A Food Replicator with Species Scan Functionality

Disclosure happens on many fronts. Within the framework of Galactic Anthropology we keep up with developments relating to the interaction between all kinds of species, now, and in the past (and a bit from the future). We also follow the experiences of all kinds of people who have been part of Secret Space Programs and some people who have current experiences that they also share. All things related to events on our planet are also covered. This would hardly have been possible without the main source of information of this website, namely Elena Danaan. This site aims to help in spreading the information that she receives from our Galactic Friends.

Scene from the movie ‘Passengers’ (2016) with replicators in a cafetaria (6)

Besides all these fascinating aspects there are also topics that have to do with technology. During a recent interview with Miyoko Sano (1) Elena was asked about the food the people eat in their spaceships. It was this interview in which Elena Danaan first (at least as far as I’m aware of) talked about the extra-galactic Hoovid-origin of the soul of Jesus (2). Another fascinating thing that happened during that interview was Thor Han’s voice suddenly popping up when Miyoko asked Elena if Thor Han liked music (3).

In the interview Elena Danaan said that there were places like bars and lounges (on spaceships) in which people have drinks (5), and there are other places where people also eat. Jean-Charles Moyen has spoken about the way the food tends to look (like mashed potatoes), but he was amazed by the excellent way it tasted (5).

We all know the food replicators from Star Trek and all kinds of Science Fiction Movies (6). What was interesting in the description below was that she also mentioned some kind of ‘which species are you-recognition touch pad’ that was part of the food replicator she saw. In other words: you have to lay your hand on a touch pad, and through scanning it, it can determine which species you are from, and consequently what kind of menus are an option for you. Not every species has the same requirements of course.

Elena Danaan describes a Food Replicator that can also scan the Species using it. (1)

Towards the end of this video Miyoko describes a testimony from Emery Smith who also talked about food replicators in underground bases, which also had this species-recognition functionality. He said that the ‘meat’ from these replicators actually tasted better than the real thing (7).

Would the food replicators become part of the technology boost we will receive after the Deep State has finally been kicked out (8), just like the med-beds, the anti-gravity vehicles (9) and the free-energy technology?

On March 30, 2023 Elena Danaan posted her 21th Contact video (10). In that wonderful video she takes us with her on a journey to the planet Nyan that is the planet where Myrah (11) lives with her two sons and her adopted daughter Gaia (12) and her husband. She got their through a smaller portal at the edge of our solar system. On Nyan Elena and Thor Han are shown around and at Myrah’s place she gets something to eat, from Myrah’s replicator. It is a kind of jelly substance with something crunchy in between that were described as synthetic vegetables. Listen to Elena herself in the following short excerpt from (10).

Elena Danaan talks about the meal she received from Myrah on Planet Nyan (10)

(1) Q&A with Elena Danaan 2023. March 8, 2023
(2) Jesus, Jehovah, the Hoova and Thiaoouba
(3) On the Connection between Thor Han and Elena Danaan – See the second video on that page to hear Thor Han say ‘Yes’ all of a sudden. On March 12, 2023, Elena added a link to a man in the US who looked a lot like someone from Erra, the planet Thor Han was born (although a few centuries in our future). You can watch him at the bottom of (4)
(4) Getting Acquainted with the Ahil
(5) To have a Drink at a Bar or Cafetaria in a Spaceship – In this article is a link to a (long) video in which Jean-Charles Moyen and Elena Danaan exchange their spaceship experiences with each other.
(6) Passengers (2016)
(7) Emery Smith – I hardly know this man. It might be interesting to delve into him a bit further. I did notice that there were all kinds of things going on around him, and of course I can’t judge what is right and wrong about all those articles.
(8) The Deep State is Fast-forwarding towards its Own Destruction
(9) Dr. Michael Salla posted a link to a speech from (president) Donald Trump in which he talked about the introduction of vertical vehicles. See Agenda47: A New Quantum Leap to Revolutionize the American Standard of Living
(10) CONTACT Ep. 21 ~ NEWS FROM SIRIUS B AND THE MOON ~ March 30 2023 – For more from this video see (13)
(11) You can find out more about Myrah at Elena’s page on Interstellar Contacts
(12) More about how Myrah came to adopt Gaia in We Will Never Let You Down, pages 59-61.
(13) Would you Prefer the Intergalactic-Only DNA Repair Treatment?

5 thoughts on “A Food Replicator with Species Scan Functionality

  1. Pingback: A Food Replicator with Species Scan Functionality — Galactic Anthropology | Sunny's Journal

  2. I enjoy your posts immensely. You put a lot of effort and thought into your writing.

    I read your end notes about Elena’s reaction to what you said, and the fact that you are now persona non grata in Telegram. You can rejoin surreptiously under a pseudonym. Just don’t post any responses. You might be recognised by your style of writing.

    Yes, people can be mighty sensitive. I lost an American friend because of the issue of Covid vaccination. How feeble is that, not to be able to discuss reasons for or against. He was so virulently anti, bringing up silly stuff like nanobots put it by the companies making the vaccines. Can you imagine the cost? He thinks governments want to kill off millions of their populations. There is a cheaper way of knocking off people, for instance withholding vaccines, and letting people die naturally of disease. This person is against all vaccines and spends a fortune on buying herbal supplements to counteract sickness. The last time we spoke, he was recovering from flu!

    I tried to explain my position, coming from an era where children got very ill from childhood diseases. I made sure my daughter was vaccinated against everything. I left nothing to chance. One of my sisters-in-law got polio when she was around 14. She recovered sufficiently to lead a fairly normal life, but suffered greatly in her 70’s when she got, what they call, post-polio syndrome.

    I have to say that Elena and her crowd are also anti because I did write to her and Dani, responding to something brought up in a couple of videos, and I have to say I got short shrift.

    Keep up the good work. ________________________________


  3. Penhope is Ignorant and keeps choosing ignorance every time someone tries to present evidence.Cosmicawareness.org. Childrenshealthdefensefund.org vaccineimpacts.org dr. Mercola,Vliet,Ardis,Madej,Rebeldoctor.org,dr. Tenpenny Healthranger.com educate-yourself.org,Stopthecrimes.org,Experimentalvaccines.org,Toxicskies.org,Truth11.com,bibliocapades.net,kim goguen gene decode,Projectcamelotportal.com will all detail the FACT that there is graphene oxide and alientech/self-assembling bots called femtotech or nanites in the deathjabs.Luciferase from the Jack O”Lantern luminescent mushroom is also in the jab alo g with carcinogenic chemicals,heavy metals,fungus ,and actual cancer cells.There is venom from the King Cobra and Cratesnake.This is why Monoclonal antibodies and Nicotine work to block spike protein and most convid effects.Gene Decode recently posted a vid on Beforeitsnews.c detailing what a researcher found while examining various products including proteinpowder mix.Vid also details how she stopped the nannites from reassembling after certain treatments.Salini.love and sherry edwards as well as jill matteson have remedies,as well.Kathara based and prayer modes work.Big Issue with Many Layers.Visit these sites for Education and deprogram yourself.

    Who noticed the flying saucer in the background window of tbe elena clip?Why does elena look like an older yenta in some vids while she talks in a cabin looking environ,while a cyborglooki g elena with perfect skin talking in a futuristic looking environment is Supposed to be her as well.Strange!!


  4. Pingback: Christina von Dreien fala sobre extraterrestres, programas espaciais secretos e colônias humanas em outros mundos | Brasileiros galácticos

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