Introducing the Debbie Solaris Account of our Galactic History

Two people in the Galactic Anthropology Study Group (1) posted a 2024 video by Debbie Solaris (2,3), in which she shares the results of what she has learned about our galactic history. Her information is from her own research, the work she has done with the galactic akashic records and based on akashic readings she has done for thousands of people.

Debbie Solaris has played a modest role on this website so far (4,5), but I think she deserves to be studied more deeply, to see where she overlaps with other sources and where she differs. She may provide some interesting new vistas into our galactic history. It can also be useful to refresh our understanding of the perspective of others.

Debbie Solaris introduces constellations and star systems that have played a role in our human galactic history (2)

In future articles I intend to further analyze this video (2). In this post I want to just name the constellations and star systems that would have likely added their genomes to our human genetics. When we look at this elaborate list we can notice that all of these species are from our galaxy. This is a big difference with the perspective of Elena Danaan who explains that 11 genomes would stem from species from other galaxies (6).

The list Debbie Solaris provides includes both star systems and constellations. It seems that Debbie Solaris had to piece together this information based on all kinds of information from the akashic readings of many people. This makes it all far more complicated than when you have the ‘luck’ to have a contact with a member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (7) who dictates information from the records of the organization. I want to give Debbie Solaris all the credits for her hard work in deciphering the information this way.

Sometimes Debbie uses the name of Constellations and sometimes the name of star systems. Let’s take a look at the list she has worked out. I added links to articles on this website that deal with those stellar origins. You might use this list to gain a better understanding of what we have already learned about species from these constellations or stars. We will go deeper into Debbie’s perspective on the various species in future articles.

Lyra/Vega (constellation/star) (4, 8-13)Draco (4, 49-55)
Antares (star) (13,14)Orion (56-68)
Andromeda Constellation (15,16)Zeta Reticuli (constellation) (50, 69)
Arcturus (star) (5,18,21)Cassiopeia (70)
Sirius A, B, C (stars) (19, 20, 22-29)Alpha Centauri (71-73)
Procyon (star) (30-32)Beta Centauri
Pleiades (constellation) (13, 33-44)Apollonia (74)
Hyades constellation/star clusterPvila (74)
Aldebaran (star) (45-48)Tau Ceti (75-77)

Enjoy the wealth of links to interesting articles below. If you have any questions or comments please join the Galactic Anthropology Study Group (1). If you want to assist in beating the Globalist/Deep State join the Gondolath Deep State Study Group (78)

(1) The Galactic Anthropology Study Group
(2) History of 22 Alien Races Who Architected Human & UFO Evolution
(3) The Website of Debbie Solaris
(4) The Placing of Humanity Right Next Door to the Draco’s
(5) To Receive Arcturian Information Boosts

(6) Our Intergalactic and Galactic Genomes
(7) The Galactic Federation of Worlds
(8) Humanoids not Stemming from Kepler 62 in Lyra (other than Lyra)
(9) The Red Haired Giants from a World near Vega (Vega)
(10) Where did the Blue Gods of India come from? (Vega)
(11) Once Upon a Time, some 950 Billion Years Ago (Lyra)
(12) Getting acquainted with the Ahil (More on the Man-system, K62)
(13) Blood Groups and Related Star Systems?
(14) The Negumak and the Galactic Federation of Worlds
(15) The Zenae from the Andromeda Constellation
(16) Members of Galactic Organizations – This page contains the names of constellations and stars from Elena Danaan’s fifth disclosure book (17). Search for ‘Andromeda’ to see the names of all kinds of species from the Andromeda constellation.
(17) Danaan, E. (2024) Encyclopedia Galactica: Portraits of the Star Nations 1
(18) The Ohorai, Glaideans, Noo-Linn from Arcturus
(19) Sirius B (Thula)
(20) The Anunnaki and the Sirius Connection – Danaan & Cinamar
(21) A Group Visit to an Arcturian Spaceship – A Testimony by Beth Noyes
(22) Let’s Talk about Hermaphrodite Species from Outer Space
(23) The Second Account on the Destruction of Atlantis – Patricia Cori and the Sirian High Council
(24) On Channeling and Discernment
(25) The Sirian (High) Council
(26) Two or three Lion-like Species from the Stars: The Laan, The Paschats and yet Another?
(27) Examples of Technology Transfer Deceit by Certain Alien Groups
(28) What to Think of Channeled Info Conflicting with Current Info?
(29) The Ashtar Galactic Command and the Ashtar Collective
(30) The Ginvo from Procyon – Canis Minor
(31) Discovery of an Ancient Crystal Artefact Containing Info that is 65 million years Old
(32) Did a Fusion Bomb cause the Extinction of the Dinosaurs 65 million years ago?
(33) Some Myths about Alcyone in the Pleiades
(34) Asherah from Ashaara – Reflections on Pleiadean Links
(35) The Alcheringa Account by Valerie Barrow – Part 1 – The Destruction of the Rexegena
(36) Taalihari break Alliance with the Ciakahrr and receive temporary Protection from the GFW
(37) Daniel Sheehan Describes various Groups of Extraterrestrials
(38) The Taaliharu and Huge Tubular Ships for the Nazi Dark Fleet
(39) The Native Americans and Genetic ET-Influences
(40) The Planet Maya and the Pleiadean Star Maia
(41) Comparing Elena Danaan’s Intel Before and After the Arrival of Enki in our Solar System
(42) The Taal-Shiar from Alcyone / Jayha – History
(43) Daryl James shares His Experiences with Nordics from the ‘Taygeta System’
(44) The Pleiadeans and their Karmic Past in our Solar System
(45) The Story of the Aldebaran Anunnaki and Outpost 361
(46) Lacerta on the Seeding of Humanity by those from Aldebaran
(47) The Colonies of the Anunnaki in our Galaxy
(48) Maria Orsic as a Fifth Column from the Galactic Federation of Worlds
(49) Will the Ciakahrr get Kicked out of a Galaxy, Again?
(50) The Ciakahrr are on their Own after the Dismantlement of the Alliance of the Six
(51) The Genomes of the Ciakahrr and Humanity
(52) The Ciakahrr
(53) TLS and the Interdimensional Giansar
(54) Five kinds of Dragons
(55) The Giansar – The Hooded Reptilians
(56) Cleaning up the Mess near Orion Nebula M42
(57) Living near Betelgeuse in the Orion Constellation
(58) The Enlil Faction of the Anunnaki and the Saturn Agreement with the Orion Grays (Nebu)
(59) What Came First? The Lyran or the Orion Wars?
(60) The Orion Wars
(61) The Orion Nebula M42 and the Hive Mind
(62) What about the Blue Avians?
(63) The Return of the Asbaan-Hu to Oriban
(64) The Council of Alnilam (formerly known as the Council of Five)
(65) And the Lights went Out for the Nebu
(66) The League of the Hairless – Grays and the like
(67) The Nebu (and the Alliance of the Six)
(68) Crop Circles and Binary Messages
(69) The Zeta Reticuli and the Asians
(70) Looking Up at the Stars – Cassiopeia and the Dorsay
(71) A New Colony from Alpha Centauri to Settle on Mars
(72) On the Selosi from Alpha Centauri B
(73) Wilcock Interview on Centaurians and the Fire in the town of Paradise, California
(74) I wasn’t able to find any astronomical confirmation on the existence of Apollonia or Pvila (so far)
(75) Tau Ceti Time
(76) The Walking Stick Trantaloids (HAV) from Epsilon Eridani?
(77) Dr. Raymond Keller and the Venus Connection
(78) Gondolath Deep State Study Group (telegram) or see the related website

Let’s Talk about Hermaphrodite Species from Outer Space

(In Portuguese: Vamos falar sobre espécies hermafroditas do espaço sideral)

In an earlier article I introduced Michel Desmarquet who wrote about his experiences with a tall species from a planet called Thiaoouba (1,2). At first he thought they were all women, but it turned out that they were all hermaphrodites! This made me wonder about other species that were androgynous or hermaphrodite and I will present a few of them below. Enjoy.

Dogon Hermaphrodite Statue (5)

When Michel Desmarquet was taken aboard a spaceship by the people from Thiaoouba he was welcomed by Thao, a female-looking being who was to be his guide. In the article on The Other Side of the Bermuda Triangle (2) he described Thao as an attractive tall woman. During his trip aboard he noticed that there were nothing but females on that ship. This looked as if this planet that they were from was inhabited solely by amazon-like women. When he asked Thao about this peculiarity she took him apart in a separate room and explained it to him:

Once settled comfortably in a kind of armchair with Thao facing me, I watched, as her face became serious again. She started to speak. ‘Michel, there are no women aboard this spacecraft…’If she had told me that I wasn’t on a spaceship but rather, in the Australian desert, I would have more readily believed her. Seeing the expression of disbelief on my face, she added, ‘neither are there any men.’ At this, my confusion was absolute. ‘But,’ I faltered, ‘you are – what? Just robots?’

‘No, I think you misunderstand. In a word, Michel, we are hermaphrodites. You know, of course, what an hermaphrodite is?’ I nodded, quite dumbfounded, and then asked, ‘Is your whole planet inhabited only by hermaphrodites?’ – Yes.’ – ‘And yet your face and mannerisms are more feminine than masculine.’ – ‘Indeed, it might appear so, but believe me when I tell you that we are not women, but hermaphrodites. Our race has always been this way.’ – ‘I must confess, this is all very confusing. I’m going to find it difficult to think of you as ‘he’ rather than the ‘she’ I have done since I’ve been among you.’

‘You have nothing to imagine, my dear. We are simply what we are: human beings from another planet living in a world different from yours. I can understand you would like to define us as one sex or the other, for you think as an Earthling and a Frenchman. Perhaps, for once, you could make use of the neuter gender of English and think of us as ‘it’. I smiled at this suggestion but continued to feel disoriented. Only moments ago, I had believed myself to be among Amazons.”” (1, p.27) (16)

Elena Danaan has mentioned a number of species that are hermaphrodites or androgynous (3). One of them are the Nommo who are species from the Sirius C system, which is locally known as Emerya (4). They are said to be the beings that had contact with the Mali Dogon. They are amphibian and androgynous.

While I was looking for hermaphrodites I came across statues by the Dogon which really looked a lot like the way the Nommo are depicted by Elena Danaan (6).

In a wonderful video from July 2021 Elena Danaan expands on the mating rites of various species across the universe (7,8). In the video excerpt below you can hear her describe the way the Egaroth are hermaphrodites. The Egaroth are founding fathers of the Council of Five.

They were present during the ‘trial’ of Enlil (9) and they seem to play an important part in Body-Soul Compatibility (10). Annax is an Egaroth and a very valuable friend of Elena Danaan (11). She even paid a visit to Annax’ home world Alnilam as you can read in her book The Seeders (12). For those who are unable to understand the English in the video, or do not want to watch the video, I refer to (13) where I added a transcript.

About the hermaphrodite Egaroth

The Alcobata species have a rather unique way of reproducing. Although there are males and females they can also be hermaphrodites in the sense that they can impregnate themselves. This only seems to go for the males amongst them. When the males reproduce they activate a certain hormone which allows them to produce offspring but only in the form of eggs. Most of these eggs produce males that are used in their armies since they are a quite aggressive race.

Illustation of the Alcobata by Elena Danaan (3, p.242)

The funny thing is that they can also decide to be mammals. In that case they have sex the way we do resulting in the female that turns pregnant and thus carries a little alcobata baby in her womb. These children are often placed in societal and political roles since apparently they are not as aggressive as their oviparous born brothers.

The alcobata are mentioned in Elena Danaan’s A Gift from the Stars at pages 242-243 (3). On a Chinese site I saw a Chinese translation of the information from the book, accompanied by an image of a character from the Phantom Menace from Star Wars which looks a bit like these Alcobata (15).

Below you can hear Elena describe the hermaphrodite ways of the Alcobata in her own words:

Elena Danaan on the Alcobata

In 2024 Elena Danaan released her fifth disclosure book (17) in which she described another reptilian (this time an ancient and peaceful one) species that are part of the Andromeda Council, namely the Horgon from a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere called Antlia. Their star system carries the name ‘Hats 26’ or the ‘Holyal System’. They also are an androgynous race. Their scientists were involved in the training of Earth scientists on the Moon (18).

(1) Desmarquet, M. (1993) The Thiaoouba Prophecy. You can buy the paperback at amazon, or you can download the pdf. For the Chinese community I recommend the work of Samuel Chong
(2) On the Other Side of the Bermuda Triangle
(3) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars
(4) The Real Names of Various Stars – How they are called by their own People
(5) Bruno Mignot – African Primitive Art Gallery
(6) Les Dogons sont un peuple du Mali, en Afrique de l’Ouest.
(7) Q&A – Mating Rites from outer space
(8) Across the Universe by the Beatles
(9) Anu, Enlil and Enki and the Meeting with the Four Councils
(10) Body and Soul Compatibility
(11) Interstellar Contacts. When you scroll a bit down you can find an image of Annax.
(12) Alnilam is the middle star in the Orion Belt. In Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders you can read about her visit to the world of the Egaroth in the chapter from pages 260 to 273.
(13) Below is the transcript from the video-excerpt taken from (7):

Statue by the Dogon (6). They have remarkable similarities with the Nommo as they are drawn by Elena Danaan, especially the characteristic nose

“The Egaroth are hermaphrodites like the Negumak (14). They are a race with a human mammal genetics. They can reach until the ninth density in consciousness. They’re hermaphrodites. They have two genders: male and female. But they can choose when they
come to birth, they are born neutral, and then choose a gender. I don’t know why and how, what motivates their choice, but I know that they need to be male and female to reproduce.

Annax has a partner and two kids. So the family cell is not like on earth. They make kids but then the kids are raised by the community, everybody raised the kids together. When they decide to embody a gender, Annax decided to embody the male gender, they are going to make love like humans, like mammals. As they are very evolved beings, they are going to do this reaching higher states of consciousness in a very tantric and sensual way.

Many of you could witness the love Annax radiates from his heart, from his person, from his being. So imagine but that’s his way of being. It’s no normal state, it just radiates love, sometimes so much, that you can take it’s. It’s so radiating love. That’s his normal state. Imagine when they are with the partner, they are in love and they share this love and they make love and this all explodes! I mean from our perspective on earth, I think we couldn’t stand the frequency of it, of two Egaroth making love. It’s like atomic love reaction.

And they are one of these races like the Ahel where the conception of an outspring cannot happen without this cosmic orgasm. It needs to happen, because when you bring down an incarnation a soul to a species, that is super high, they can go until nine, you need to tap very high to open the channel super high to the soul matrix. That’s why they need to do it like this. And if they don’t reach out to these cosmic levels of orgasm they cannot create the channel to allow a soul to come and incarnate into the seed, into the belly of the female. The Ahel do the same. It has nothing to do with species. I’m fascinated by the Egaroth of course, because I know one very well. And knowing his vibrance his energy I mean that must be quite amazing.”

(14) The Negumak and the Galactic Federation of Worlds
(15) 英仙座-阿尔科巴塔人(Alcobata)
(16) In Webinar 3 William asked Elena about the Thiaoouba (2h30′) and she said that she doesn’t know anything about them which, she added, doesn’t meant that they don’t exist.
(17) Danaan, E. (2024) Encyclopedia Galactica: Portraits of the Star Nations 1 (see pp 42-43 for more on the Horgon)
(18) The Opening of Lunar Medbed Facilities