What really happened 439 thousand years ago? Two Conflicting Accounts

Triggered by a remark from Mona below the article on ‘Trying to Understand Enki’s Genetic Template Grail‘ (1) I went to watch a specific part of an old video by Alex Collier from 1996 in which he speaks in front of a relatively big audience (2). He said a few remarkable things in that speech. One of the things that surprised me was the information that the human beings living on Earth more than 439 thousand years ago would have all had green skin! Our biology would have been copper-based. But there’s more. Listen to this fragment to learn about a nuclear war that took place around that time.

Nuclear War more than 439.000 years ago and Green Skinned Humans

Alex Collier quoted the Andromedan Council (3) as saying that more than 439.231 years ago (4) there was an invasion by the Orion Group led by a Queen called Suti. This war was destructive on many levels and frequencies of physicality. The use of ‘atom-splitting’ weapons caused great changes in our biology and was responsible for the various skin tones (see future article). Nibiru was able to win one battle but was then forced to leave our solar system because of genetic damage. The original races were green skinned. We know this because of large copper traces in your Terran 22 blood types.

The Andromedan Council talks about Suti, a Queen from Orion. Well, that concept is not new. We have heard a lot about the hive-mind and the hive-queen in earlier articles. The current queen of the Nebu would have settled in the M42-nebula in the Orion Constellation (5). It would have been this particular consciousness that would have played a part in the hydra-offensive (6).

When Alex mentioned this year, I frowned and picked up Elena Danaan’s recently published book The Seeders (7) and saw that something big happened around this time, exactly 439 thousand years ago (8). And guess what happened according to Elena’s source? The Seeders arrived after having been away for millions of years, and what did they do? Let’s read along:

“The Pa-Taal performed four major global interventions on Earth, injecting new genetic input and performing DNA upgrades. The three other following important dates were: 424.000 BC / 388.000 B.C. / 372.000 B.C.

The history in Elena Danaan’s book starts off with the Pa Taal some 65 million years ago. It says that the Seeders – after having stored the DNA of the present life forms on Earth at that time, like the dinosaurs – wiped them all out to allow for new life to form itself (7, p.492). So, how did they do it? What technology did they use to create this ‘planet-wide cataclysmic event‘? Wasn’t there a lot of iridium found in that earth layer, and isn’t that connected to a nuclear or a fusion bomb, just as Lacerta has suggested? (9)

Were Lacerta’s ancestors perhaps one of the early Nagai that are described? Let’s read a part from ‘The Seeders’:

Iridium layer – from a lecture (10)

After preserving DNA samples of all of the Earth’s flora and fauna, the great reptiles were intentionally removed from the planet by the Seeders so that other life forms could develop. While the great Archosaurs roamed the Earth, no civilization could have developed on this planet. Some of the Naga reptilians somehow survived and sought refuge in underground caverns and remote areas. Still the planet-wide cataclysmic event made room for the beginnings of a brand new world with unlimited possibilities.” (7,p.492)

So, what do we have here? We have Alex Collier talking about Suti, a Gray-hive Queen who came to our solar system 439.000 years ago to create a nuclear war on Earth, which would have eventually changed the color of our skins. Then we have Elena Danaan talking about the arrival of the Seeders in exactly the same period of time (also 439.000 years ago) and she talks about ‘a major global intervention‘ injecting new genetic input and performing DNA upgrades.

Then there is this other reference to the intentional annihiliation of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago by the same group of Seeders which might just have been nuclear as well shown by the tiny iridium layer in that geological era.

We have to remember that this information was not given by the Seeders themselves. This information came from Enki through a kind of ‘instant download’. Perhaps this is not about the Seeders at all? I leave it up to you to draw your conclusions, but there seems to be something fishy going on here. Let’s hope Elena can clear this up.

(1) Trying to Understand Enki’s Genetic Template Grail
(2) Andromeda Council – Alex Collier 1996 – ( Part 1-2) – Deutsch subtitles (HQ). (starts from about 31′)
(3) The Zenae from the Andromeda Constellation
(4) That was in 1996, but I thought when talking about these huge numbers a few decades more or less don’t make much of a difference 🙂
(5) The Orion Nebula and the Hive Mind
(6) Log in to the Nebu Network with your Personal Hydra Vulgaris Code
(7) Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders
(8) In the book Elena writes 437.000 BC which is the same as 439.000 years ago (see page 493).
(9) Did a Fusion Bomb cause the Extinction of the dinosaurs 65 Million years ago?
(10) The Cosmic Perspective – Lecture

5 thoughts on “What really happened 439 thousand years ago? Two Conflicting Accounts

  1. Pingback: Sobre os planetas que mudam de órbita em nosso sistema solar | Brasileiros galácticos

  2. Do you know about the Green Children of Woolpit? From Wiki:

    “The legend of the green children of Woolpit concerns two children of unusual skin colour who reportedly appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England, sometime in the 12th century, perhaps during the reign of King Stephen (r. 1135–1154). The children, found to be brother and sister, were of generally normal appearance except for the green colour of their skin. They spoke in an unknown language and would eat only raw broad beans. Eventually, they learned to eat other food and lost their green colour, but the boy was sickly and died soon after his sister was baptized. The girl adjusted to her new life, but she was considered to be “very wanton and impudent”. After she learned to speak English, the girl explained that she and her brother had come from a land where the sun never shone, and the light was like twilight. According to one version of the story, she said that everything there was green; according to another, she said it was called Saint Martin’s Land.”

    Leftovers from the green-skinned time? From a parallel world where we remained green-skinned? Who knows but one to ponder.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Japão e o T-Ashkeru de Sirius B (Thula) | Brasileiros galácticos

  4. Pingback: Sirius B’den (Thula) Japonya ve T-Ashkeru | Galaktik Antropoloji

  5. Pingback: アジア人の起源について | 銀河人類学

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