacy.

The Anach Empire of Peace? (14)

He even said that the Anunnaki never engage in wars. Whatever Enlil did on our planet would have been the only exception. How likely is it that a set of species called the Anach (we know them by the name Anunnaki) would have had an empire that – according to their own estimates – would have held 75% of our complete galaxy without waging a single war? This article gathers some elements to consider in this rather bold claim.

I highly value Elena’s first disclosure book ‘A Gift from the Stars’ (2) and her early (Q&A)-videos. Like I have said in earlier articles it seems that there are certain things, all of them related to the Anunnaki information, that don’t completely match with the current information. I have spoken about an ‘Enkification’ process that seems to aim to almost glorify the Anunnaki or the Anach Empire. The message seems to be forming that Enlil, Marduk and Ninurta were the evil exceptions and they accidentally terrorized the Earth, as an exception. This would not be something the Anunnaki normally do. Let’s listen to the relevant excerpt from the december 18, 2023 video (1):

Elena Danaan quotes Ea on the peaceful and warless ways of the Anunnaki/Anach (1)

Here are a few relevant parts from the above excerpt: “…and the Anach had no allies in Nataru (3) despite their expanding power….Although Anu was always eager to expand the empire’s territories he always did it by treaties and never by war. Something we have to honor and acknowledge with the Anach empire is that despite the great power of their defense forces, they never used it in an invasive or aggressive ways. The structure of the Anach Empire is founded upon the two pillars of peace and diplomacy.

…What Enlil did on Earth wasn’t following these ethics and wasn’t recognized by Anu. He did it in his name and not in the name of his father and the empire. As we know Enlil was half-Ciakahrr (4) and acting accordingly to the Ciakahrr agenda. This is particularly the reason why, says Prince Ea, emperor Anu is glad to take part into the elimination of the Ciakahrr threat in this galaxy and he will employ all means necessary to the end.


A Gift from the Stars – Elena Danaan’s first Disclosure Book is highly critical of the Anunnaki ‘ Anach’ Empire (2)

The above subtitle is a quote from the Anunnaki page in ‘A Gift from the Stars‘ (p.230). Here’s another to give you an idea where I am talking about: “They play a lot with the genetics of conquered world and especially with children, trying to create servile hybrids helping their purposes anywhere in the galaxy. Anunnaki have been the source and spreading of great genetic biodiversity and racial confusion throughout this galaxy for these reasons. Great enemies of the Lyrans but as well of the Ciakahrr Empire.” (2, p.230)

Whatever happened between 2020 and now that the Anunnaki are being glorified as an empire that only extends its empire with the pillars of peace and diplomacy? You can find more about these odd differences at (5).

During the last year I have come across a number of other Anunnaki-related things that were a bit odd, to say the least. It would be welcome if Elena Danaan would one day invest some time in the questions raised in these articles. Until now they have been ignored completely. We have spoken about that strange interaction with the Kur (6). What about that Laan-Anunnaki war: what was that all about? (7). I also described a number of elements in Enki’s account of our history as it was described in Elena’s third disclosure book (8,9). Recently Ea also said something about have worked together with the P’Taal. When and how was that? (10).

Then there is my analysis of Alex Collier’s work in connection to the Nibiruans as the A’s call the Anu branch of the Anunnaki. A lack of trust in the Anunnaki by both the Andromedans and the Pleiadeans, and even in the Enki-branch was one of the conclusions of that research (11). Can we really trust the Anunnaki, even though Ea seems to be such a nice and wise guy? (12). The arguments and articles tend to pile up when they are ignored.

Like I said, I hold Elena’s first book (2) in high regard. I also think that we should be very careful in trusting the Anunnaki. When even Ea is protecting his father and the Anach Empire for being such an ethical empire that has never raged any wars, but whose ethics are based on Peace and Diplomacy only, this should alarm us. Why would the Anach Empire have once ‘conquered’ 75% of our galaxy as they say (13), if they only want peace and diplomacy? What is the use of an empire if you cannot rule and be the emperor? Did Anu marry with every queen in Nataru? Why were they described as being a species ‘whose name is feared in this galactic sector‘ in A Gift from the Stars (2)?

In Star Nation News 20 in March 2024 (16) Ea spoke again on the issue of war. This time in connection with the participation of the Anachim forces to fight against the Ciakahrr in the Ciakahrr war. Listen to what Ea has to say.

Ea speaks about how he persuaded his father to join the war against the Ciakahrr (16)

I couldn’t help but write this rather ironic comment as a response to this video in the Study Group. So here I am, quoting myself for a change:

Ea used his peaceful influence to persuade his peaceful father, Anu, who has never ever fought a war in his eternal life while building this huge ‘Old Nataru Empire’, to send in the Anunnaki troops who are now for the first time ever using their weapons to fight a war against the Ciakahrr? Thus creating a sentiment of Ea and his Anunnaki pacifists fighting a righteous war, as our big heroes alongside the GFW with their Gnomopo and highly advanced Ciakahrr killing skills. How logical is this? Do we want to think of the Anunnaki as our heroes, fighting our galactic war?” (15, See Star Nation News Thread on Telegram)

Let me hear your take on the questions raised in this article (15)

(1) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 09 ~ Dec 18 2023
(2) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars
(3) Nataru a name that is used by the Galactic Federation of Worlds and other species to denote our Milky Way Galaxy
(4) The Ciakahrr
(5) Comparing Elena Danaan’s Intel Before and After the Arrival of Enki in our Solar System
(6) The Kur and their Role in the Altering of the Human Genome
(7) The War between the Laan and the Anunnaki
(8) Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders
(9) Analysis of Enki’s Account on Our History – Some Oddities
(10) Annax: The Anunnaki were called P’Taal
(11) Enki and the Andromedan Council
(12) To Trust or not to Trust the Anunnaki?
(13) The Aker and the Anunnaki
(14) Dreamstime
(15) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): Galactic Anthropology on X
(16) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 20~ March 4 2024 

9 thoughts on “The Anunnaki Empire built upon the Pillars of Peace and Diplomacy?

  1. I agree…this whole ’empire’ thing, why were they here? did they have agreements with humanity to alter our DNA and to rule over us? Wasn’t Enlil following orders? What was their purpose and why were they to be feared? I don’t want to be ruled by any royalty or empire structure like they put on this planet, or even gooberments. Clif High did an article on the Elohim about these beings who live long lives and it kinda makes sense in the fact that they have an heirarchy, their structure for having a ruler and then those that are ruled over….I suppose that some feel they needed leaders and rulers, but if humanity is going to become sovereign and part of a galactic community, then we should not be ruled by empires and those ‘bloodlines’ in a heirarchy…..I just don’t need a leader or a follower, and wished humanity would stand in their power and say no to being ruled, we find we never really voted for our presidents, the illusion of choice, they were selected. And was there anything in Elena’s article about how their societies were run by A.I., the Red Queen? Enki might not of had much to do with all the wars, but he was ruled by his father Ea…and why fear them if they are peaceful. Did they ask humans if we wanted to be ruled by them? Or did they use techology to create a scenario of them being ‘Gods’?
    Here is the article of Clif’s and I agree with you, I trust none of them ETs if they have an ’empire’ that is really just saying they are ruled by ‘bloodline’ families in a heirarchial structure of order over others.
    Elohim: Current capacity in contention.
    An historical (abbreviated) review and technical assessment.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Here is how Clif High weighs in on all of this Annunaki Kabuki:
    A message to the Annunaki:
    “Fool me once, shame on YOU!
    fool me twice, shame on ME!”
    Check other sources…
    And thanks to Joosh for checking and vetting all the back history from Elena!


  3. Pingback: Elena Danaan elimina información negativa significativa sobre los Anunnaki en su nuevo libro | antropología galáctica

  4. bibliocapades.nnet and Cosmicawareness messages or .org are KEY to truth.Annunaki are playing goodcop-badcop.Anu had a planetoid sized warship named Nibiru-is what I read in more than one place.He or son crashed into Tiamat or other planet and destroyed it-also read this.Gene Decode says Not to Trust Any Annunaki and he seems truthful and informed.Bibliocapades and other sites say to be wary as this is Exactly the plan by the annunaki in that they will do a p.r. blitz and try to win us over while buying time for later invasion.They aligned with the stronger Dracos and Anu was doing Queens bidding,according to other sites.If Dracos and other foes aee greatly weakened and dispersed or killed entirely,that creates a power vaccuum.Anu and co. then invade Earth.

    This is a competition for stargate control as stargates not only give access to other quadrants and galaxies,but also other Dimensions.Magnetosphere portals exist here as well as earthbound stargates.

    AAnnunaki history speaks volumes about anything but Respect for Law of One or Christ Consciousness,or sovereignty.Marduk-which is a title by the way meaning controller of the Sea of Souls, or something similar;treated us humans how??????????Slavery,deprivation,degradation,divide and conquer,terror,untimely death,lies,manipulation,theft of our Source Creator connection and energy??????????This is the previous Pindar who was Ea”s son.He was NO friend or benevolent teacher to humanity like Yeshua or Buddha or Quan Li.Beware of forked tongue and those who have hybridized and infiltrated humanity,degrading our frequency,dna,andpotential. The book by the Pleiadians warns us of the Annunaki.They should know.

    Elena is mind-controlled or cloned or something.Compare vids and mannerisms,eyes, david ??? interviews and david kim goguen.illeanna the startraveller!!!


    • Wow, that was a mouthful, yes….research all the various people that are dispensing information. We also must do due diligence on our acceptance of those who have or are telling a different narrative from a history of humanity’s enslavement.
      As for Gene Decode, a guy who worked with him is coming out stating he’s a grifter and a liar. This could be true since 2 years ago, hours and hours of videos going over all the dumbs that had and are to be cleared and pretty much stating that the only one left in the US was The Getty. There is a supersoldier Steven D. Kelly on youtube who said they are NOT rescuing children or clearing the dumbs at that time when Gene Decode said they were and also Kim Goguen also said they weren’t either.
      The Fake Gene Decode – Exposed as a Grifter
      False Flags & Fake Rescue Movies – July 6th, 2023 – The Steven D Kelley Show – Truth Cat Radio

      In December 2023, the white hats find out who really is in charge of their ‘plan’ to save the world and how they have not been rescuing children at all, and planned these events to ‘wake up the masses’ claiming the cabal did it….etc.
      In my opinion, Kim connects the dots for me and she also is promoting that we ‘save ourselves’ in that we help each other out and take responsibility for ourselves. She has removed the bonds they held in the hall of records as the ‘strawman’ corp. bonds of our birth certificates that they put on the stockmarket. She also has help as each level of operatives step up in the order of the black sun group and order of the dragon factions that are the real war here of the ‘good vs evil’ and that Trump operatives are the lessor of two evils here but the end game is the same, they’d be in control of humanity in their NWO and Phil Schneider even said that the NWO is the Alien ET agenda and that these groups are all just working for Marduke which Kim stated was her predecessor. Now most discounted her during the time she revealed what happened with Marduke, and how they tried to control her with various handlers and tried to marry her off to Putin. There are various people trying to discredit her like Team Bubba which she never said anything bad about him till recently when she said that she had in the beginning turned him into authorities because she said he was a pedo. He does spend alot of time just spewing nonsense about her so I don’t listen to many of them, I just look all over and connect the dots.
      As for Kerry Cassidy, now she flip flops all the time, and I think she is blinded by her infatuation with JFKjr….107 whom I stopped listening to for one because of the Biblical crap, and for two because he admits he will give out disinfo, cuz yeah, the cabal can’t know the plan, and comms blah blah blah. Kerry did confront him in Las Vegas when invited to that meeting of potential ‘truthers’ and she wasn’t picked because pretty sure they had to sign NDA’s and she pissed off JFKjr. because she told him that they must tell the truth, and to give humanity free energy, and expose the ETs and A.I. agenda….she admitted he came off the stage in a rage and got in her face, he told her that they would NEVER be giving us free energy OR telling us about the ETs and A.I. agenda….so basically people, these so called white hats are more like grey hats in that they don’t want us to know the truth, it’s patriot pacifying the masses supposedly so there won’t be a civil war but they are NOT doing what they say they are and not doing what the plan was to liberate humanity from the dark et factions and DS along with the SSP who is really the ones putting on this ‘shit show’, and the end game being a softer version of the same plan with martial law and the implosion of the economy, roll out a social credit score system.
      So after looking around at it all…I have very little trust for any of them, white hats or Enki, if we need to just feel it but always demand the truth no matter what, and the goal here is to free humanity from these groups of control and their agendas in transhumanism, and keeping their loosh factory going.


      • We will see. As soon as I discovered that on Kim Goguen’s telegram group telegram posts of David Wilcock are used a lot, when David said last year that he doesn’t even have a telegram account, I have grown very suspicious of her. That account went back long before that interview with David.

        See more on this at

        I still have faith in Q and the ability of the people to expose the deep state


      • As I see it, Q/Trump/White hats are just the soft sell, for the same ending. The group they were working for Order of the black sun, even unknowingly, should never agree to ‘well, there’ll be fewer casualties or they must do these earthquakes or kill this or that group and then they can be in charge. It’s the same old story….give your power away to a ‘lessor of two evils’ as they present the left/right paradigm and that is your only choice. Consent given…here we go. 

        Even as Kerry Cassidy believes in JFKjr., she don’t believe Nesara/Gesara or medbeds are gonna happen the way they are claiming. It’s a dangling of a carrot to keep people from standing up and uniting to say no…ENOUGH! She felt it was imperative we get the truth, that would be necessary if we are gonna unite and be able to help ourselves and others. It’s the longest and oldest strategy in the world, and a divide and conquer strategy that has worked on us for millenia. It’s the game of good vs evil, and once you choose sides, then you’ve given your power away and they win, two sides of the same coin. They should have taken over media almost immediately, but instead they contracted with so called ‘truthers’ who signed NDA’s and then became grifters or take all the ‘intel’ behind paywalls. The have everyone of them busy decoding comms, solving gematria puzzles and timestamps etc. It’s nauseating, here we are almost up to the next election. But ‘just hold the line’….it’s gonna be a Biblical Blockbuster Hero/Savior movie ending….we got it all, Trump is in control…yet he’s out there promoting the jab, but wait, that is the bad Trump, the real Trump is hiding out in Cheyenne Mountain.

        Well….I don’t like being lied to, I don’t care if it’s so the cabal don’t find out ‘the plan’. All it does is undermine us and our sovereignty because they don’t think we can decide for ourselves or handle the truth. Lie to me once, shame on you…..lie to me twice, shame on me.

        As for David Wilcock, he had someone who was pretending to be him for quite a while. There have been many who never got Telegram who we’ve subscribed to only to find out they don’t even have a Telegram. He had youtube taking down his videos, then he saw them being allowed on a channel that had his name on it, but wasn’t him. He complained to youtube for copyright claims but then they tried to say maybe he’s not the real David Wilcock….after he exposed the ‘secret society’ child sex traffiking and his abuse by them when he was a child, he is now broke, and being taken to court by the IRS. Didn’t they claim the IRS isn’t there anymore? Than who is taking all these people (and there are many) to court saying they own taxes? Project Veritas or now he’s on his own, just did a report on the IRS where they interviewed a guy who is in the criminal division and how they can now shoot people, and how A.I. scans everyone’s bank accounts so basically there is no privacy and the IRS is still there!

        It’s like the werewolf game….in this video this guy explains how you can manipulate a society who are uninformed, because the informed will always win even though they are fewer. 

        Or a question that is asked to see if you have a moral code:

        You have a set of twins and one has cancer, you are told by the surgeon that you can save alot of people if you kill one of the twins but thousands of people will be saved. Do you say ‘yes’ to killing the twin thinking you saved thousands of people but only had to sacrifice your one child?


  5. It is rather puzzling to me, Elena’s position. She brings forth wonderful, detailed information, but there also is that funny stuff with Ea and that Anunnaki glorification part. It’s a complicated, but intriguing mix.

    Personally I don’t like Goguen, cosmicbrillance and Illeana. But that’s just me.


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