The Antarctic Germans – An Overview

Youtube version of part of this article

Antarctic Germans (10)

In February 2024 I discovered the Secret Space Program-testimonies by Jason Rice (1-3). I was quite impressed with the rather detailed timeline he provided regarding the history of what he calls the Antarctic Germans. This article shares that information about the early days of the Nachtwaffen/Dark Fleet from the 1930s to the 1990s.

If you thought the main powers in the Cold War after the Second World War were the US and the Soviet Union, you might have missed a very important third party, probably more powerful than the Cabal and the Soviet Union: the Antarctic (Nazi) Germans.

This isn’t the first time that we talk about the Nazi Germans from Antarctica and their Space Program. You can find an overview of all related articles in the Galactic Anthropology Library (4). You can watch a short film made by Dr. Salla on Youtube about this topic (5), or read his book (6). On February 15, 2024 he interviewed John Warner IV who also talked about the ‘Fourth Reich’ (7). A lot of links can be made between these accounts and the account by Jason Rice which is the basis for this article.

Jason Rice (11)

Jason Rice appeared on Gaia’s Cosmic Disclosure (8). He is a Secret Space Program participant. He was part of a force that was established after 1991, called the Interplanetary Defense and Reaction Forces (IDARF). He has spoken a lot about his own experiences, but this article focuses on his historical assessment of the role of the Antarctic Germans.

Jason Rice starts off in the 1930s in Germany. He says that the Germans at the time were very interested in esoteric mysticism (12), which would have played a part in them opening up to all kinds of alternative perspectives on life, including the reality of extraterrestrial contacts (13). In 1936/1937 the Germans began their communication with the Draco’s (Ciakahrr, 1, 14,15).

They were told by the Draco’s (or the Ciakahrr) that there was technology to be found in Antarctica and thus they started a mission to the most southern continent of our world. Captain Alfred Ritcher was the captain of the ship ‘Schwabenland’ who headed the ‘Deutschen Antarktische Expedition’ (16) to New Schwabenland.

Captain Alfred Ritscher (image from (1))

One of the things that I appreciate in the account of Jason Rice is that he impressively links events related to the Antarctic Germans with world events that we recognize. After Captain Ritscher returned from the mission in Antarctica in February 1939, the Germans felt confident enough to invade Poland a few months later which started the second world war. The Nazi’s developed their spaceships in the comfortably warm caverns below the Ice of Antarctica. They would have created Antarctic spaces that could house 300,000 people (!).

Map of the Underground Structures on Antarctica, called ‘Projekt Eis Palast’ (1)

In the 1930s the Cabal would have financed the rise of Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). After a while Hitler didn’t like to cooperate with the Cabal and their Collective of Central Banks as he preferred to barter with other parties and countries directly. He decided to cut his ties with the Cabal. This didn’t go down well with the Cabal which would have played a huge role in the war that ensued against Nazi Germany by the US. The Cabal didn’t like anyone opposing them.

In 1940 the Antarctic Germans managed to have their first mission to the Moon with assistance of the Draco’s. They were able to expand and build up their base in Antarctica through the extensive use of their U-boats. They had another mission in 1944 and they had some Mars mission with scouting ships. In 1947 they established their first base on the Moon after a deal with the Ciakahrr, which granted them a piece of 20 acres of Moon land in return for 225 people and the worth of 25 years of first refusal rights for their Draco Technology (20). Between 1947 and 1952 the AG’s would have lost some 1,000 people in the construction of their Moon Base. The space equipment of the Germans had this funny mix of highly advanced technology with technology from the 1940s (17)

The space developments by the AG’s apparently didn’t go fast enough for the Germans to influence the outcome of the second world war on the European continent. Although we were led to believe that this was the end of the German ‘Third Empire’ the Antarctic Germans remained very influential. How did they do that?

Some US Companies (2)

Many of us have heard about Operation High Jump (18) and Admiral Byrd (19) and the attempt of the Americans to take over the base of the Antarctic Germans (AG’s) in 1947.

The Americans were completely wiped out by the antigravity ships that the AG’s had developed. Byrd was given the message that the AG’s proposed a ceasefire (to have time to build up their forces). After this president Truman signed an executive order that forced the vetting of every federal employee. Officially to check their possible allegiance with the Soviet Union (under the guise of a future McCarthyism), but in reality to check on the infiltration attempts by the Germans.

The AG’s were well aware of their superior powers and they reached a ceasefire deal with the Cabal in February 1948. This allowed both parties some time. The AG’s had time to develop their space activities and the Cabal probably had some extra time to develop some kind of strategy against the AG’s. This ceasefire would have been the result of Project Windmill II. The AG’s threatened to go public with their technology which would have impacted the power of the Cabal.

Admiral Byrd and Antarctica (image from (1))

Well, part of the deal was that the AG’s were granted massive infiltration in thousands of corporations and institutions: at least one (German) executive had to be a senior executive (21). The deal also established the existence of Antarctica as a sovereign nation whose existence was to be kept secret. The Cabal also forgave the huge German debt before and after the Second World War to appease the Antarctic Germans, which would have amounted to 22 trillion dollars (in current day’s worth) (22).

In the meantime the Antarctic Germans fought with another alien race on Mars in order to establish their goal to establish New Berlin on Mars. They lost 17,000 people during those fights. Together with the many losses during the second world war, the Antarctic Germans needed to find a way to have more people at their disposal. During further negotations for a final treaty with the Cabal between 1955-1959 they finally came up with a deal in the 1960s. In 1954 the AG’s developed Mind Wipe Technology.

In that final treaty the AG’s were granted 150,000 people from all over the world, to cover their losses in their space programs. The Germans expanded their space explorations to encompass Ceres (23), the Kuiper Belt and the Oort-Belt.

Chernobyl (24)

In the 1970s the Cabal learned about the existence of mind wipe technology and in 1979 as a result of a joint KGB/CIA operation they managed to take hold of that technology themselves.

The AG’s had reached a state in which they were self sustaining as far as their population was concerned. It took the Cabal three years to reverse-engineer their own mind wipe technology and through Voyager I and II the Cabal/NASA discovered the enormous extend of the influence of the AG’s in our solar system. This forced the Cabal to speed up their plans for world domination from the 1980s onward.

In 1986 the AG’s discovered the theft of their mind wipe technology and they showed their grievance by igniting the Chernobyl disaster and by blowing up the space shuttle Challenger 1, also in 1986 (28). They then moved all their Research & Development programs off-world. They also would have sent a non-operational mind-wipe technology to both the Soviet president Gorbachov and the US President Reagan, with 1979 written on it. They didn’t pursue this issue any further because they were afraid of the ‘Cowboy’ Ronald Reagan who might as well be keen to pull the ‘nuclear’ switch on them.


The Antarctic Germans obtained new property on the Moon and wanted to get rid of their deal with the Draco’s. The Draco’s forced them to find new tenets and the AG’s eventually struck a deal with the Cabal and they sold them their property on the Moon in return for 25,000 troops that were mainly used to conquer other planets. The Cabal would have obtained all these people from every country in the world who had a Central Bank. In 1991 the first space treaty between the Cabal and the Antarctic Germans would have been signed resulting in the formation of IDARF, the Interplanetary Defense and Reaction Forces. Jason Rice was part of this group.

These were the main points of the testimony of Jason Rice in connection to the role of the Antarctic Germans in the 1930s up until the 1990s. What struck me was the huge impact these AG’s would have had on the geopolitical developments in the 20th century. It also is almost unfanthomable that all this could have remained hidden from the public during all those decades, but they have managed to keep the lid on UFO’s for all these decades too, so, they might have been able to keep this hidden from us as well.

In support of this account are the testimonies of all kinds of other Secret Space Program participants who we have come across on this website who talk about German colonies on the Moon, Mars and Ceres. In one of the February 2024 Star Nation News episodes we not only heard about the presence of the Dark Fleet/Nachtwaffen (other names for the ‘Antarctic Germans’) in the star system of Altair (25), but also a faction of what we might call the ‘Cabal Fleet’. In the excerpt below Val Nek talks about the defeat of the Antarctic Germans in our Solar System and the presence of these two human Earth colonies in the Altair system:

Val Nek on the presence of the Dark Fleet (AG’s) and other Dark Space Programs from Earth (25)

The common thread in this article seems to be the cat and mouse game between the Antarctic Germans (Nachtwaffen) and the Cabal (Dark space Programs). We can find corroboration for this feud between these two factions in a scheme from Elena Danaan’s book ‘The Seeders’ (26). With that I would like to round off this rather lengthy article and invite you to reflect on these matters in the Galactic Anthropology Study Group (27).

Part of diagram from Elena Danaan’s ‘The Seeders’ (26, p.529)

(4) The Galactic Anthropology Library on Telegram: Antarctic Germans
(5) Short Film: Antarctica & Origins of the Dark Fleet
(6) Antarctica’s Hidden History – Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs
(7) The US Military Industrial Complex, The Fourth Reich, and Catastrophic Disclosure of UFO secrets
(8) I haven’t seen any of the episodes in the fourth season at Cosmic Disclosure. By the looks of it I would say that episode 3 and 4 also deal with the topic of this article, which is also described in (1-3).
(9) Ex – Secret Space Program Recruit’s Total Recall…Mission: Planet 1 – Area 26
(10) Created with Gencraft with a very creative prompt.
(11) Screenshot from (9).
(12) Maria Orsic
(13) Hitler and Three Extraterrestrial Groups
(14) The Ciakahrr
(15) Why did the Ciakahrr help the Nazi’s build their Fourth Reich in Antarctica and in Space?

German Antarctic Mission 1938-1939 (Image grab from 1)

(17) Hear Rebecca Rose describe a German Dark Fleet ship as clunky at Comparing Space Vessels from Various Species
(18) Operation Highjump | Mission: Find and Destroy the Secret Nazi UFO Base In Antarctica
(19) The Arianni from the Inner Earth near one of the Poles – The Diary of Rear Admiral Richard Byrd
(20) See the video at the bottom of (15) to hear Jason Rice talk about this. Listen to (1) to hear what horrible things the Draco’s did with these 225 people.
(21) The AG’s would have had senior executives at universities, military schools, agriculture companies, medical research, hospitals, banks, just about anything imaginable (2).
(22) The London Debt Agreement
(23) The Liberation of Ceres
(24) Chernobyl” la nueva serie que HBO prepara sobre el desastre nuclear de 1986
(25) STAR NATION NEWS Ep 17 ~ Feb 12 2024
(26) Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders. Diagram is from page 529
(27) Telegram groups: Galactic Anthropology (general updates), Galactic Anthropology Study GroupAlex Collier and Andromedans Study Group and the Galactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also a facebook page that you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See: Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her own telegram channel which is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): Galactic Anthropology on X. Also available on VK. In January 2024 I started a project called Gondolath that tries to study the ways of the Deep State. There are also more and more articles available in video format: both on Youtube and on TikTok. Like and subscribe!
(28) In the first season of Cosmic Disclosure, David Wilcock showed a video in which you could see some kind of ‘orb’ flying around at the time of the explosion of the Challenger in 1986. He referred to a retired military man who speculated that the Soviets could be behind the Challenger destruction. Corey Goode didn’t think that to be likely, since the Americans and the Russians had been working together in the space programs for long. Based on the testimony by Jason Rice it would seem much more likely that this ‘orb’ was a product of the Antarctic Germans who caused that explosion as well as the Chernobyl nuclear disaster to show the world that they were not pleased by the theft of their technology by the Cabal.

Below you can watch the relevant excerpt (29):

David Wilcock talks about the orb that was seen near the explosion of the Challenger Spaceshuttle in 1986 (29)

(29) Global Galactic League of Nations – Cosmic Disclosure, season 1, episode 8 (2015)

11 thoughts on “The Antarctic Germans – An Overview

  1. There has been some very concerning contradictions from the emissary. This strikes a particular nerve with me, because I do not appreciate inconsistency of information. When civilization is struggling to survive, and by our birthright we should be fully activated. When somebody states we have to work hard or earn something that should naturally be returned to us with no hesitations. Feels like a slap, and a coverup. Bury the old words under the rug, because they cannot find the evidence to back up their claims.

    Elena Danaan Official

    2 days ago

    Ea never ever suggested he was here to “activate” anyone. This concept of getting people to wait to be “activated” by external factors, instead of doing the work themselves and embrace organically their awakening of consciousness, is a DS psyop injected into the New-Age communities to block the Great Awakening of humanity. Something that would be doomsday for the DS. Each sentient being naturally evolves in symbiosis with their planet’s natural shift into higher frequencies. No external factor is at play. If someone tells you they are going to “activate” you, it is wrong, or even sometimes hides an agenda. Run.

    Ea is here to entice humans to wake up and embrace their own power, activating by themselves their own kundalini powerplant. He tells you how to do it yourselves; the ONLY WAY it can work. What the DS doesn’t want you to do of course!

    Ea brought the original unspoiled homo sapiens DNA pattern, to be used in some specific medbeds to cure genetic diseases and alterations performed on humanity by the DS. To free humanity from genetic enslavement performed by Enlil.
    EA/Enki’s detractors are DS agents who want you to turn down his help, stop listening to him, and not evolve out of enslavement. The DS is litterally TERRIFIED of him.

    Always check your sources and the intentions, associations and frequency they show.
    Check not some clowns on Youtube with no referrals, but check instead the true, REAL sources :
    Athrahasis, Enuma Elish, Eridu Genesis.

    I believe that Ea refers to the fear surrounding the Adamic DNA sample that he brought back and that is now implemented into the new medical technologies mass produced on Luna. He makes a point here, saying that if you are offered to try a medical technology that is offering to heal or to repair you, or activate what is dormant in you, well you may as well take it – Elena

    But if this technology adds up to your body foreign, artificial or chemical elements, or offers to “upgrade” you, or even add some artificial elements to your organic body, you may want to think first if this is beneficial to you or if this has an agenda. So, Ea bringing back the Adamic sample is about a repairing. It is not something artificial or even biological that is going to be put into your body, no; it is a frequency key – Elena

    Because DNA is frequency, and the DNA blue-print is about holographic dynamic geometry. This frequency code will activate what was blocked a long time ago and unlock the true potential of the Earth-Human DNA. It will activate what is already there. Nothing is added, nothing is removed; it is a holographic frequency code, a very complex formula. This key is being implemented in the new medical beds and it will re-pair the damaged and disconnected elements of Human DNA, and reconnect its broken Hydrogen bounds.” – Elena

    1. EA is very clearly making suggestions.
    2. The medbed technology is very clearly an external source that is meant to awaken the distorted DNA inside of us.
    3. The med beds are currently on the moon. They exist within a medical facility on the moon. That means there is medical establishment there that will someday invite people for treatment. Is that not inviting patients to be activated?
    4. When you genetically free humanity from enslavement, does that not enable humans to become stronger against their enemies? So why are we not being activated or repaired?
    5. Why does EA not return to his children? Elena has said that he is incredibly powerful. She said that the deep state is terrified of him. Why not drive the tyranny off this planet if his children has not been fully awakened? This was once his home as well. What prime directive would prevent a former local from returning to earth? His name also translates as lord of the earth?
    6. Alex Collier has throughout the years repeatably mentioned that humans will be activated. He has even stated that Andromedans have the ability to download information into people.

    1. She states that activating your kundalini is the only way to empower yourself. Than why is this not the priority of humanity? Why are so many people focusing on other things? Is the defeat of TPTB not the priority? Where is the empasize of this widespread information, that could help liberate humanity?
    2. If the holy grail is a frequency key, why is Elena now telling people that the kundalini or in other words: Humanity must now earn it themselves. She is now literally implying that we have to work hard for our empowerment. Isn’t it supposed to be our birthright? Was it not stolen from humanity? Things that are stolen should be returned.
    3. Everytime somebody questions her information they get labelled as deep state, CIA, or new age infiltrator. WTF? There’s been people booted off of her discussions for asking questions.
      I have heard horror stories and people in tears.
    4. If each sentient being naturally evolves in symbiosis with their planet’s natural shift into higher frequencies, than why is there an evil corrupted enemy cabal hell bent on destroying humanity? Would they not evolve? Would that not tame all of the aggressiveness?


    • Hi there KatrinaJoy,

      First of all, thank you, for your thorough comment. The perfect place to discuss all these matters is the Galactic Anthropology Study Group on Telegram ( I would like to invite you there. You can find a lot of information regarding your point 9. I prefer to keep most of those nasty dynamics and their analyses away from this website, for I try to analyze and present the ‘galactic’ information here and stimulate people to think about them in an independent way, without being too much bothered by all these bullying tactics. I had written a page on these allegations regarding Counter Intelligence WEF blabla, but I decided to remove it, for I wanted to protect Elena and not show her human weaknesses a bit too clearly. It’s the intel that matters and not all the human dynamics surrounding it, with all its flaws.

      I started a new thread in the GA Study Group based on your valuable comment:

      To Rise Above the Chatter and the Drama

      Psychological Factors Surrounding the Study of Elena Danaan’s Work



      When it comes to the intel I don’t believe there are any contradictions, except when it comes to information related to Ea/Enki and the Anunnaki there seem to be contradictions. During my study I noticed a few strange elements that have not yet been answered by Elena for unfortunately she opted to completely ignore me and refrain from any dialogue whatsoever, making these elements grow and grow. It would have been a more clever strategy for her and her team to simply engage in dialogue and explain the issues that I raise. Instead they used the weapon of demonization. Well, I might be making false assumptions, have too little information or whatever, but if there is no dialogue, I can’t help but keep on repeating the unresolved issues with the limited information I have. I gathered most of these issues in the footnotes of this article:

      The Anunnaki Empire built upon the Pillars of Peace and Diplomacy?

      Having said this, let’s continue with your 10-points-comment 🙂

      This is Ea-related so I think we should be extra careful and vigilant. Although I also love the information that he shares with Elena and incorporate that information on this website, he is still part of the royal Anunnaki family, which has caused huge trouble on Earth. I wasn’t able to find anything odd with the words of Thor Han for instance. He has got an extremely good track record, so to say, just like about anyone that Elena is in contact with, except Ea.

      When Elena writes: “EA/Enki’s detractors are DS agents who want you to turn down his help, stop listening to him, and not evolve out of enslavement. The DS is litterally TERRIFIED of him.” in the above excerpt, I think it is all a bit too simple. Although I really believe that the Deep State/Cabal is not fond of ET-Disclosure, I am not sure they are really involved with Elena Danaan and her Ea. Her influence is not big enough, I would say. But she seems to suggest that anyone who is critical towards the message of Ea/Enki is some kind of DS agent. That is not the way to go. I would promote open-minded, critical scrutiny of his work, for it might be potentially valuable. Especially anyone from the Anunnaki royal family should be vetted, again and again.

      Remember that even the Andromedans and the Pleiadeans didn’t trust – even the Enki-group – enough according to the information from Alex Collier.



    • (You can read a more elaborate answer at the GA study group)

      Well, after having presented all the ‘evidence’ I come to the conclusion that this is all but a misunderstanding. Even though I am alert when it comes to EA-related information, I don’t think this thing about activating vs repairing is a contradiction.

      I think it is merely the way certain words like activate and activation are used that cause ambiguity.

      At one time Ea suggests that it is a good thing to activate what is dormant within you and Elena says that the frequency code will activate what was blocked a long time ago unlock the true potential of the Earth-Human DNA. It will activate what is already there.

      So, there is a lot of ‘activation’ advice, when on the other hand Elena warns about activation, especially external activation:

      You do not need anyone or any “event” to “activate” you, as it is not how things work. (debunk)

      Elena’s Post: “Ea never ever suggested he was here to “activate” anyone. This concept of getting people to wait to be “activated” by external factors, instead of doing the work themselves and embrace organically their awakening of consciousness, is a DS psyop injected into the New-Age communities to block the Great Awakening of humanity”

      These different uses of the word activity cause ambiguity. If you would all take it literally and only use one meaning of the word activate, then you could argue that there is a inconsistency.

      I think that it would be constructive to try and understand what Elena (and Ea) are really trying to convey here.

      I would say that one element is about the the difference between ‘The Quick Fix’ and ‘Doing inner work’ as one spectrum.

      Whereas the other spectrum that is involved is about real medical fixing of genetic defects in various degrees. The removal of certain genetic defects could allow the return of other qualities that has been laying dormant for long.

      This could also easily be called ‘an activation’ , but not in the ‘quick fix’ sense that it overrides doing the inner work.

      I think that Elena is trying to say here that a medbed-treatment is not going to make a spiritual highly evolved human being out of you. You need to work on that yourself, through inner work.

      I don’t know how this matches with the way Alex Collier uses the terms DNA Activation.

      Perhaps also see:


    • Those are some great questions….exactly why I don’t totally trust everything she says but I’m not angry with her persay, but that she and her followers automatically kick you off their platform and she gets so defensive and how dare we question her on what Enki has told her? Even though he has come to right a wrong, no matter how much he says he loves humanity as a ‘father’ does their children, it’s not wrong to question it or to point out contradictions in the material….for clairity and transparency..obviously this can’t be done within her community.

      Now as for kundalini, humanity can and does activate their kundalini which activates the 12 strand DNA and also merges the chakra system. So anyone who has activated their kundalini already is connected or done the work….which some get it activated unknowing and it can cause system problems if it is done so before the person is physically ready. So I don’t understand how humans need to do the work to activate kundalini and how this DNA key could activate it initially as she does state it activates the original DNA template that was disconnected thru DS Enlil. The deep state faction knows full well about anyone who activates their DNA and wants to merge with machines. By the way, the death trap construct is also on the moon. While the white hats claim medbeds will come here and they will control the use of them for some time. So is that the same medbed or is the ‘dangle the medbed’ carrot part of the DS plan rolling out on the planet right now?

      It’s become quite apparent that we just have to be diligent and hold all information accountable when it comes to our DNA and be careful what we are consenting to because this consent is given thru deception and of course the prime directive might have been changed, but we still see ‘The plan’ is not televised, it’s not told the truth of the plan but want everyone’s consent to be ok with martial law and then the Nesara/Gesara and medbed rollout….not going to the moon….why on the moon? This just seems like they want to get us off planet, and like the ETs always dangling the carrot to get consent.


  2. Thanks Joost,

    For your response and insights. Greatly appreciated. The subject is better suited for discussion groups or telegram for sure. I’m glad I raised the subject though and your able to allocate the topic towards a group study. Its nice when discussions can happen anywhere and the response is kind, logical, and points people to the right direction. I wish Elena Danaan would do the same and change her behavior for the better. I’m digging in the shovel further. I’m happy to exercise my freedom of speech 🙂 My comment was also related to your earlier article and thought it was best visible within a recent article, than the older one.

    EA did make earlier suggestions. Than Elena turns around and said he did not. Regarding the repair of DNA, diseases, and other distortions. Seems logical, When people become repaired, they also become much stronger. Disconnected hydrogen bounds would imply that we are missing the full human potential. As something fully restored or connected would be a much stronger human or awakening that could defeat TPTB. EA contradicted himself.

    Medbeds are most definetely an external medical device. As any medical contruct is certainly external, including medicines. There purpose is to help internally. Capable of making repairs to the damaged human body. Elena Danaan has stated that there is no external factor that will repair people. What she said was contradicting.

    Alex Collier information does not always match with Elena. I have been listening to him for awhile now. He is of the understanding that the activation or repairs is a gift for humanity. She is now stating that we have to earn or rediscover our activation. By learning how to activate it. But how would the kundalini activate missing parts of DNA? They were literally removed. There is nothing there. Med meds are meant to holographically insert the missing frequency key? She has clearly stated earlier that the med beds have the capacity to repair DNA? Elena Danaan has contradicted herself. By saying only the kundalini can activate or repair our DNA that will enable the full potential of humans/Sol Terrans/earthlings.

    *(It’s a serious subject because I don’t see how damaged DNA or people can defeat tyranny. Humanity can throw their frustrations at TPTB but that’s not going to defeat them. We need all of our potential and our former DNA structure restored. Perhaps you could pin this final sentence at the top of the new thread?)

    Thanks for your time and understanding. Take care and I wish you well 🙂


    • Hi there KatrinaJoy, I like questioning minds.

      My conclusion after reading the various sources that you mentioned was that the word ‘activate’ is very ambiguous. I don’t think that either Ea or Elena said anything contradictory. It all depends on your interpretation of the word ‘activate’. You have the meaning that activation leads to an enlightened human being with all kinds of new (or revived) abilities. I think Ea and Elena are saying that a med-bed treatment is not a fast lane to some kind of enlightement, and anyone who claims that is incorrect.

      Then you have the activation in the sense that due to the repairing of DNA certain genetic diseases can be healed, and I guess that depending on the mode of the machine it can be used to heal and strenghten your body. The main goal is repairing and as a result of that some hidden abilities might surface, as a kind of by-product. You might call it activation-light perhaps.

      I guess the kundalini-like activation leads to a more activation-XL kind of activation. This might have DNA-effects, but consciousness effects would be the greatest, I suppose.

      So, I guess it depends on your intention: if you want to see a contradiction, you can interpret the words like that. I don’t think there is any contradiction, only ambiguity related to the use of terminology. I think this distinction between a physical/medical DNA-repair ‘activation’ and the (kundalini)-like activation through learning about yourself is what is meant here, but I agree with you that it is not very clearly put.

      By the way, I don’t think she ever said that only the kundalini can repair DNA. I would like to see the part where she said that.


      (and indeed, it would have been more appropriate if you had added your comment under the right article, but I can deal with an occasional exception)


  3. Pingback: Frank from McMurdo Station, Antarctica about Strange Developments – Gondolath

  4. Pingback: Operation Argus near the Antarctic in 1958 – Gondolath

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