A Nachtwaffen Colony on Vega Prime?

Rebel Moon (1)

This story starts off with a recent post by Elena Danaan in which she recommends watching the Netflix movie ‘Rebel Moon‘ (1). Elena describes a tyrannical empire with people who wear Dark Fleet uniforms. In the GA Study Group (2) someone wondered whatever happened to all the Dark Fleet/Nacht Waffen colonies (3,4) and someone else said that there were people who claimed that the Dark Fleet also had several colonies outside of our Solar System.

I remember how they were disconnected from their base in the Aldebaran System (5), but I had never heard any specifics of possible Dark Fleet colonies in other star systems besides the one in Aldebaran. I was told that certain ‘super soldiers’ or Secret Space Program members talked about a planet Centurion in the Alpha Centauri star system. Curious to find out more I was advised to take a look at the testimonies of a 21-year old man called ‘John Whitberg’ who made extraordinary claims about his Secret Space Programs. I discovered a video (7) in which Whitberg describes his time on yet another planet, this one in the star system Vega. On one of the planets the Nachtwaffen (=Dark Fleet) would have a colony. This article presents information from that video and it reflects on all kinds of related matters.

John Whitberg (6)

I got a recommendation to take a look at the youtube channel called ‘Saint Olga 69‘ (8) and there were indeed a number of interviews with John Whitberg to be found there. I looked around a bit on that channel and found a December 2023 interview with Tony Rodrigues (9-14). I came across interviews with people like Dr. Courtney Brown from the Far Sight Institute (15-18), Ileana (19) and some videos with Daryl James (20-22). I also recognized Apollymi Mandelion (23,24) and Penny Bradley (25-28).

In this Saint Olga 69 channel, I noticed that a number of videos are hosted by Daniel Sala (29).

I watched an hour of an interview Daniel Sala did with John Whitberg (7). I also watched more than half an hour of an interview that Robert Kalil did with him (30). I made quite a lot of notes while watching it, but eventually I ended up with a slight headache. I really wanted to write a neutral article about his SSP-Experiences, but my mind couldn’t deal with it. Perhaps I am too influenced with the information from Elena Danaan and other people that I use as sources on this website, but the information really turned out to be too deviant for me.

I can deal with a few deviant elements, but he is presenting scores of deviant elements, that simply are too overwhelming and too odd for me to comprehend, or integrate with what I have come to learn during the last couple of years. When certain things are too strange for me, I have trouble really taking the rest of the account seriously. So, for those who really love the work of Whitberg, I’m sorry, but I am more inclined to name these strange things, than to describe the more reasonable elements.

In the interview with Kalil (30) from January 2023, John Whitberg said that there was a Draco Prince that was ruling our solar system.

John Whitberg on the Draco Prince, the wormhole on Jupiter and Europa
that was colonized by us since the late 1800s or early 1900s (30)

He also said that the famous red spot on Jupiter in fact is a wormhole that would lead to all kinds of places in our galaxy and other galaxies. He claims that the planet Europa (31) would be a kind of ‘galactic checkpoint’ that was colonized by us in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He would have served there for 50 years. He says that he has had many alters (32), and one of them lived on Vega Prime.

Heinrich Müller, was the alter that lived on ‘Vega Prime’ in the Vega system. He says that the blue-skinned people on Vega don’t like to be called Lyrans. There would be some ‘real bad blood between the Vegans and the proper Lyra Empire‘ (7, 10’30”). He talks about some technique that the German Nacht Waffen would have to somehow ‘resuscitate’ people when they just died or were dying on our planet. This would have allowed them to take people like Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin and Nikola Tesla to this planet (7, 38′). Tesla would be happy, although he would live in a kind of golden cage (30). Whitberg said that he even talked to him once and was in a class from him about quantum entanglement.

Like I said above, perhaps I am too much influenced by the material by Elena Danaan and the related sources, but there is a bit too much that deviates for me. According to the information from Danaan, there would be 12 planets orbiting Vega, and all would be inhabited. We have spoken about the Adari (33), the Ozman (34) and the Puxhity. Why would there be bad blood between them and other ‘Lyrans’ and what is that about the Lyra ‘Empire’? If there was a planet inhabited by a Nachtwaffen Group I would expect that to be mentioned in the book (38). Whitberg also talks about Centurion 5 as the main base of the Nachtwaffen/Dark Fleet. This would be a planet in the Alpha Centauri system. This planet wasn’t mentioned in the work by Danaan either.

My initial reason for delving into the world of John Whitberg was out of curiosity surrounding the possible presence of Nachtwaffen colonies outside of our solar system. Where would they have been, and what would be the current state of affairs after the defeat of the Dark Fleet in our Solar System? Well, I ended up with a headache and nearly forty footnotes, but not with any satisfactory answer. Perhaps there are other sources who have something to say about this issue, but I have come to understand that I am no longer able to just digest this kind of SSP-Information when it is so much at odds with the rest of the information on this website (35). I really think the Elena Danaan information is much more solid than these accounts by Whitberg. It also reminded me of something Elena said towards the end of webinar 5 (39,40). Well, what are your thoughts on all this? Let yourself be heard in the Galactic Anthropology Study Group or subscribe to a related channel or two (36).

(1) Rebel Moon (image, trailer)
(2) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): Galactic Anthropology on X. Also available on VK
(3) The Liberation of Ceres
(4) Is Mars in the middle of a Planetary Liberation War?
(5) The Story of the Aldebaran Anunnaki and Outpost 361
(6) Screenshot from a Journey to Truth Interview with John Whitberg: EP 252 – John Whitberg: Nothing To See Here – A Detailed Glimpse Into The SSP

Daniel Sala (29)

(7) John Whitberg: SSP Insider Interview – Nacht Waffen, Time Travel, Vril Part 1/2
(8) Saint Olga 69
(9) Tony Rodrigues: SSP Insider Interview – Career Return Program, Technology, Time Travel
(10) I really admire Tony Rodrigues a lot. I have read two of his books (11,12) and watched a number of interviews he did. He also features in a number of articles on this website (13,14)
(11) Rodrigues, T. (2021) Ceres Colony Cavalier. Amazon Press.
(12) Rodrigues, T. & Kenner, J. (2023) Project Starmaker
(13) In the Galactic Anthropology Library you can find a list of articles that contain information on Tony Rodrigues. You can also just type ‘Tony Rodrigues’ in the search box in the menu.
(14) Sleep Induction during Flights to Mars – In the footnotes of that article you can also find many links to other Tony articles.
(15) In January 2023, Dr. Salla was quite positive about a project that was done by the Far Sight Institute:
Very impressed with the results of the Farsight remote viewing project of a possible base on Mars based on a NASA/JPL photos and Prof Haim Eshed’s comments about a secret joint human-ET Mars base. The five remote viewers came up with similar data on an ancient Mars base being repurposed by humans and ETs to build a futuristic society that manufactures advanced technologies and receives supplies from Earth. The base appears to be a largely voluntary interspecies enterprise working with AI which is visionary and utopian, as opposed to the more oppressive corporate run bases previously described by secret space program witnesses that are associated with of a German Dark Fleet. Does this support a recent transition in Mars governance? https://youtu.be/EMCGWR8PNJg?si=b6tWIEEoB25CLWJu
(16) There are also a few questionable things that can be said about the Far Sight Institute. Take a look at (17) and (18)
(17) Bashar, the Far Sight Institute and the Essassani-Resistance Movement Psy-op
(18) President Putin and the Far Sight Institute
(19) See endnote 180 and endnote 186 for more on Ileana the Star Traveler. It’s about Ileana demanding more proof of the reality of JP and an Ashayana Deane fragment from Voyagers II with some bad press about a Galactic Federation. I posted an interview between Ileana and Elena in endnote 180, but I just discovered that that particular video was removed.
(20) Daryl James shares His Experiences with Nordics from the ‘Taygeta System’
(21) The Deep State is Fast-Forwarding towards its Own Destruction
(22) The Taal-Shiar and the Swaruu A.I.
(23) Apollymi Mandylion was indirectly mentioned by Alex Collier in webinar 173. He advices people to also check out the website called Cosmic Brilliance. There is also a related youtube channel and it presents a number of interviews with this super soldier lady called Apollymi Mandylion. I listened to a bit at the time, but I was not really attracted to it. Also see a thread in the Alex Collier and Andromedans Study Group. It might be the right time to see into her information, because there are recent videos with interesting topics (24)
(24) EP35-Elon Musk Receives ET Crystal Tech in 5 Branch Timelines, 2 Orig. Univ. Goals, & MORE by Apolys
(25) Penny Bradley features in a few articles on this website too: (26-28)
(26) Would Every ET-species have its own Take on Our History?
(27) Artificially Changing Men and Women to Ideal Ages – Bradley and Tompkins
(28) Galactic Ultra-Sonic Showers
(29) I believe Daniel Sala has got links with Romania. Isn’t it funny that his family name looks a lot like our Dr. Michael Salla? There must be something to this word that increases the likelihood of wanting to investigate extraterrestrial life. His style of interviewing, by the way, is completely different than that of Dr. Salla.

The Star Vega (37)

(30) SSP Insider, Europa, Vega Prime, Alters – John Whitberg & TSP
(31) The Jovian Moon Europa and the Elarthians
(32) Here’s a description by James Rink below an interview he did with John Whitberg (Super Soldier Talk – John Whitberg – SSP Diplomatic Officer, Supertech, and Archaeologist)
John served in the secret space program under different alter names. Johns alter was sent to Vega Prime and then later in Solar Warden. His other alter Heinrich, is a German diplomatic officer who was loaned out to the Deep Space Fleet Space Navy which is another name for the JDFC (Joint Defense Force Command). During this time, he was tasked with setting up new trade agreements, settling disputes, and setting up colonies within the breakaway. Heinrich was stationed on the USS Hoechkler which is six miles long. His second alter, is Jared he is a is an archeologist in the ICC and John believes he is still active. His other alter Adam, served in in Solar Warden which later split into Radiant Guardian. Adam served on Europa, New Nuremberg on Titan, Victoria colony on Mars, and on Ganymede. Adam served as an immigration officer for our solar system. Another alter Michael, grew up on Mars in a slave colony. In his 20s he joined a task force with many people including Max Spiers who were responsible for retrieving tech from different planets. This task force was operated under a warehouse in the Texan desert. In this interview John will be discussing some of these experiences.
(33) Where did the Blue Gods of India come from?
(34) The Ozman as Skillful Peace Ambassadors
(35) Would we recognize a SSP Parody? – I am not saying the account of John Whitberg is like a SSP Parody. I am saying that it is too deviant for me to study any further.
(36) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. There even is a separate group on ‘Who is Who in the Epstein world‘. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): Galactic Anthropology on X. Also available on VK
(37) Vega Star (Youtube)
(38) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars
(39) Webinar 5 (April 30, 2023)
(40) I discussed a number of elements from webinar 5 in the GA Study Group in the following thread: Webinar 5. See the comment from January 8, 2023 below the link to this article somewhere at the end of the thread.

3 thoughts on “A Nachtwaffen Colony on Vega Prime?

  1. I think that a lot of what we “see” are various expressions of consciousness(s) from a/our higher selves, etc. which can result in multiple universes/dimensions/timelines, etc which really throws a monkey wrench into thinking we are going figure all of this out while trapped in this density. Doesn’t hurt to track down the various breadcrumbs as we encounter them, but I would take the headache as a possible clue that there is (currently) nothing there for you.

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