Hitler and Three Extraterrestrial Groups

In an interview that Kerry Cassidy did with William Tompkins in 2016 (1,2) he broached a fascinating topic. He talked about a group of American-German spies who returned to San Diego in 1942, during the war, to do a debriefing on what they had discovered about the contracts the Nazi’s had made with an extraterrestrial species. They also mentioned another species that was indirectly related. This article presents his information, some background and adds a third species to top it off.

William Tompkins was present during a debriefing session where a number of spies told a group of people what they had found during their undercover operations in Nazi Germany during the second world war. Adolf Hitler would have made a pact with the Ciakahrr Empire (3,4). But there was more. Let’s first listen to William Tompkins and analyze it further after the video.

William Tompkins talks about two ET-projects during the 1930s and 1940s in Germany (1)

In the excerpt William Tompkins talks about a young lady who got into contact with Nordic People. Kerry Cassidy rightly guesses that he was talking about Maria Orsic (3). In a concise video by Dr. Salla you can hear all about her and the Vril Society and their contact with the Nordics from Aldebaran (4,5). Tompkins describes how the Nordics assisted in creating a vehicle that would be large enough to carry forty to fifty thousand people (!). They would get into that vehicle and leave the planet. According to Tompkins this would have actually happened, although he doesn’t specify how many people were on board. Let’s call this ‘Project Orsic-Nordics’.

What was fascinating about this project was that it was not military at all. It consisted of 1,442 civilians from all walks of life, like scientists, shoe salesmen, farmers, top research technicians. They would all have been contacted by the Nordics, probably the Jadaiahil (5,6). These people were not interested in any involvement by the military in this extraterrestrial event.

Tompkins goes on to say that this Orsic-Nordics project was well underway and only later was discovered by the Nazi SS. As soon as they discovered this, they completely took over the project, including everything and everyone, but only for a two-month period. Hitler would have decided that it would be better to let them continue with their project on their own again, without interference from the SS. They could take it over anytime they want, and this way Hitler would not only have his alliance with the Ciakahrr Draco’s (4,7,8) but he could also potentially use the other extraterrestrial group when needed.

This Orsic-Nordics group would also have used underground bases in Antarctica for their project, and people would have flown with these spacecraft during and after the second world war.

William Tompkins didn’t name a third group that was very likely involved in all this, namely the Janosians, also known as the Jadaii Anunaneke (9). It was probably this branch of the Anunnaki (unrelated to the royal Anu/Enki/Enlil branch) that communicated in what William Tompkins describes as hieroglyphics, but what probably was Sumerian.

Notes taken by Maria Orsic and Sigrun containing Sumerian and Templar writing (10).

In July 2022 both the Jadaii Anunaneke and the Jadaiahil were cast out of the Galactic Federation of Worlds because of their shady role in this contact and the Dark Fleet (9). If you would like to read a bit more about the original worlds of the Anunnaki in general try (11). It is also said that the Jadaii Anunaneke (Janosians) escaped from Maldek which would have been destroyed after a war with the Maytrei (12). Elena Danaan also confirms that they were the ones who contacted Maria Orsic (see 6, p.286).

I really love going through all this information and linking it up with other articles. Slowly, but surely we are connecting more and more dots and we reach a better understanding of our past connections with all kinds of extraterrestrial species. Would there be a connection between these Jadaiahil from Aldebaran who probably were the Nordics that worked with Maria Orsic and the Arianni that Admiral Byrd encountered? (13). And what about that book called ‘Black Sun’ that elaborately talks about how the Germans during Nazi Germany felt this link with Aldebaran (15)?

Feel free to share your thoughts at the Galactic Anthropology Study Group or drop a comment below this article (16).

Aldebaran, the star system that is the home of the Jadaiahil and the Janosians (14)

(1) William Tompkins: Selected by Extraterrestrials (1/2) ◄ Project Camelot | Kerry Cassidy ◄ 2016-12-15
(2) For more on William Tompkins see: William Tompkins on Plans for Galactic Trading Hubs in the 20th Century
(3) Maria Orsic as a Fifth Column from the Galactic Federation of Worlds
(4) A Short Film: Antarctica and the Origins of the Dark Fleet (youtube)
(5) In the video (4) Dr. Salla makes a assumption which might not really match with what William Tompkins has said. In the excerpt above he seems to make a clear distinction between the project that was associated with Maria Orsic who was in contact with those Nordics, probably the Jadaiahil (6), and his own contacts through the SS with the Draco’s (7,8). Although it seems quite clear that the Ciakahrr didn’t have a lot of good in mind, this is not an established fact in in connection with the Jadaiahil. So, when Dr. Salla states that the Nordics allied with the Ciakahrr, I would question that, although their connection with the Dark Fleet was shady enough to kick them out of the Galactic Federation of Worlds in July 2022 (9).
(6) The Jadaiahil are only shortly mentioned in Elena Danaan’s phenomenal book ‘A Gift from the Stars‘ at page 288. In July 2022 both the Jadaiahil and their Aldebaran neighbors called the Jadaii Anunakene (p. 286-287) were cast out of the Galactic Federation of Worlds due to their shady connection with the Dark Fleet (9).
(7) Why did the Ciakahrr help the Nazi’s build their Fourth Reich in Antarctica and in Space?
(8) The Ciakahrr
(9) The Story of the Aldebaran Anunnaki and Outpost 361 – See the end of the article for this expulsion out of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
(10) The Inventor of Antigravity Space Propulsion: Maria Orsic (the original website was removed, but here is a copy from archive.org)
(11) Exploring the Home Dimension of the Anunnaki
(12) The Exodus from Maldek
(13) The Arianni from the Inner Earth near one of the Poles – The Diary of Rear Admiral Richard Byrd
(14) https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/meet-aldebaran-the-bulls-eye/
(15) Goodrick-Clarke – Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity
(16) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): : Galactic Anthropology on X

9 thoughts on “Hitler and Three Extraterrestrial Groups

  1. Thank you for identifying the “Draco reptilian group” as described by Tompkins as the Ciakahrr. This has always puzzled me. There are many many more interviews of William Tompkins out there, and I have listened to many of them. There are some great interviews on radio by Jeff Rense now archived on his website.

    Was privileged to talk to Bill Tompkins for several minutes, one on one, at a dinner table in Las Vegas at a Mufon conference, 2017. I asked Bill about the launch points for the Solar Warden spacecraft, and he also told me about the thousands of US Navy personnel and family who lived off planet. He was a beautiful soul!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. NB My comment is not really related to the above 🙂
    Though I have read all of Elena’s books and many of Dr Salla’s too – and I try to keep up with their videos (and those of myriad others!), I must say that I really appreciate your extensive linking work, Joost, and I think your writing/research is of great value. Please don’t be deterred by recent criticisms!!
    Also, I have been meaning to ask if you are familiar with the interesting books by the much-loved Australian medium, Valerie J. Barrow (died at 89yrs in June 2022). She and her husband, John, had Andromeda Galaxy M31 connections. Her 2002 / 2020 book “Alcheringa” deals with (amongst other topics), the crash of the Pleiadian starship, Rexegena, bringing settlers to Earth to rebalance the Reptilian takeover, some 900,000 years ago – but few survived the crash (90 out of 50,000 – blown up by the Reps). The survivors landed in Kariong, NSW, Australia. It’s been a while since I read it, but she speaks of the Leonine Star People too and this was the first time I had heard of the Cat people. Her 2019 “Starlady” and 2022 “Uluru and the Star People” are also still available, as is her website, http://www.valeriebarrow.com.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I would like more information on Aldebaran? I think I’ve read that the people are tall “Nordic” blue eyed blondes… possibly a hybrid of Human and Reptilian? Recently both Kerry Cassidy and Gene Decode mentioned something about underground bases in the African continent and Aldebarans?


    • The blue eyed blondes from Aldebaran are the Jadaiahil, belonging to the Ahil species who fled Lyra after the Lyran Wars. They formed colonies on many places, one of them being on a planet near Aldebaran. You might try and read Black Sun which Rene just proposed to read in the comments. You can search for Black Sun in the search bar.

      A group of Ahil terraformed Erra, a plan orbiting Taygeta.

      Footnote 9 also links to a page related to Aldebaran. Lacerta also mentioned people from Aldebaran, the Ilojim.


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