Jean-Charles Moyen as a SSP-Witnesses Hub

( Жан-Шарль Мойен в качестве центра SSP-Witnesses )

On January 28, 2023 Dr. Michael Salla did another fascinating interview with Jean-Charles Moyen (1). I decided to watch this video after I was pushed out of two private discotheques. In this interview Jean-Charles describes his extraordinary encounters with many other Secret Space Program witnesses. This article tries to the integrate those encounters with what we know so far.

Jean-Charles Moyen – Snapshot from (4)

I love Jean-Charles Moyen. He looks like a very sincere person with very extraordinary experiences and abilities (2). He featured in quite a lot of articles on this website. I will link to some of them while going through the interview. Jean-Charles lives in Canada and was born in France. Jean-Charles was also present at the Orlando Meeting in October 2022 (3) where many of the Secret Space Program witnesses told their amazing stories.

It was during that event that he got to physically meet other witnesses and contactees. Meeting them physically was often a very emotional experience as Jean-Charles describes in the interview, and they appeared to have triggered the emergence of memories of their encounters during the space programs. Let’s go over a number of them.

Jean-Charles Moyen says that after he met Chris O’Connor (5-7) a memory resurfaced about seeing something like a box filled with what looked like ‘fire flies’. It appeared to hold consciousness, or perhaps it even was a soul that could be transferred into another being. You can watch Jean-Charles describe his meeting with Chris and Chris affirmed that he had seen those fire flies as well, but that he had never talked about it before.

Jean-Charles Moyen and Chris O’Connor

Tony Rodrigues is a frequent visitor to this website as well. In december 2022 he featured in an article on watching Nebulas from within (8) and you might remember how he talked about passing through a stargate (9). Just like Rebecca Rose (10) he had his share of experiences with the Mantids on Mars (11). One of my first articles dealt with how Tony described how the Monroe Institute was misused by certain groups (12). Of course Tony has written a magnificent book on his 20 years as a member of the Secret Space Program (13).

In the video excerpt below Jean-Charles describes how he had finished his movie Star Seed Revelation 2 (14) some nine months before the release of Tony’s book called ‘The Ceres Colony Cavalier‘ in december 2022. The funny thing is that this tiny planet in the asteroid belt, which, by the way, was liberated in the summer of 2021 (15) played a role in his movie as a place which harbored people. He did a rescue operation there.

It was this planetoid that played a major role in Tony’s book: he spent 13 years of life there. What are the odds that Jean-Charles mentions Ceres as a (slave) colony in such a way that Tony does only nine months later? Jean-Charles was completely unaware of what Tony was writing about. I guess he didn’t even know who Tony Rodrigues was at that time.

Another thing was that Tony Rodrigues had an imaginary friend that moved into his room through his room with the name ‘Charlie’, which was confirmed by Tony’s mother. Charlie was also a nickname that Jean-Charles used when he was a child. Jean-Charles said that he actually remembered going into Tony’s room to try to persuade him to follow him, but Tony didn’t want to follow him at that time. (see 1, 17’05”)

Jean-Charles Moyen talks about Ceres and Tony Rodrigues

Sometimes it can be a tough job studying this material, you have to invest quite a lot of time in watching the relevant videos and when certain people appear in different shows, they tend to repeat what they have already said before. This was the case in this interview with regard to Jean-Charles’ experiences with Rebecca Rose. We have elaborately extensively about everything that Jean-Charles told Dr. Salla in this interview. It was good to hear that Jean-Charles said that exact same thing; that adds to his credibility. I don’t need to watch his documentaries to believe what he says.

Rebecca Rose – Snapshot from (17)

I was first introduced to Rebecca Rose in another interview that Dr. Salla did, a few months ago in November 2022 (16). I was impressed with her account and so were others, for it didn’t take long before she was also interviewed by Elena Danaan (17) and appeared with other people, with an amazing co-meeting that was hosted by Dani Henderson a few weeks ago in January 2023 (18).

In that particular interview Jean-Charles for the first time said that he had met Rebecca a number of times in various circumstances, which were later confirmed by Rebecca. I advice you to read the article ‘Different Parts of a Single Consciousness living in More Bodies Simultaneously‘ (19) to get a good understanding of the amazing examples that Jean-Charles described.

Just like Jean-Charles’ memories seems to have recovered at the moments that they turned relevant, Rebecca has recentely started to remember certain periods of her (horrible) Montauk days relating to the possible positive role of Russia in the disclosure movement (20,21). Rebecca also has her own website/blog in which she shares her discoveries (22).

The most impressive corroboration was of course formed between Jean-Charles and Elena Danaan. Much has been written about that. Elena described their experiences below the Sphinx (23) and their time below Lake Vostok in Antarctica (24). What was new for me was Jean Charles’ description of a shared experience he had with Elena while in Japan. He describes a scene in which he seemed to be lost in the streets of a Japanese city. He also mentions that he is confident that there is an ark below Mount Fuji.

For those who would like Jean-Charles to describe his visit to an Ark below Tibet head for (25).

(1) Multiple witnesses remember their Secret Space Program encounters with one another. – For the Charlie-part click here
(2) Jean-Charles has a youtube channel which contains videos which describe his amazing experiences: Connexion Alien
(3) Galactic and Spiritual Informers Connection
(4) Jean-Charles Moyen « Enlevé à l’âge de 4 ans par les extraterrestres » est l’invité de Phil Dowan
(5) On Human Cloning in the Secret Space Program
(6) Age Accelaration Technique in Secret Space Program
(7) The Pineal Portal and the Seat of Consciousness
(8) Watching a Nebula from Within
(9) Experiencers describe going thought a Stargate
(10) We’ll get back to Rebecca Rose later in this next paragraph
(11) The Off-World Mantids
(12) The Misuse of the Monroe Institute Techniques – Rodrigues & Fiona Barnett
(13) Rodrigues, T. (2021) Ceres Colony Cavalier. Amazon.

Mount Fuji – Japan (26)

(14) Starseed Revelation 2
(15) The Liberation of Ceres
(16)  20 Years as a Cyborg Supersoldier on Mars & Kuiper Belt
(17) The Two Sides of of War
(19) Different Parts of a Single Consciousness living in More Bodies Simultaneously
(20) Current Resurfacing of (Montauk) Memories from the Future
(21) Exploring the Russian Dimension
(22) Rebecca Rose – Blog page – Rebecca rose is also on Telegram: Rebecca Rose Sirius Blue
(23) The Sphinx: Eggs, Nazi-Excavations, Spaceships, a Feline Guardian and a Tunnel to Romania
(24) Elena describes it in her book The Seeders in the chapter called ‘Lake Vostok’ (pp 387-394). You can also watch them both talk about their experience in an interview they had with Dr. Salla in April 2022: Space Arks & Halls of Records in Antarctica, Giza, Tibet & Bahamas (this link brings you directly to the part where Jean-Charles talks about their trip to Lake Vostok, including his first encounter with Thor Han).
(25) Astropaleontology in Tibet: Hall of Records found under Mt. Kailasa
(26) Mount Fuji

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