Astropaleontology in Tibet: Hall of Records found under Mt. Kailasa

In the interview that Dr. Michael Salla had with both Elena Danaan and Jean-Charles Moyen (1) in april 2022, Jean-Charles talks about his amazing story about his visits to various arks. In the article on the Sphinx (2) you can ready about events that happened below our Egyptian feline friend. This article focuses on what Moyen witnessed in another ark or Hall of Records, namely in the Himalayas. The term astropaleontology seems to be coined by Peter Moon, referring to the study of alien technology/artefacts on our planet.

Mt Kailash (the snowy one in the background, 4)

Mount Khalash – Tibet
In the interview Jean-Charles Moyen starts talking about his visit to a place below Mount Khalash in Tibet (3). He says that was teleported there by his guide Viktor and he noticed that everything was like what he found under the Sphinx: there were beings in pods; it was like a ‘copy and paste’ of the other Arks or Hall of Records.

He was not sure if it was an Ark, but it sure looked like it: besides the pods there was also blue liquid ball hanging in the air, which functions as a stargate between the various arks. JP was the first to describe how they during a mission together with the Chinese and the Russians released a few soldiers from this ‘liquid-like’ ball in the Atlantic Ark, who ended up there after having entered a similar ‘inter-ark’ portal in the Ark that was found on the moon (5, 6).

Jean-Charles goes on to describe how he noticed all kinds of crystals on the panel. He decided not to touch anything, for you never know, perhaps he would accidentally wake everybody up! (7). He then explores a bit more and goes through a corridor where he sees many other pods; not just the seven near the portal, but many other people lying in stasis pods. He guessed that it must be either other people of the crew or perhaps people that were rescued from some kind of disaster, all waiting to be woken up.

ET Base in Himalayas. Illustration by G. Metz, 2008 Georges Metz (see 10)

He also names the translucent metal walls and the presence of light everywhere, without being able to detect the source. Elena Danaan goes on to add that these arks look a lot like the spaceships of the Seeders or the Intergalactic Confederation, based on the crystals, the translucent walls (8,9)

The Testimony of Robert L on the Seeders and the Himalayan Bases
In her response Elena refers to the November 2021 article by Dr. MIchael Salla on the testimony of another Frenchman (10), called Robert L, who says that he had spent nearly a year in an underground base in the Himalayas back in 1969 (11) and confirmed that indeed there is such a thing as the Intergalactic Confederation and that they are seeding people on planets. Michael adds that this base was not at Mount Kalash, but in a different region (the Ladakh-region in Kashmir, India). Apparently there are more ET-bases to be found in the Himalayas

Transylvanian Moonrise
After yet another impressive interview (12) on the site of I bought two books by Radu Cinamar (with Peter Moon). In those books (and there are more) Cinamar talks about the discovery of the Hall of Records in the Bucegi Mountains in Romania. I have talked about it a few times already on this website (13,14). What is interesting is the following excerpt from the second book called ‘Transylvanian Moonrise’ (15) in which he describes a tunnel from that location in Romania heading towards Tibet via the Giza Plateau (2):

(book 15, also see Various/endnote 26)

In the first part of the Great Expedition, which concerned the advance though the Egyptian branch and then through the Tibetan branch, incredible things were discovered – incredible for the beliefs and values of the modern society….I found out from Cezar that in the Tibetan area, starting from the tunnel that was leading there, an offshoot was forming towards the surface but it was completely blocked.

Topographical studies showed that this particular offshoot of the tunnel was dividing into two, one going towards Mountain Kailasa, where an old lamasery exists, and the other one going towards Lhasa, the capital, probably having a secret connection with the royal palace. There was another major offshoot from the main tunnel which went in the direction of the Gobi Plateau, but this direction had not been pursued in the first stage of the expedition.” (15, p.33)

(1) Space Arks & Halls of Records in Antarctica, Giza, Tibet & Bahamas
(2) The Sphinx: Eggs, Nazi-Excavations, Spaceships , a Feline …
(3) Space Arks & Halls of Records in Antarctica, Giza, Tibet & Bahamas (video, starts at 47′)
(4) Mount Kailash Kora – Tibet 2017
(5) Atlantic Space Ark Rescue Mission
(6) Joint US China missions sent to crashed alien spacecraft discovered by Yutu 2
(7) This reminded me of the movie Prometheus in which a crew was awakened through a ritual that was holographically shown by the makers of the spaceship (with a whistle as a part of the ritual).
(8) The Intergalactic Confederation
(9) Moldovite Crystal Walls | Galactic Anthropology
(10) It is funny to notice that both Elena Danaan, Jean-Charles Moyen and Robert L. are people born in France.
(11) French Contactee confirms Intergalactic Confederation is seeding human worlds
(12) Ancient Hall of Records found in Romania kept secret since 2003
(13) 50,000 year old Holographic Bodyscan Device found in Romania
(14) From which Planets do our Animals Originate?
(15) Cinamar, R. (2011) Transylvanian Moonrise. Skybooks.

5 thoughts on “Astropaleontology in Tibet: Hall of Records found under Mt. Kailasa

  1. I was reading an article on the subject of how the small greys in the underground bases fed on hormones and enzymes of human and animal blood, which they absorb through their skin.
    While they were, I’m sure technicians and guards, etc., their main task seems to have been conducting genetic experiments with the goal of replacing the human race with grey-human hybrids. (
    This information comes from a book called “The Matrix II: The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology”, by Valdamar Valerian (1990).
    This is a link to various forms of the book at You can download a pdf or text of the book.
    Have you read this book?


  2. Pingback: Jean-Charles Moyen como Centro de Testigos SSP | antropología galáctica

  3. No one has seemed to mention that gentle monk from Tibet, Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, whose books were the first to illuminate the ancient technologies that abound deep in the Himalayas, giants from faraway civilsations in stasis pods waiting to be woken, crystal lighting, the Hall of Records, anti gravity crafts and other device, etc. In those days the malicious British press smeared him and debunked his work. Today the teachings and discoveries of Lobsang Rampa have been proved right, just as he had then predicted that they will in some future time when humanity was ready for such revelations, being now. Please if you could download the extant works of Rampa and update this article I believe your gesture would be welcome by many of your teeming readership. Thanks for your services in the Light (of Awareness)!


  4. Pingback: Salão de Registros Extraterrestres Encontrado sob o Monte Kailash no Tibete - Thoth3126

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