The Taaliharu and Huge Tubular Ships for the Nazi Dark Fleet

( O Taaliharu e enormes navios tubulares para a Frota Negra Nazista )

In the sixth episode of Star Nation News (1), Elena Danaan not only talked about recent developments in the Alcyone star system (2), but she also shared new information about the ways the Taal-Shiar (3,4) assisted Nazi-Germany in their Dark Fleet project. This post provides some background to all this.

Tubular Cargo ship – just a random Impression (20)

As you can read in the historical account on the Taal-Shiar (4), the Taal-people who couldn’t accept that they could not control the biggest planet in the Taygeta system, decided to create a new world of their own on a planet orbiting another star in the Pleiadean star cluster, namely Alcyone. They opted for a planet that they called ‘Taalihara’. They opposed the Ahil from the Taygeta-system and since they are the main driving force behind the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW), they never joined the GFW.

Instead they allied with various malevolent groups that opposed the Galactic Federation of World, like the Ashtar Collective (5), the Altair Collective (6), the Jada (13) and Reptilians like the Ciakahrr and the Ooganga. They even worked with the Maytra (7) in the so-called Jayha Council (8).

Since the entry of the Negumak (9) into the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the the destruction of the Nebu it seems that the authoritarian rulers of Taalihara are now open to working with the Galactic Federation of Worlds (1). They would be willing to end their alliance with the Ciakahrr (10,11) and join the GFW. The GFW would be willing to protect Taalihara under the condition of a change in regime on the planet in the direction of a democracy and not the current authoritarian rule. For more details listen to (1).

I recently wrote an article based on the testimony of William Tompkins on the German alliance with certain alien groups (12,13). Apparently the Taal-Shiar (Taaliharu) – bound by their alliance with the Ciakahrr – were also working with the Nazi’s who had a major base in Antarctica (14). With so much assistance the Nazi’s were able to build their ‘Dark Fleet’ which ventured into space, creating colonies on Mars (15) and Ceres (16) and probably many others.

Below you can hear Elena reveal a certain kind of spaceship that the Germans were given by the people from Taalihara, namely tubular ships that were able to transport complete fleets.

Elena Danaan explains how the Taaliharu assisted Nazi-Germany in establishing their Dark Fleet (1)

During an interview (22) with Dr. Salla, Elena Danaan gave some additional information on these tubular ships. She said that they were designed by the Pleiadeans and that they are also used by the Galactic Federation of Worlds (23) and Solar Warden (24). She describes them as ‘Interdimensional Cargo Ships’ used to travel great distances. Here’s the excerpt from (22), so you can hear it for yourself:

Elena Danaan shares some more information on the tubular cargo ships (22)

In February 2024 I discovered the SSP-testimonies of Jason Rice (25,26). Rice was part of a program called IDARF (Interplanetary Defense and Reaction Forces) which was run by what he calls the ‘Mars Germans’. He had a position that allowed him to know more about the history of the Germans during their early years on Antarctica. He also had knowledge about two kind of space carriers that the Germans used: one had an arrow-head shape (27) and the other ships were cigar-shaped, just like Elena has said. It would seem likely that the huge (Pleiadean) tubular ships given by the Taal-Shiar to the Dark Fleet were the same ones as the ones described by Jason Rice. You can hear him talk about it during an interview with Kerry Cassidy and Tony Rodrigues from November 7, 2018 (28):

Jason Rice and Tony Rodrigues in an interview with Kerry Cassidy, November 7, 2018 (28)

With bits and pieces from various sources we are getting to know more about the way the Nazi’s developed their Dark Fleet. While preparing this article I happened to come across a post by Laura Eisenhower which also sheds some new light on the possibility that the Nazi’s apparently lost the Second World War, but in reality simply might simply have moved their power house to the United States (through project Paperclip). In that post we can read that the US would have handed over their power to the Germans on July 19, 1952 (17). This happened at the time of the Washington UFO sightings in July 1952 (18). What do you think of all this? Feel free to share your thoughts (19).

(1) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 06 ~ Nov 27 2023
(2) Some Myths about Alcyone in the Pleiades
(3) The Taal-Shiar and the Swaruu A.I.
(4) The Taal-Shiar from Alcyone / Jayha – History
(5) The Ashtar Galactic Command and the Ashtar Collective
(6) The Corporate of Altair
(7) The League of the Hairless
(8) Q&A Taal – Who are they? PDF – Youtube
(9) The Negumak
(10) The Ciakahrr
(11) Why did the Ciakahrr help the Nazi’s build their Fourth Reich in Antarctica and in Space?
(12) Hitler and Three Extraterrestrial Groups
(13) The Story of the Aldebaran Anunnaki and Outpost 361
(14) A Short Film: Antarctica and the Origins of the Dark Fleet (youtube)
(15) Aries Prime and Marsquakes
(16) The Liberation of Ceres
(17) (forwarded from Laura Eisenhower, November 27, 2023)

From my friend Batia Gottman – Dan Cooper’s clarification of history is critical for a true understanding of what we all face because of America’s surrender to the Nazis on July 19, 1952. These agreements were crafted BEFORE Dwight D. Eisenhower came into office on January 20, 1953.

Dan Cooper has made it clear: “Dwight D. Eisenhower, when he came into office on January 20, 1953, inherited that Treaty of July 19, 1952. Dwight D. Eisenhower had nothing to do with the unconditional surrender of the U.S. to the NAZIs, which occurred on July 19, 1952. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying to you, or worse, passing on lies. First contact with the Nordics was by the NAZIs in, no later than, 1929.

That is when the Nordics gave them a city in their domain. It is called New Berlin and it is still there. Commander Valiant Thor warned the U.S., in 1952, when Truman was POTUS, about the Nordics. He told the U.S. that the Nordics, then, were in bed with the NAZIs. Commander Valiant Thor also warned the U.S., in 1952, about the Greys. In 1952, the Greys had agreements with the NAZIs. The NAZIs, in exchange for people, including a 100,000 U.S. citizens per year, received technology from the Greys.

Washington UFO Sightings – 1952 (21)

I will specify what technologies at a different time. I know precisely what (the tech) the Greys gave to the NAtZIs in exchange for a 100,000 people, U.S. citizens, per year.” “My two Nazi commanding officers in Dark Fleet, and my White Hat U.S. Navy Vice Admiral, told me what the Terms of the Unconditional Surrender Instrument of the U.S. surrendering to the Nazis on July 19, 1952, were.

One Term divested the power to sign treaties with alien species into the hands of MJ-12. Hence, Dwight could NOT possibly have signed any agreements with any alien species. He did NOT have the legal power to do so. He wasn’t even allowed to attend the negotiations, what to speak of being made privy to the terms of those agreements. That is how I know what Elena said to you about MJ-12 going behind Ike’s back is true.” – Dan Cooper

The Earth Alliance of today would not exist if President Eisenhower had not understood the evil forces at large. In his wisdom he made sure to assemble a group of white hat generals who could form the plan that would eventually liberate earth’s humanity. We are all part of that plan; It’s why we came. Those targeting Laura Magdalene Eisenhower with false information and smear tactics want to stop disclosure. Their goal is to thwart the power of the cosmic soul sauce Laura brings to the table — that allows a healthy and inspired integration of true history with our collective creative empowerment.”

5.9KLaura Eisenhower, 08:39


Forwarded from Laura Eisenhower – Cosmic Gaia”
(18) In 1952, ‘Flying Saucers’ Over Washington Sent the Press Into a Frenzy
(19) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study Group (main focus on Elena Danaan’s material) –  Alex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): : Galactic Anthropology on X
(20) Traveller Illustrated
(21) Exoportal
(22) Creation of Space Arks and their History on Earth:Interview with Elena Danaan. (29)
(23) The Galactic Federation of Worlds – Watch the article in video format
(24) Solar Warden and Excelsior
(25) The Antarctic Germans – An Overview
(26) I wonder why Jason Rice is not part of the Elena Danaan ‘team’. Why didn’t Dr. Salla interview him? Why is he not mentioned at all in that group that forms the basis of this website? If anyone has an idea, please contact me.
(27) Someone in the Galactic Anthropology Study Group (19) was reminded of the Nürmberg UFO sighting from 1561 which also portrayed an arrow head shaped ship (see Celestial Phenomenon over Nürmberg)
(29) In an interview in April 2024 (“ELENA DANAAN – Aliens and Hybrids/The Human Mission“) Elena was asked about ships that she traveled in. She also mentioned these ships. You can hear her talk about it in the excerpt below. It’s mostly the same as in the excerpt from (22)

Elena Danaan talks about tubular ships she visited (29)

4 thoughts on “The Taaliharu and Huge Tubular Ships for the Nazi Dark Fleet

  1. Michael Salla’s work on Antarctica. I think it will connect a lot of dots for you. Also, William Tompkins was working in concert with the nordics as he has reported on numerous occasions.


  2. 60-70 percent of the population has been poisoned. Thousands of hydra creatures exist in just one drop of every hoax vaccine shot. Do not take those dangerous life threatening shots.

    85-90 percent of the whole world is owned and controlled by the Globalists/Freemasons/Illuminati/WHO/WEF.

    Fear is a potent spell.

    Go ahead and speak their names without fear. There is no spell otherwise that can send their vile energy towards you.

    But if you insist with this perspective, than don’t do it. Because you have already manifested that platform from which they attack.

    Over 5000 incredible inventions, including the innovative free energy technologies, have been withheld.

    An entire lost century of humanities progress has been held back. Society has only feathered the edges of 1950-1980’s technology. We are missing 200 years of advancement.

    The numbers above is the close approximation.

    Poverty has reached the all time high. The cost of living is increasing.

    Society has become divided between left wing and right wing political ideologies. Barely anyone has yet to realize that both sides have been making terrible errors in compliance with TPTB.

    The removal of criminal tyrants that have assumed control over this planet must be a priority. Every citizen must rise and defeat them. We cannot just rely on the white hat faction of the military. Does anyone realize that the GFW is largely held back by the prime directive? Every time we get close to disclosure there becomes another delay?

    Why? Where is the sense of urgency to remove the criminals? I guarantee that nobody needs malevolence for their spiritual development or readiness to embrace greater galactic responsibilities.

    FM believes through pain, humanity grows stronger.

    While it is true, that strong people make for a strong civilization. That they may rise out of the ashes as a phoenix. But nowhere in our history was it necessary to implement this tactic. Nowhere in our history was it feasible to infiltrate an already existing age of peacefulness.

    There was those who argued that with the establishment of peace, and the preservation of peace, humanity would continue to progress, without malevolent interference. The source creator finds alternatives around any use of violence.

    They used their dark words/reasoning to only prolong and persist within their corrupted way’s. To keep intact the body of Satan, who still lives today, through TPTB. Never once did civilization need to be harmed.

    Strong people remain strong through the lasting ages of peacefulness. From where do men grow weak in times of peace? By obedience towards the misconceptions of a folly mind?

    Only the adherence to the source creators most favorable desires of everything benevolent is needed and shall be needed furthermore.

    We can now see why the regressive infiltrators are now labeled as criminals and sent to their lowly prisons? Whose understanding turned out to be greater?

    We are fighting within the greatest spiritual war. Unless the biggest revolt against the criminal TPTB takes place soon, the chances for survival appears slim. We need their removal.

    My current observation of this world can clearly see, the many people unknowingly and willingly falling into servitude with the dark betrayers.

    Life could be so much more fun. The joys of civilization, are the joys of individuality. Every time we embrace and utilize the characterful expressions of ourselves, we gift to each other our talents, that effectively produces a civilization.

    When the dark side seeks to place every restriction upon us, are we just going to keep taking this nonsense from TPTB?

    All of the troubles can be reversed!

    Liked by 1 person

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