The Ciakahrr are on their Own after the Dismantlement of the Alliance of the Six

The Masters of the now dismantled Alliance of the Six: (f.l.t.r) the Maytre, the Kiily Tokurt, the Eban, the Grail, Ciakahrr and the Indugutk (screenshot from 3)

The Ciakahrr (1) played an important role in the Star Nation News broadcast from December 18, 2023 (2). In her analysis section, Elena Danaan, explained that the Ciakahrr are out of allies in our galaxy. Their partners from the Alliance of the Six all have their own reasons to not longer assist the Ciakahrr. This post provides some more background about their former allies and whatever happened to them.

Elena describes the various members of the Alliance of the Six. Before we can go into that it is necessary to first make a distinction between two categories of species in that alliance. Six of them were masters and four of them were used as slaves. Let’s first go back to a video from May 2021 (3) that explained the Orion origin of the Nebu (4). In that video Elena explained this difference between the two categories.

It is noteworthy that some ambiguity could arise surrounding the terms ‘The Nebu’ and the ‘Alliance of the Six’. As I will explain below I think it all depends on the perspective you take. Here we go.

Elena describes the Masters and the Slaves in the Alliance of the Six (3)

I would interpret the above video as follows: at the start there were the Grays within the Orion zone: the Eban, the Grail and the Indugutk (4,5). They called themselves ‘The Nebu’, which means ‘the masters’. They later formed an alliance with beings outside of Orion, namely the Maytre from the Andromeda Galaxy, the Kiily Tokurt from the star system Vela (6) and the Ciakahrr from Alpha Draconis (1). In the above excerpt Elena also names the M42 Nebula (7,8).

Illustration by Elena Danaan of the Dow, the Zeta Reticuli and the Solipsi Rai (9, 10, p.120)

These masters used their slave races to work for them. These were mainly the small grays. In her fourth disclosure book (9), Elena Danaan presents an illustration of three of these slave races.

In the above excerpt from 2021 Elena also names the Asban-races. We have recently spoken about the Asbaan-Hu in the context of their return from the rule of one of the Nebu and Alliance-of-the-Six Masters called the Grail (11).

Now that we have made this distinction between the ‘Masters’ and the ‘Slaves’ within the Alliance of the Six we are better equipped to understand the report from December 18, 2023 (2). Elena starts off by saying that the Ciakahrr are now left on their own in this galaxy because the Alliance of the Six has been dismantled. In the following excerpt you can hear her talk about the various reasons for all these members, including the slaves, to no longer be in any alliance with the Ciakahrr.

The Ciakahrr are on their Own – The Dissolution of the Alliance of the Six (2)

In the above excerpt Elena mentions both the masters and the slaves of the Alliance of the Six. She mentions the ‘core’ Nebu from Orion, without mentioning them separately (Eban, Grail, Indugutk), the other ‘Masters’, the Ciakahrr, the Kiily Tokurt and the Maytra, and she names a few of the ‘Slaves’, the Solipsi Rai and the Zeta Reticuli.

Every member has its own story on why they can no longer form an alliance with the Ciakahrr. Due to the closing of all interdimensional portals by the GFW in our galaxy, the Maitra can no longer enter. The core Nebu (Eban, Grail and Indugutk) have collapsed after the demise of the Nebu-queen (8), the Kiily Tokurt have had enough of war and want to be successful focusing on their trade. The Zeta Reticuli and the Solipsi Rai can be considered defeated as well after the fall of the Nebu. They are now trying to sort things out their own civilizations. The Asban-Hu are being returned to their own planet (11).

The once almighty Ciakahrr have lost all their ‘friends’ and now seem to face a Galactic Federation of Worlds that is stronger than ever, especially after the joining of the Negumak Gnomopo (12), who form a real threat for these huge Reptilian creatures. I hope to have contributed to clearing up any possible ambiguities in terms like the Nebu and the Alliance of the Six and its members. If you want to discuss and reflect with others on these topics join the Galactic Anthropology Study Group (13).

(1) The Ciakahrr
(2) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 09 ~ Dec 18 2023
(3) Q&A- ORION – May 25/2021
(4) The Nebu
(5) [Elena] Oh yes, totally. All Greys with a reptiloid genome, such as the Eban, Zeta, Grail, Solipsi Rai, Do-Hu etc…, are on a hive type social structure. Yes, like the Borgs! No, we are not talking about implants, it is something totally different.  There is no technology involved. We are talking about consciousness. Although they have individual thinking of their own, their minds are calibrated on a specific same brain frequency connected to a central consciousness called the “queen”.
(from: Have Tall Gray alien leaders just been captured by the Galactic Federation?)

A great book by Elena Danaan in memory of Stephen Chua (click on image or see 9 to order the book)

(6) The Kiily Tokurt
(7) M42 Cluster
(8) And the Lights went out for the Nebu
(9) Danaan, E. (2023) Area 51: Conversations with insider Stephen Chua – I want to thank Elena Danaan for all her work in providing us with this information to better understand our galactic neighborhood.
(10) Copyright notice – The aim of this website is to respectfully spread disclosure information that – if all this is indeed true – is meant to be known by humanity. Contact me if you think there are any inaccuracies in my work.
(11) The Return of the Asbaan-Hu to Oriban
(12) The Negumak Gnomopo and the Galactic Federation of Worlds
(13) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): Galactic Anthropology on X
(14) Some might have noticed that I add certain images twice. The reason for that is that telegram sometimes choses the first and sometimes the last image of an article as a thumbnail or accompanying picture of the article. The image that I find most suitable for an article can therefore appear both on top and at the bottom of an article.

The Masters of the now dismantled Alliance of the Six: (f.l.t.r) the Maytre, the Kiily Tokurt, the Eban, the Grail, Ciakahrr and the Indugutk (screenshot from 3) (14)

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